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No, I agree with him. It is embarrassing. I don't understand it really. Yes, I know he looked a plum on his first night and he won the Rumble in front of a crowd that wanted Bryan. But that enough for the other crowds to hate on him? You'd think they'd be desperate to see him.

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I couldn't stand Batista for a long time in his last run, before he turned heel. For what felt like a decade, Batista was getting title shots and getting screwed over and over, not once gaining any intelligence to try and avoid being screwed the next time. But he was a riot as a heel. So I was looking forward to him returning, but I couldn't pick out one superstar I'd actually like to see him up against. Sheamus or Bryan at a push, but then he'd have to be heel. Not interested in Batista v Lesnar, Orton, Del Rio, the Shield, Taker again... It just feels like he's here because the Rock did it.

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I think a lot of 'stars', or at least those convinced of their own stardom, will start taking that option; convinced they can negotiate themselves a nice Lesnar-esque part-time deal. It's WWE's own fault really, they've dangled the possibility of doing this crazy job for a living but without the endless travel, and the non-televised beatings.


You put the accent on "b
Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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A good audience really makes wrestling (Hogan/Rock, or example) and I'm happy to get swept away in that atmosphere, but the current trend, particularly in 'smart' towns, for hijacking shows, and chanting announcers names? Yeah, for my own enjoyment, I filter those nobbers out as much as possible.


Maybe the audiences in question are just bored stupid at what they are being presented with by WWE and finding their own ways to amuse themselves.


The causal dismissal of vocal crowds who don't tow the WWE party line as nobbers who are just trying to get themselves over is pretty far off the mark.

Granted I'm sure there are the odd one of two like that but the majority would be merely voicing their dissaproval at what they are seeing week in week out.

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What does it tell the people in charge of WWE when people chant "CM Punk" during a match involving Daniel Bryan? That just screams fad. They want Daniel Bryan and they got him. So they chant "CM Punk" when he's wrestling Randy Orton. That does him no favours with the people who believe the fans are the easiest to work. Reports from the house shows say Orton vs Cena was the same match from the Royal Rumble, except the fans were hugely into it. Its just loud mouths who are doing it to be clever. Its Hulk Hogan syndrome. Hogan was the most over wrestler in the WWF in 2002. Nobody touched him for fan reaction. But he bombed at the box office because who wants to see him wrestle every week? If you were to listen to the crowds, you would never have put Brock Lesnar or Kurt Angle over Hogan. But there's doing what rowdy fans want and actually reacting to what the people who pay money want. Fan reaction and what people sitting at home want have always been different.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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But, yeah, Del Rio looked a bit haggard. Bless him. He clearly needs a new man servant to shave him and press his suits.


Apparently he might be done at the end of his contact.


He's been quite open about wanting to retire in the next year or so and hoping to become a road agent. He's pretty banged up and getting on a bit. He doesn't even lift weights these days, just does judo training to stay in shape which would account for his lesser physique recently.


For the best really, I can't think of anyone more stale than Del Rio. There is nowhere for his character to go.

Edited by LaGoosh
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What does it tell the people in charge of WWE when people chant "CM Punk" during a match involving Daniel Bryan? That just screams fad. They want Daniel Bryan and they got him. So they chant "CM Punk" when he's wrestling Randy Orton. That does him no favours with the people who believe the fans are the easiest to work. Reports from the house shows say Orton vs Cena was the same match from the Royal Rumble, except the fans were hugely into it. Its just loud mouths who are doing it to be clever. Its Hulk Hogan syndrome. Hogan was the most over wrestler in the WWF in 2002. Nobody touched him for fan reaction. But he bombed at the box office because who wants to see him wrestle every week? If you were to listen to the crowds, you would never have put Brock Lesnar or Kurt Angle over Hogan. But there's doing what rowdy fans want and actually reacting to what the people who pay money want. Fan reaction and what people sitting at home want have always been different.



Well the Daniel Bryan thing is a bit of a red herring, I've never been totally convinced of his worth. Paying WWE fans love to feel involved at live events, Bryan gave them that when he started this whole yes yes yes thing.


Take that away from Bryan and he'd be just another talented little mid-carder.


The first CM Punk chants were fairly easy to explain, they came at the start of the show during another mind numbing promo from Orton where he repeated more or less the same promo he always does..


Not sure exactly why a vocal portion of the crowd started again during the Bryan match, maybe they were expecting/hoping Punk to make a run in?

Maybe they see the Bryan as having a connection to Punk and went with that?

Or maybe 3 hours of solid decent but ultimately worthless wrestling matches where nothing really happened had grown stale and they wanted to liven themselves up?


Again though, I find it harsh to label people bored rigid by the Cena and Orton match at the Rumble loudmouths.

The match was piss poor with two wrestlers who have no chemistry together, despite WWE telling us differently. Cena v Orton, doesn't and hasn't worked. Ever.

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Cena/Orton wasn't piss poor.


Not terribly interesting, possibly, but not piss poor. It was about their best effort and had a great end sequence.


Out of context it was fine i suppose but they'd built the match around Orton putting Cena snr in hospital and Cena being out for revenge and yet the match was nothing like that at all. They were using restholds in the first 2 minutes.


The crowd would have probably shat all over it anyway but I don't think they helped themselves.

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