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+1, he's been fantastic and so has Kofi. I'd imagine they threw Xavier Woods with them to be a bit of a mouthpiece and inject some charisma into the group- yet Big E and Kofi have completely pissed over him in those departments. Plus, they're good in the ring whereas Woods is just meh. They're showing him right up.

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According to them in the Jericho podcast, which is really worth a listen, theyre all good buddies and wanted to do something together because none of them were doing anything.


They were also pretty keen on avoiding the classic black stereotypes. That went well

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I'm not too sure about Xavier not being as good. I think he has been the glue that's kept them together during all this. He may not offer much in the ring (although by no means is he terrible) but his antics at ring side and talking has helped them massively. I could never take Kofi or Big E seriously and to an extent felt neither could be rescued but Xavier has stood out to me and was the first of the three to really push the boundaries with the gimmick and the confidence has rubbed off on the other two. 


Anyone who has seen the WWE 24/7 documentary thing about NXT will also know how talented Xavier Woods is as a character/actor. He's brilliant. 

Edited by Briefcase
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The main test will come when the WWE split them up as they seem to do with every successful team. Mixed results for the Wyatts/Shield when that happened. Would be nice to see one of them get a singles title and have the others with the tag straps back them up. Could inject a bit of life into the secondary belt divisions with them staying together rather than turning.


Highly entertaining which surprised me because Kofi has been a fast forward cue when watching in the past.

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Big E should have a singles run with New Day by his side,and Kofi and Woods perpetually after those tag titles

The other two wiould do a great job of talking E up (LOOK AT THAT TRICEP MEAT!) and I think he would be the one to pick as the babyface who separates from the group (though hopefully not for ages)


Wanna see E get more offence in the ring in general, he does seem to get thrown around quite a lot for someone so... big

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I was a bit disappointed by this show. If you're going to advertise Eddie Guerrero then for fucks sake, use him. I'm reporting them to trading standard. Bastard bait and switch tactics.


Really good go-home for the Cena match with whatshisname and the Lesnar/Taker match. Heyman was on good form as usual. That little recap made Stardust/Barrett vs. Neville/Arrow sound miles better than it has any right too.


The rest was a by the numbers stuff. Nothing bad but nothing that felt like it needed watching.


I know this makes me a miserable cunt but I'm not sold on SummerSlam. Taker/Lesnar is the only big attraction. I'm hoping Cena wins but I'm not desperate to see it. Nothing else has any pull.


The worst is Orton/Sheamus. I have no idea at all why we're supposed to care about this when Orton beats Sheamus all the time and there is nothing on the line. Stick the briefcase on a pole or something.


SummerSlam needs Russo'ing.

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