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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I skim-watched Raw, but the bits I saw were good. Liking the Shield/Wyatt promos, and the main event was pretty great - I'd rate it as their best match, save for maybe that one street fight they had last year. Really enjoyed the tag team cage match too, though it was quite slow and appreciate that it wouldn't be to everyone's tastes.

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Cena/Orton wasn't piss poor.http://ukff.com/style_images/1/folder_editor_images/rte-email-button.png


Not terribly interesting, possibly, but not piss poor. It was about their best effort and had a great end sequence.

Not even close.

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I think a lot of 'stars', or at least those convinced of their own stardom, will start taking that option; convinced they can negotiate themselves a nice Lesnar-esque part-time deal. It's WWE's own fault really, they've dangled the possibility of doing this crazy job for a living but without the endless travel, and the non-televised beatings.

Batista is going to be getting the non-televised beatings, isn't he? He's already advertised for dark matches and house shows. He's supposedly on a full two year contract, with allowances for time off for film commitments. The state he's in, he needs it as well. He's in no ring shape yet to work third from the top at WrestleMania.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Didn't miss Cena one bit this episode, didn't even realise he was gone until I heard faint chants for him in the final segment when Kane was beating on Bryan.


The opening segment was damage control at its finest. Fastest I've ever heard Orton speak, and Triple H refused to move a muscle to react to the Punk chant. Damn Omaha. The fallout from Punk walking was one of the main factors in me checking out Raw, and that crowd gave very little. I think this'll be all sorted by the time that Raw in Chicago occurs in March. They'll at the very least get him to work Mania with some nice incentives. Not sure how though. He's done the title match, he's had the Streak match- I watched a promo for WWE '13 the other day, linked to that "Best Promos" thread, where JR is sitting down with Punk and Austin. Watching that back, you'd think they really were setting up a feud, that was intense for a video game teaser. Maybe it'll be Austin that brings Punk back. They've both seemed up for it in the past, and Vince needs something big to go down for WM30 after Batista's return has been a bit of a bust.


Had a look at the ratings the last couple of weeks, they've been steadily dropping since Batista came back. Combine that with negative crowd reactions, and the lame, uninspired performances of Batista on the microphone and wrestling... yep, struggling to see a positive here.

Edited by Shane O' Mac Version 2
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Had a look at the ratings the last couple of weeks, they've been steadily dropping since Batista came back. Combine that with negative crowd reactions, and the lame, uninspired performances of Batista on the microphone and wrestling... yep, struggling to see a positive here.

Batista's segment has had the biggest viewership in his segment ever week since he returned. Hence this huge debate everywhere regarding crowd reaction vs actual numbers movers. You dont see a positive because perception sometimes isn't the reality of it all. Batista is a huge name and not everyone watching gives a fuck about some bloke who walked out or that someone isn't "getting pushed". Ratings aren't at the level of they were, but they were shit the first week outside of Batista's comeback. There was a massive drop the first week when Batista's segment was over.


People need to realise that not everyone knows the far end of a fart. When I used to watch Friends, I didn't realise Chandler was smacked off his tits and was quite shit for a lot of the time. I just thought "lol Chandler". Because I didn't give a fuck about what happened outside of it. Same with most of the audience. Wrestling is built on what people at home are into. And if they are into Batista, whether its because woman find him attractive or kids like to do his funny gun taunt, then people can boo all they like. John Cena and Batista are two people shifting numbers more than anyone. They get booed every single week. What does that tell you?

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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What does that tell you?

That wrestling fans have poor taste? :laugh:


I used to like Batista, I still like Cena more often than not. It doesn't really matter to me who gets booed or cheered or who gets the biggest ratings, I was just pointing them out as other factors to question Batista being so shit. And I don't mean shit as in, "OMG needs more moves #wewantPunk, YES! YES! YES!", just that I know Batista's capable of better. As far as the Friends comparison, you know what you get when you watch that, it's never going to be held to a high critical standard. All I want personally is to be entertained by what I'm watching on my TV, and seeing Batista stumble through a handful of lines, fuck up a basic spinebuster and looking like a jacked up Justin Bieber, isn't appealing to me.


About Batista being the highest rated segment every week, can you back that up? I can't find a segment breakdown, but I have an hourly breakdown of the Raw ratings this week:


Raw averaged 4.20 million viewers for all three hours, compared to 4.86 million on Jan. 20 (Batista's return, Rumble go home show) and 4.71 million on Jan. 27 (Rumble fallout show). Here's the hourly breakdown for this week:


Hour one: 4.43 million

Hour two: 4.22 million

Hour three: 3.98 million


Batista appeared at the top of hour 3, the lowest rated hour on the show.

Edited by Shane O' Mac Version 2
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As an adult I've not got the attention span for a 3 hour film or programme. I don't know how folk manage to endure 3 hours every week. Actually I suppose the stats show they can't - they start watching and then gradually turn off or over.


An hour is too short, 3 is too long, why can't they just stick to 2 hours a week for RAW.


And considering it's aimed at kids, do kids really have the attention span for 3 hours?

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Raw averaged 4.20 million viewers for all three hours, compared to 4.86 million on Jan. 20 (Batista's return, Rumble go home show) and 4.71 million on Jan. 27 (Rumble fallout show). Here's the hourly breakdown for this week:


Hour one: 4.43 million

Hour two: 4.22 million

Hour three: 3.98 million


When Batista returned he shifted the numbers big style. His return segment (which is the one Ian was talking about) was the biggest one and people immediately tuned out afterwards majorly.


I'm pretty sure hour three is always the lowest hour on the show these days, no?

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Hulk Hogan could bum the corpse of Saddam Hussein in it and Hour 3 would still decline. The sign of Batista's success and failings is in how many turned in/out during his segment. What are the stats for that in this weeks WO? I can't be arsed to look.

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Maybe they're hoping immersion therapy will stop the TV audience registering CM Punk chants.


In all seriousness, that screams shenanigans. But by current Raw standards, that'll be shenanigans after a dragged-out three-segment match.

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