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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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It seems like they're starting to put some of them into the HOF as their characters rather than the actual person.  I'm sure that Deb will be quite pissed about being inducted as Alundra instead of Madusa.  But at the end of the day they still get a nice cheque when they agree to go into the HOF.


Kevin Nash is rumoured to be the final inductee this year, but I assume he'll go in as Diesel.

Edited by Glass Smash
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Still scratching my head on the Cena/Steph segment. They may as well pull the pin and go full turn if they've gone down this road. The lowest point in character for Cena in my view. I sat watching in a perplexed way where I was dumbfounded where this was going.


I want to see an all in Cena turn if that day ever arrives, otherwise a watered down tweener move would not be worth the tv times. But what the fuck are we meant to be thinking here? Very odd direction!

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Still scratching my head on the Cena/Steph segment. They may as well pull the pin and go full turn if they've gone down this road. The lowest point in character for Cena in my view. I sat watching in a perplexed way where I was dumbfounded where this was going.


I want to see an all in Cena turn if that day ever arrives, otherwise a watered down tweener move would not be worth the tv times. But what the fuck are we meant to be thinking here? Very odd direction!


Yeah this was bat shit wasn't it? Steph should not be playing for cheers against Cena.


I mean FFS this is actually the ONE feud where the heel is compelling enough that the crowd may get caught up in it and actually have the majority get behind Cena (or at least be pro USA). 


On the turning Cena heel front, this may be in the offing if they go the way I THINK they might. (I still don't think they'll turn him but . . .)


If Cena walks out with US title. Bryan walks out with the IC title after Mania. Both guys strongly defend their titles up until Summerslam. Unification match between the two. Cena screws over Bryan somehow or snaps after losing. In this (highly speculative) scenario it's still more likely Cena takes defeat like a man. 


But, fuck me, it would go a long way to putting some polish on the mid card belts. 

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Bray Wyatt has really upped his game for this match with The Undertaker. His promo's have been excellent, compared to his usual ramblings we can't make much sense of anyway. And the latest visuals with caskets and flames have really added to his segments.

I'll tell you what took away from that segment, JBL blurting out 'is The Undertaker in there?' When Bray set fire to the coffin. Same as his 'he's not here that's just a video,' when Sting came down the other month

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My thoughts -


Cena doesn't want the US title - he wants to avenge his loss to Rus-maga. Rusev's first pin fall loss will be to Curtis Axel on a Raw or Smackdown after Cena interferes and costs Rusev the belt. Angry Rusev agrees to Mania match for Cena's revenge

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Just looking at Austin's Tuesdays Podcast despription and it says they talk about Brock walking out of RAW this week and how it might affect WrestleMania 31!!


Did that happen? He wasn't meant to be on Raw (March 2nd) was he?  

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My thoughts -


Cena doesn't want the US title - he wants to avenge his loss to Rus-maga. Rusev's first pin fall loss will be to Curtis Axel on a Raw or Smackdown after Cena interferes and costs Rusev the belt. Angry Rusev agrees to Mania match for Cena's revenge


In theory I would say this works but they've done such a good job of building up Rusev it would be a waste for him to lose that first pinfall on free telly to a nobody that will be no better off for it inside a month. Actually, there's a very fine line between "isn't good enough to deserve it" and "is established enough to not benefit from it" - which is the side of the line that Cena falls squarely on. Tough one.


Then again, people complain that Cena just steamrolls people and you never doubt that he's going to get through his obstacle - that they've done such a good job with Rusev to make him worth beating and cast some doubt as to if Cena could beat him - and in fact had Rusev win their first match in an almost-clean manner - there's really no win, some people would complain either way. Personally, I've got no problems if Cena is the one to knock him off. It makes Rusev look strong in retrospect that it needed someone of Cena's calibre to pin him the first time.

Edited by air_raid
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It's been quite obvious for some time that Rusev was going to be fed to Cena on the grand stage.  Once Cena beats him at Mania (cause it will happen) where does that leave Rusev. His whole gimmick has been based on his undefeated streak.


No, it hasn't. That's helped, but it can be a hinderance, really. His gimmick is based off of him being an anti-American heel who can really back it up — I don't want him to lose, and done wrong it could cut his nuts right off, but it certainly won't kill him.

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I'd go all the way with Rusev. Have him beat Cena at Mania, challenge Reigns at Survivors then do Cena - Rusev for the belt at the Rumble.

Make it that, when he finally loses, its for something significant. Cant buy Cena wanting the US title when they make so much of him been a gadzillion time world champion.


If he loses to Cena at Mania, then what? challenge for the US belt again and who would Cena drop the US belt to if not Rusev. Just ends his streak for the purpose of a good old USA win at Mania over the commie Red


That said if they drag Ivan Koloff out to do training videos with him ala Nikita Koloff vs Flair at the GAB then im up for it

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