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No but the Universal title might need that feud to start being seen as prestigious

Nah, a big win for Balor at Mania against someone with zero full sail credits will do that. Jericho and Owens is a fine story, but it's never gonna have the "FUCK U VINCE HAHAHA OUR GUY BEAT UR GUY" pop at the finish.
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After this week, I'm a Noam Dar fan. I could listen to him say "Alicia Foooooooxxxx" all day, proper slimy and lecherous.


His accent is attracting the likes of Nia Jax and Sasha Banks on Twitter as well, he could play the dirty womaniser role well.

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No but the Universal title might need that feud to start being seen as prestigious

Nah, a big win for Balor at Mania against someone with zero full sail credits will do that. Jericho and Owens is a fine story, but it's never gonna have the "FUCK U VINCE HAHAHA OUR GUY BEAT UR GUY" pop at the finish.


Indeed. They're missing a trick not going all out and having Reigns go full out face of WWE with Vince and, more importantly, Stephanie all over his dick. They should fully embrace the "Reality era" schtick with a potential Reigns v Balor feud. 

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After this week, I'm a Noam Dar fan. I could listen to him say "Alicia Foooooooxxxx" all day, proper slimy and lecherous.


His accent is attracting the likes of Nia Jax and Sasha Banks on Twitter as well, he could play the dirty womaniser role well.

Haha, I just pictured Dar striding along next to Nia Jax, I must see this pairing now, it would be like some fat sweaty council estate mam marching her son to the Headmaster's office.


Proper Jeremy Kyle couple, skinny little smelly looking bloke with a blimp of a bird.

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I don't watch the weekly TV, only keeping up with the product by watching the pay per views, but this Jericho and Kevin Owens storyline is by far the best thing they've got going on the Raw brand, and Owens vs. Jericho would be my first choice for the Universal Title match at Wrestlemania. Nothing else comes close to the momentum those guys have. Incredibly, considering how little I've cared about him in years, I'd give Jericho the Royal Rumble win this year. What a turnaround these past six months have been for him. In an ideal world I'd have him teasing facing the Smackdown champion, only to eventually turn on Owens and face him for the belt at Mania. Imagine the promo when he eventually puts him on the list! It'll be magic!


This. Imagine Jericho winning the Rumble with Owens at Ringside, the likes of, Goldberg, Brock, Strowman, Cena, Taker all being eliminated and Owens thinking he has got away with it as Jericho steals the win, then Owens saying that him and Jericho could both be world champions if Jericho goes to Smackdown....only for Jericho to swerve and put Owens on the list. 

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I would have no problem whatsoever Reigns winning the title at the Rumble.. Strowman running through everyone and winning the Rumble match, and squashing Reigns at WM.. and I'm a fan of Reigns!

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Forgot yesterday was Monday. Bog standard Raw, I thought. Nothing bad, not much really good and completely skippable.


Steph's response to the CM Punk chants was good. Rollins promo was better than usual. Steph teasing a Shield reunion for heel heat was obvious but funny.


Strowman killing four jobbers in a tag match was good although drew deserved babyface reaction. Not sure "Thank you, Strowman" chants are what you want for a monster heel.


The Goldust/Bayley bit backstage was nicely done. Proper touching actually. Shame it was just the setup for an otherwise pointless tag match.


Owens continues to be absolutely useless as the Champ. Get that belt off him.

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Raw once again felt like a late-era episode of Nitro. The Goldberg plugs, cruiserweights, nothing matches thrown together. Shark Cage match? Will the other horsemen been banned from ringside? Strowman looked great again, but I've got this feeling of dread that he's going to get fed to Roman Reigns at some point. Reigns's persona was great in that opening segment with Steph. They're trying, but I can't help feeling the damage has been done. He needs a proper heel who can get people behind him. Miz, hell see whether Bubba Dudley fancies a little Bully Ray type run against him. Mind you I remember the massive pops Tripper was getting earlier in the year while he was trying to do the same thing. It might just be as simple as giving him new music to divorce him further from The Shield? I can't help but think some of the booing might be because they hear the music and are upset they don't get to see the Shield. It feels a bit like they're trying to get him over on the back of that, while Ambrose and Rollins have carved their own niches.

