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He might be back next week. 7 days is a long time in wrestling. The big thing is, they've set up Bryan vs HHH. Which for me sort of ruins the idea of what they had for Punk at WrestleMania. What's being battered about is that if they get Punk it'd be HHH and Punk, and Bryan vs Kane where if he beats Kane he'll get added to the main event. But they've just done Kane vs Bryan, so it looks as if they'll be doing the Goldberg/Scott Hall match where if he beats HHH he goes onto the main event. They've arranged the pieces to the point where you think "what can they do with Punk if they have him"? They've set up all the big matches, really. Bryan needs to win the title, so he'll probably be added to the Orton/Batista match. HHH has an opponent. Cena has an opponent. Lesnar and Undertaker are wrestling. It seems like plans are already set in motion.

While I agree with the above, if WWE do not manage to talk Punk into being on Raw next week then it could end up being a very interesting show (where everything they try to do will be met with CM Punk chants).


Even if Punk does not want to wrestle again for a while, surely the least both WWE and Punk should be able to sort out is an appearence from him next week. He could give a honest speech about how he is worn out and broken down and will be going away for a while, and hopefully will be back when he feels he can give the fans 100% again.

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That's never happening. What's the point in bringing him back if he's going to go away again? The people can chant it all they want, that lot prove that they keep showing up no matter who is on the shows. So let them chant it. Thing with WWE is, CM Punk is a contracted wrestler. They more they cry the bigger the impact when he returns. Its not like they are doing "We Want Benoit/Daniel Deserved" dueling chants. I bet they dont care half as much about CM Punk chants as what people think they do. The reaction to Batista and Orton (if they are doing a singles match) is far more of a worry.


Anyway fuck the fans. He hates most of his own fan base. He said as much a load of times in interviews. He portrays a bloke who is like one of the people. A scruffy little bloke who isn't a 6'6" bodybuilder. Its part of his appeal, and therefor his fans think he's their mate and bother him at airports and demand autographs from him and shit. They dont treat him like John Cena's fans treat him or Hulk Hogan's fans do, where they are in tears and bow to the mighty wrestling stars. They think he's one of them. Punk wants to get paid and enjoy himself. He isn't breaking his body for the pond life that buys his merch. He's not a mark for the limelight, which is one of the things I like about him. His house isn't tarted up with pictures of himself and he wont just drop back into the IC division "coz I get a replica belt to hang on the wall".

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Undertaker v Lesnar is the biggest match.

No idea what they will do with Batista v Orton but if they want Bryan in there then they have to start presenting him a bit better. Right now he is nothing more than an annoying wee loser who gets what he wants by whining and moaning,


Batisata/Orton is the Main Event, thus it'll be what the show will close with.


Batista vs Orton closing Wrestlemania 30 is the least sensible idea since Princess Di decided she didn't require a seat belt

Swing and a miss.

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a fans job is to look past the flaws when they have the amount of upside this pair have.


I think these types of fans are a detriment to my viewing experience, but the argument will always be that a fan doesn't have any job when they pay their money to get into the arena. A lot of these are excitable fans who go along with their mates and start/join in on chants that resonate with the IWC. I'd prefer 'normal' crowds with a hint of humourous chants, but it's not their 'job' to conform to our needs.

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Only Mania booking I can see for Punk is if in the HHH/Bryan match, Kane etc. gets involved and Punk returns to make the save before walking back out through the crowd. Bryan beats HHH clean from there and goes on to win the ME. Run in, walk out, no one still has a clue what his stance is.


Ian's got it spot on, Mania's booked, where's the spot for Punk on this card to have a match?

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Fear for Jessie already.


Don't know what was worst seeing Hogans return or Emma for the first time, what the fuck is that?


Rollins dive looked great mind and hyped for Lesnar/Undertaker. Huge expectations for that one.

Edited by Fox Piss
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Don't know what was worst seeing Hogans return or Emma for the first time, what the fuck is that?


This irritates me. Emma got over in NXT by all of her quirks being brought out gradually each week and the crowd eventually warmed to her because of it.


But seeing her coming out on Raw these past few weeks doing the dance to Santino's music (which doesn't work on any level) and just coming across as an uncoordinated weirdo from Day 1 has not done her any favours.

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Just watched Reigns VS Wyatt, I didn't think the crowd shit over it as such- I didn't hear any booing. When did that happen? Honestly didn't notice it. Some of the crowd were chanting Husky Harris like dicks and then chanting for Taker, but that was a minority, and they might've been a bit on the quiet side but they woke up later on in the match.

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I can't see those quirks particularly catching on in arenas either way. And what's the shelf life of that?


I'm not so sure.


If Santino did the Cobra on his debut people would have shit all over it. But he introduced that 3 or 4 years in to his run as an extension to the comedy character he had got over.

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Batista vs Orton closing Wrestlemania 30 is the least sensible idea since Princess Di decided she didn't require a seat belt

The current champion vs a former Wrestlemania headliner involved with massive movie franchise about to hit cinemas. Yeah, awful idea. Just because the smarks are shitting on it because Big Dave isn't Daniel Bryan doesnt mean its not a good idea in theory. I'll concede that it isnt working out though.

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Well that Raw was a massive disappointment. Not sure what I'd built it as in my head (it's Ian's fault actually, he made it sound like a wet dream) but that wasn't it.


Funny, I only said yesterday:


Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt could be a WrestleMania main event somewhere down the line. Hopefully it will be well protected in the meantime and not put on Raw at five minutes notice.


My thought was that they'd reshuffled the show and gone back to Wyatts/Shield because of Cena's injury but I see in this thread that some are suggesting it was a work. If so, I can't see any reason for wasting Wyatt vs. Reigns.


The match was a huge letdown. Everything about Wyatt is so creative that when he just lies on a bog standard headlock, it seems so out of step with his character. Agree with Ian though, the crowd were just being cunts for the sake of it. The same match with a crowd invested in it would have been 10 times better.


I'm surprised they used the exact same finish for both this and the Cesaro match. Bit of joined up thinking needed there.


Didn't particularly enjoy anything else until the closing segment. Even though it was massively predictable, I still marked like a motherfucker for the *bong*. Brock was brilliant in this. Showed great concern throughout and put over The Undertaker's threat perfectly.


By the way, I've had my fill of "surprise" roll up finishes for this year thanks WWE.

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Just been watching MTV news and on the scroller at the bottom, it said 'Undertaker makes suprise appearence at WWE Raw'. Bit strange I thought, especially seeing as Hogans return, surely is the bigger story.

That was announced beforehand and his return to WWE has been well reported as seen on that video during the PPV.

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