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Why would he wear a face protector for a run-in? It'd be like Randy Orton doing commentary in his pants. And everyone would call him a pussy. They really can't win at this point. Which is as much their fault as anyones.

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my main problem is that they have had him come though the crowd like a doofus for ages. The one time it makes sence for him to do it they dont.


He could have come though the crowd in his street clothes or show him turning up and running to the ring.

Edited by quote the raven
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Reigns looked absolutely tremendous, didn't he?
My only gripe - wee as it is - with that segment was they should have had them Uso lads and Menry touch his ear, so he could go full Warren and batter the lot of them!
I really think if he'd done that, a lot of those Pittsburgh people would have started cheering.

But yeah, Ambrose. Wow. Give the man a stew and he could be fucking magnificent.

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Only thing I wouldve done different for the Reigns HHH brawl is just as the match starts a car pulls up, out pops Roman in street clothes and heads to the ring, guys try to stop him he pushes through etc, brawl happens as it did, having it after the match is bound to get him abuse so I'd make HHH vs Ziggler a non start then advertise it for next week...ya know a hook to watch next week 

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Nobody is going out of their way to tune in for an advertised Dolph Ziggler vs Triple H match.


On another note, did this match now mean Ziggler isn't getting a match at WM or that he'll probably just be on the pre-show in the Battle Royal?

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If Lesnar/Ambrose doesnt now feature barbed wire and thumbtacks I shall be mightily disappointed.

Ambrose has a death match background so we know he can do all of that stuff and I reckon Lesnar would be up for a bloodbath.


Am reckoning the other Divas match will be Paige, Brie and Alicia v Lana and Team BAD.


Actually think (or hope) that Mania this year could be a cracking show.
I think WWE knows the line-up is pretty weak but I think that will spur the talent on to knock it out of the park.
One can hope, anyway.

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Only thing I wouldve done different for the Reigns HHH brawl is just as the match starts a car pulls up, out pops Roman in street clothes and heads to the ring, guys try to stop him he pushes through etc, brawl happens as it did, having it after the match is bound to get him abuse so I'd make HHH vs Ziggler a non start then advertise it for next week...ya know a hook to watch next week


Spot on. Would have made it a ton better.

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Reigns looked absolutely tremendous, didn't he?

My only gripe - wee as it is - with that segment was they should have had them Uso lads and Menry touch his ear, so he could go full Warren and batter the lot of them!

I really think if he'd done that, a lot of those Pittsburgh people would have started cheering.

But yeah, Ambrose. Wow. Give the man a stew and he could be fucking magnificent.

Agreed. Would have really cemented the whole "Reigns has snapped" thing.

The Reigns segment was grand but we've been here before. They give us just a hint of the Reigns that gets over followed by 2 months of him doing rubbish John Cena. It's like they know what to do, but are terrified to screw up the formula that worked so well for Cena. That or they get complacent after doing something right and we'll received.


I thought Triple H showed he's possibly the best in the business last night. I thought his heel version of the hard times promo was one of his best ever and he sold Reigns' beat down perfectly. Reigns badly needs this Triple H every week; still probably not enough.

Stephanie was again a brilliant cunt. Ziggler getting called a twat by her was glorious.


I think I realised how much I dislike Ziggler by how suddenly Lana has went back to being filth as soon as she dumped the noodle haired twerp (bring it Rick/Butch).


Two weeks in a row Shane has been pretty terrible. His offence is laughable and he always seems to forget or bugger up his lines. Still, I'm looking forward to this match.


I thought Ambrose turning up with a crowbar was a simple but brilliant way to show that this match isn't so predictable. Ambrose is Don and while some folk want him to do the WrestleMania 13 finish, he needs to go over clean, as he loses all the big ones and beating Lesnar is a grand way to kick start a proper title push, should they see sense.


Best Raw in ages due to every segment having some focus and storyline to it. Again, shows how lazy they are most of the time and what can be accomplished when they cut down on filler.

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I honestly did half expect them to have Reigns arrive in a vehicle of some sort and march through the backstage area with various talent being passed on his way to the ring. He could have ripped the face mask to highlight his absence before coming out, absolutely. Why go to the trouble of reporting he busted his nose and had surgery done if you're just going to pass it off as completely irrelevant. Small detail I know but that's just another example of how incredibly lazy they are.


They're in an even worse position quite possibly without outlining the basics in storytelling. The subtleties that can be picked up on at the drop of a hat, I just still think it's important to recognise it's done properly. They never enhanced Reigns really. So breaking a TV over Hunter doesn't cut it for me personally. The whole thing is a fucking mess. I'm amazed that Vince has done all of this. Just goes to show with every single resource Vince has in his company he still can't find a better formula than the current one without screwing it all up consistently.

Edited by undercover elephant
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