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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Someone mentioned (rick I think) that Reigns was wrong for being annoyed at Ambrose initially getting involved. Not really, Ambrose has previous for doing that when his mate was in control and causing a loss. Reigns weren't prepared to let it happen again.

Yeah that was me. It would have been fine if the situation was as you describe but it wasn't. Wyatt was coming in illegally to attack Rollins and Ambrose intercepted him. So if Ambrose behaves as Reigns wants him too, the two of them stand there and watch Rollins get a kick-in?


No problem with the second time when Ambrose went to fight Wyatt on the outside, that made sense. And provided a great straw that broke Rollins back moment when there was no-one there to tag.


Can't agree with Gladders that it was better than the original but he's right about the pace - it was frenetic.

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My laptop threw a wobbler which meant instead of torrenting I had to go looking for Raw on DailyMotion. Almost every video labelled 'Raw March 3 2014' featured the same thumbnail of Punk in a black t-shirt that I didn't recognise, so I was 100% sure he'd come back on the night.


Seeing the excellent show they put on safe in the knowledge that Punk was coming back at the end I was sat thinking 'this is the best episode of Raw I've ever seen.' I couldn't really believe it when the copyright notice came up at the end. It's a shame because H was note perfect in the closing segment.


I continue to be bemused by Daniel Bryan's popularity. He's been the least likable character on the show for ages and he's not making any effort to improve on the mic.


Rollins being the one to escalate the Shield break-up was a very clever move which saves him from seeming a passive party when it all goes down. Could've been quite debilitating for him.

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Bryan's just not that believable on the mic when he has to make a point. He's good at the "I'M HAPPY TO BE HERE" smiley bit, but that doesn't work too well with his current storyline. He's been like it since NXT as well, he's always on the verge of smiling and giggling. Now's the time for him to step it up though. If he could pull off a money promo, I think he'd be set for life.

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I wonder sometimes if they've given Bryan a bit too much free reign on the mic because the same leeway paid off with Punk in the past. Either way, however his promos are getting put together, it ain't working. Which is a bloody shame, because as Pitcos said above, it's the only missing piece of the puzzle.

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You'd really think that with those arena shaking reactions he's been getting, his confidence would be so high that an ability for him to wow - or even improve - on the mic would just fall into place.

Like yiz all, I think there is another way to play the humble everyman besides the 'shucks' smile to the fans and whiny promo's towards The Authority.

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He can do really good promos as well. He did some great stuff on NXT and, although it was in a different context, his Team Hell No stuff and that confrontation with The Rock was excellent. He's just repeating the same old shit now.

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Could it not be a case of 'if it's not broken?'. Given the reaction he's getting I'd be surprised if the writers/producers would want Bryan to change up anything he's doing right now.


Loved RAW this week, I've not been this invested in WWE for years.

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He can do really good promos as well. He did some great stuff on NXT and, although it was in a different context, his Team Hell No stuff and that confrontation with The Rock was excellent. He's just repeating the same old shit now.


is that the one from RAW #1000?


His 'what the fuck are you doing here?' face was great

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He can do really good promos as well. He did some great stuff on NXT and, although it was in a different context, his Team Hell No stuff and that confrontation with The Rock was excellent. He's just repeating the same old shit now.



Yeah, I really liked his bit with The Rock. I thought he was utterly fantastic in that. He said to Rock 'Somehow, someway come the Royal Rumble, i'll be the WWE champion' with such conviction I was inclined to believe him. People seemed to hate that whole segment in general at the time and thought it was burying Bryan. I loved it personally, felt like a real moment of different eras meeting and thought it went a long way in nudging D-Bry towards that next level.


I'm not a fan of him being presented as a moanyarse like CM Punk to get his title shots and hate his goofy smiling along with the crowd, he is pretty capable on the mic and had some really decent bits when heel.

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Bryan did the moany little troll thing better as a heel because he was meant to be a whiny, entitled, little buffoon. He could really push it. As a babyface, you have to be a bit cleverer with your moaning. He's basically a bit of a rubbish promo when he's not playing a comedy character. Not Benoit-rubbish or even Orton-rubbish, but he's light years away from Cena and Punk. Maybe it doesn't matter, but it probably does, because he's living off two words at the moment.


Could it not be a case of 'if it's not broken?'. Given the reaction he's getting I'd be surprised if the writers/producers would want Bryan to change up anything he's doing right now.

Depends if he's started actually moving numbers lately. If people still aren't tuning in in any great numbers for his segments, then he should still be getting feedback and guidance all the time.

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Not sure if this has been posted but when Lesnar decided to destroy the announcers table, he somehow managed to throw a monitor over the ring, through the ropes, bounce it of the floor and into the crowd...

Edited by extacy of farts
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Bryan did the moany little troll thing better as a heel because he was meant to be a whiny, entitled, little buffoon. He could really push it. As a babyface, you have to be a bit cleverer with your moaning. He's basically a bit of a rubbish promo when he's not playing a comedy character. Not Benoit-rubbish or even Orton-rubbish, but he's light years away from Cena and Punk. Maybe it doesn't matter, but it probably does, because he's living off two words at the moment.



When you put it like that, sounds like Kurt Angle (in WWE.. I haven't watched enough TNA to say)

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With everyone ragging on Daniel Bryan's promos, here's a question: excluding John Cena and The Rock, has there been anyone in the last few years who has been able to play a high level, competitive babyface with any skill? People started moaning about CM Punk as soon as he turned, Sheamus was terribly dull, ADR was poor... I genuinely struggle to think of any modern superstars who managed to pull off the fired-up babyface routine for longer than five minutes without it becoming boring.

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