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Yeah but it's hardly the same thing. Taker vs Lesnar is a great match up on paper and in the ring, regardless of the foregone conclusion of the streak. Cesaro vs Lesnar? Nope. Not having it. It would be ridiculous. Straight after WM30, maybe, but after seeing Cesaro come up short against the likes of Sheamus and co, its madness that he'd go up against Lesnar.

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Yeah but it's hardly the same thing. Taker vs Lesnar is a great match up on paper and in the ring, regardless of the foregone conclusion of the streak. Cesaro vs Lesnar? Nope. Not having it. It would be ridiculous. Straight after WM30, maybe, but after seeing Cesaro come up short against the likes of Sheamus and co, its madness that he'd go up against Lesnar.


They have a month and a half to build him before the build up to SummerSlam.

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I got no doubt Lesnar is wrestling at Summerslam for the title. No whether Bryan comes back inbetween and wins the title so he can be the one as for me he is the obvious choice but with the injury he picked up can't be sure on his return. I think Cena will end up winning the title and it be him and Lesnar again.

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Lesnar has to go unbeaten until Mania 31 for me. Having him lose at a non-entity PPV like Night of Champions or Hell in the Cell would be a bad move and would hugely devalue his ending of the Streak in my opinion. He has to drop the belt at Mania to a Roman Reigns or a Cesaro.

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They have missed a trick with Cessaro. He should be the one holding the briefcase "if" Lesnar wins the title. Him building tension and eventually cashing in and turning his back on Heyman would be great. Been done before loads of times, but it was only a couple months ago that fans were begging to cheer him. Imagine that pop he would get doing the big swing on Lesnar.

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If Brock is up for working a PPV main event every month from SummerSlam to Mania 31 they should definitely do it, even if he doesn't work at all apart from that.


If they don't use Lesnar to draw buys and network subscriptions to their B shows - i.e. the shows which don't draw on brand alone like Mania and the Rumble - then giving him the streak starts to look a bit of a waste, as much fun as it was to see.

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Brock is a heel, with a manager and we all know he is only in it for the money.


No doubt it's his biggest reason, he's a businessman after all. But saying it's the only reason is harsh. Look at his work in Japan, he absolutely phoned it in. He makes an effort with WWE, and often a great one at that.

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If Brock is up for working a PPV main event every month from SummerSlam to Mania 31 they should definitely do it, even if he doesn't work at all apart from that.


If they don't use Lesnar to draw buys and network subscriptions to their B shows - i.e. the shows which don't draw on brand alone like Mania and the Rumble - then giving him the streak starts to look a bit of a waste, as much fun as it was to see.

The A shows (in terms of network subscriptions) are WrestleMania, Night of Champions and Hell in a Cell. The others don't matter as much, and WWE needs him on those shows, unless they've got something else brilliant planned. And WrestleMania 31 would probably suffer if it was his ninth consecutive PPV appearance -- possibly depending on how they built a challenger, of course. In all likelihood, it's moot because he hasn't signed on to do nine matches in that timeframe, so as a special attraction, he'd have to win and lose the belt in the space of two or three months this summer/autumn.

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