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Bully Ray should have had a run in the last outing to be honest. He's a decent in-ring hand, good promo and hard as f*ck.


Unfortunately that means he'd be cheered over Reigns.

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Strowman's really starting to get it isn't he? He has a way to go still, needs to up the intensity and look a little more natural in the ring but he's coming along nicely.


I think it was the bit where he slid out of the ring on the hard camera side and charged Rollins with a clothesline in the aisleway said the same to me. Everything seemed natural. Smoothment, intense looks and tight work.

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There are little glimpses here and there of talent doing the right things but the whole show is a mess.



With less and less people watching in America and the Sky Sports ratings being down significantly from last year, I really think that wrestling's time has been and gone. There's no chance of another boom period happening again. The talent just isn't good enough and it's not even booked like a wrestling show, they're trying to make it look like a real sport when it's not. The WWE is so far away from what wrestling used to be.


And i was listening to Vince Russo's podcast and I agree with what he he said about Mick Foley and Jericho last week, when it gets to the stage where 2 legends are starting to look stupid and not in a good way, like legit stupid then you have to wonder how far it will go. Obviously Mick and Jericho are putting the money first, there's absolutely legit reasons as to why The Undertaker and Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels and The Rock only dip in and out rather than be there on any kind of regular basis, they just would leave the money on the table. When you have guys in the business for 20, 25, 30 years and they've not only put the time in but in Mick's case their body to the point where they can't walk without being in pain, to give them those scrips that do nothing but make them look stupid is insulting and obviously Mick's family is there and obviously he's looking after his son and daughter but to lower yourself like that on a weekly basis is just sad. There's other legends that clearly don't mind leaving money on the table because their reputation means that much to them and I think as time goes on the more we see of Mick and Jericho and a few others, that good feeling we had, those good memories are starting to waste away. The way we seen them in their prime and the way they used to be portrayed when they did make a big return unfortunately is being wiped away each passing week.



I know some of you on here obviously take wrestling very seriously. Some of you will never stop watching and that's cool too, it's obviously played a part in your upbringing and stayed with you throughout childhood but I just find it painful to see where wrestling once was and where it is now and it's not even getting any better. A glorified kids show. Who over the age of 12 is sitting laughing at Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens? Goldust? The Usos? Neville? Sami Zayn? I'd love to meet a man or woman over the age of 18 that is seriously sitting at home laughing and smiling at all this? Really? Who in their right mind is sitting watching this drivel laughing and smiling and enjoying it over the age of 12? Don't call it wrestling. Call it Cirque Du Soleil. It's not wrestlling. That's what Shawn Michaels says. It's not wrestling. What they do in WWE now isn't what I used to do, I used to do wrestling, I don't what WWE does now and he's right.



We'll see what happens in 2020 with Sky Sports and USA Network. Nothing lasts forever. The Simpsons will no doubt be done after their contract runs out. Cheers was the same. Happy Days lasted 11 years. The Twilight Zone. The X Files. Desperate Housewives. Friends. Some of the best TV shows in the world had their time, they came, they existed, they made us happy, then they finished. I think wrestling has been pushing it's luck since 2005 and it's taken that long for some of the wrestlers to not only die off but to retire and I can just say this, I'm glad to have watched it for as long as I did. I'm so happy that I can say I got to see some of the best wrestlers in history wrestle live in person in their prime. Like seeing the original Beatles, Elvis Presley, seeing Mohammad Ali box, there's people in this world that you can say it's a privelidge to have seen them in person in their prime when they could do their job and I've seen the best wrestling has to offer. I've the best actors wrestling has ever had and in their prime, when they could do the acting and the fighting in the ring. I don't see it getting better at all. It's not even close to what it once was.


An absolute shame is what it is when I think back to how good wrestling used to be. How enjoyable it used to be. And of course there will be people that want to nit pick at me and hate me but you know it's true. What about your families? Friends? Do they talk to you about wrestling without you bringing it up? Do they heck. It's had it's time. Then you see Mick Foley acting the fool. Jericho with the silly talking. And I sit here and think back on how Mick and Jericho used to talk. Some of the most well spoken people to ever step in a ring. Could make you feel all kinds of emotions and now it's acting the fool. I'd love to meet an adult man or woman and have them explain to me why that is funny or enjoyable. I'd love to hear that explanation.

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