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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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There's a swerve coming with the Bullet Club. Either Reigns took one to deceive everyone and he's actually in cahoots with Anderson and Gallows or they're with Balor and will do the screwing over AJ angle already mentioned. I'd have thought the latter was the money angle with a Shield vs Bullet Club match being built down the line.

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Could they keep the Styles/Reigns feud going right through to Survivor Series?

I don't see the Reigns/Styles feud lasting beyond 'Payback', let alone 7 bastard months down the line. This is surely a stop gap for Roman before his inevitable reignited feud with Wyatt.

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Yes the gimmick is pretty much him being a everyday normal guy but in the ring a Swiss Superman. Hence the suit thing and then ripping it off. 


Not saying I like the gimmick or even Cesaro but that is what it is.



Makes sense, but then how does the 007 thing fit in? It's like someone has pitched him four different gimmicks and he's just thought fuck it, let's do all of them!

Getting close to a Swiss army knife of gimmicks

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The guy can't even look cool walking out in a suit, he's got this weird Frankenstein gait with no swagger whatsoever. The suit itself is so bad it must be a rib, the sunglasses are completely wrong for the look he's going for and he even managed to look like a clown spitting his bubblegum out. He just looks awkward as fuck in every single thing he does until the bell rings. Trying to transplant some personality onto this guy by throwing all these gimmicks on him just isn't going to work. 

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Dunno, I think some people are being incredibly OTT about Cesaro being shite to the point of encouraging me to be aghast. He's clearly not real shite, but his role is one of "good hand" I'd say rather than of anyone you invest real time or money in as a higher tier player. In and around the IC title is his level, so he's in the right spot now. Just hoping Miz rubs off on him rather than him rubbing off on The Miz.

Edited by PowerButchi
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I don't quite get all the Cesaro hatred on here. I think a lot of it is down to him bring perceived as popular amongst the IWC.


He's solid in the ring but awkward on the mic. Like a lot of wrestlers. No way should he be at the top of the card, but he's handy as a midcarder who poses the occasional threat to higher tier guys.

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I don't quite get all the Cesaro hatred on here. I think a lot of it is down to him bring perceived as popular amongst the IWC.

Yeah, it's not like this is a community discussing wrestling ... on the internet.



The guy can't even look cool walking out in a suit, he's got this weird Frankenstein gait with no swagger whatsoever.

This is so true. He walks like Khali. It's hilarious. I think Butch has it right on Khali and apart from Daz who genuinely hates him and Pitcos who genuinely hates everyone, I think most people would agree with that middle ground.

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This weeks Raw was the weakest of the three since Mania, and the show is still too long, but there still feels like there is a freshness to the show that wasn't there before. They're having to try different things with no Authority, no Cena, Orton, Rollins. Which means Raw main events that aren't just six man tags involving everyone involved in a top level feud. That being said, both the opening segment and Miz TV were kind of terrible

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