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Going back to Shelton Benjamin for a sec, didn't he work a dark match against Curt Hawkins at Smackdown a couple of years back? Seems odd to try him out again in dark matches when he was there for 6-7 years if they were considering resigning him, unless he's just doing them some kind favour by working the odd dark match, which in itself seems odd when you consider how many they have on the payroll who they never use

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The Sheamus/Christian vs Real Americans match was fantastic, and the opening six-man. The showdown between the Shield and the Wyatts was cracking. The stuff with Bryan and Kane was fine, I suppose. Cena vs Orton, I skipped most of it, but the last few minutes were good. The Outlaws thing with Betty White was useless. Henry vs Ambrose was shit and went on way too long. Batista was a bit weird, like he doesn't want to be there.

This pretty much sums it up for me. Though I really like the Bryan/Kane stuff and thought Henry/Ambrose was decent but too long.


For a worldwide product, they like using celebs that none of us give a fuck about.


What on earth was that Billy Gunn stuff about?? Great commentary by Roadie as usual. Did JBL call them The Road Doggs or did I imagine that?


Far better episode than last week. Aside from Diva shit and Betty White, everything seemed to have some consequence. The Cena/orton graphic was a nice touch. Might be able to convince the audience that they are The Rock & Stone Cold of the modern generation if Orton wasn't a steaming pile of shit.


Bit of a waste of Ziggler. He's is too good to be fed to someone who isn't over so he can be fed to someone who isn't over.


Love the booking of Reigns at the moment. Lots of perfect little things, like him being the first one to get into the ring after Wyatts came out. Then first to climb on the apron and then first to get in the ring. Especially when Rollins & Ambrose held back a bit at that point. He looked ace. Liked Cole's reference to Ambrose as "The Shield's lunatic fringe". What a great comment, pity they haven't made a bit more of that.

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The commentary team always refer to Ambrose as 'the lunatic fringe' don't they?! I've loved the way they have booked Reigns so far, I do hope they don't make him too nice though, I saw a few hints if that last night and found it cheesy, he doesn't pull it off well. He works well with the character he has, I hope they don't change it up a huge amount once The Sheild split.

Edited by deathrey
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The commentary team always refer to Ambrose as 'the lunatic fringe' don't they?!

Sorry, I wasn't saying it was new. Just pointing out that they could have done more with it.


the only thing I would change about Reigns is to have him use the Superman Punch as his finsh rather than the spear

I like that they are establishing two big impact moves. Gives him another dimension. I dunno if they ever consider realism but realistically, if you only have one finisher, people will see it coming. This makes him diverse.

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The commentary team always refer to Ambrose as 'the lunatic fringe' don't they?!

Sorry, I wasn't saying it was new. Just pointing out that they could have done more with it.


Ahh, in that case, I agree!


My wrestling move history knowledge is pretty crappy, has anyone else ever used the superman punch as a finisher?

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I think Reigns needs something more substantial then a 'charging' finisher.

Goldberg had a jackhammer, Austin a stunner, Cena has the F-U, Lesnar an F-5 and so on. Both his potential finishers seem more like pre-finishers/set ups than actual finishers. Plenty of time yet for the lad though.


Can't say I see what's wrong with the spear. Worked OK for Rhino/Rhyno and Edge. The Pounce was pretty good for Monty Brown/Marcus Cor Von. And a lot of it comes down to delivery, anyway - Goldberg could realistically have used the spear as his finish because he looked like he was punching a hole through his opponent when he hit it.


The FU/Attitude Adjusment is one of the few problems I've ever had with Cena's actual execution, and that's largely been down to whether or not he hits it in a certain way - there've been times when he looks like he's really killing his opponent with it, and others when he looks like he's just flopping them down on the ground, like he can't be bothered.


EDIT: I know Edge's Running Hug Of Doom was a bit shit (much preferred the Edgecution), but it was a good example of how a crap finish can be protected, to be fair.

Edited by Carbomb
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Going back to Shelton Benjamin for a sec, didn't he work a dark match against Curt Hawkins at Smackdown a couple of years back? Seems odd to try him out again in dark matches when he was there for 6-7 years if they were considering resigning him, unless he's just doing them some kind favour by working the odd dark match, which in itself seems odd when you consider how many they have on the payroll who they never use



The purpose of the dark match tryout would be to see if he's developed his act past being a jumpy bloke. Because if he hasn't, they've already got Kofi Kingston, who is younger, more likeable, and wears interesting enough gear for six or seven new wrestling figures a year.


A dark match and a tryout match are totally different things, hence the confusion in the past where people have said they had tryout matches and people thinking it was on the show. The one Shelton did a couple of years ago wasn't a tryout, he was just there and they asked if he wanted to do a match. Anyway, he didn't do one, one website fell for a bogus story and printed it without verifying it. Idiots.

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I think Reigns needs something more substantial then a 'charging' finisher.

Goldberg had a jackhammer, Austin a stunner, Cena has the F-U, Lesnar an F-5 and so on. Both his potential finishers seem more like pre-finishers/set ups than actual finishers. Plenty of time yet for the lad though.

Disagree. It's part of his powerhouse style and looks amazing. Finishers like that do well, Sweet Chin Music and Big Show's Punch You Inna Face have got over big. both Spear and Superman punch have the important finisher characteristics of being able to be hit out of nowhere and on anyone.


Plus when he pumps his forearm like it's a shot gun it makes me want to put a poster of him up on my wall :love:

Edited by Duke
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The superman punch is a move which can easily look like shite, I've seen lots of people look like mongs whilst trying to do it. Reigns' execution of it I'd something special, he makes it look brilliant. I wouldn't change a thing about it.

Edited by deathrey
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