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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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As it stands it looks like they're gonna throw up Batista Vs Brock Lesnar for the strap at WrestleMania which is fantastic (I got this impression from there stare down and lack of interaction with each other in the ring).

Who would Orton and Undertaker fight then if we end up with Batista vs. Lesnar?


Undertaker vs Cena

Orton/Triple H vs CM Punk/Daniel Bryan


That's what I'd go with.


Then chuck in The Shield vs The Wyatt Family (prob a rematch from Elimination Chamber) with a gimmick (Hell In A Cell or Street Fight) with the stip that the losing team split up

Edited by LaGoosh
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Two more moans:


Have Kofi and Del Rio wrestled each other on TV more times than Kofi and Ziggler now?


Looking forward to the Monday Night Wars show on the network. I've spent the last sixteen years hoping that they'd replay DX invading WCW one day.


Del Rio vs Kofi have had 10 single matches on TV and PPV.


Kofi and Ziggler have had 16 overall. Bonkers really.

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As it stands it looks like they're gonna throw up Batista Vs Brock Lesnar for the strap at WrestleMania which is fantastic (I got this impression from there stare down and lack of interaction with each other in the ring. Plus I'd like to think with the reaction Orton/Batista the WWE wouldn't dare to take a feud between the two further). Plus Batista Vs Brock Lesnar sounds like a massive match. People may ask why should Batista main event Mania? He's been in the WWE longer, he's a massive star, B Star Movie Star, a sexy motherfucker - he looks the part, he's best mates with Triple H and he can move the numbers. Fuck Bryan. I have no interest in Bryan main eventing Mania. He could have a 5* match at Mania and I couldn't care less. I'd rather see Batista any day.


To each his own I guess, but Batista got a heel reaction at the Rumble and not a very good babyface reaction on Raw. The rumours are he's actually going heel sooner rather than later. Taker vs Brock is the heavily rumoured WM30 match.

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Triple H and Stephanie right at the start were absolute gold with their trolling. Wasn't a huge fan of how they wrote Daniel Cryan on the show, but it was interesting to watch.

Completely agree on both counts. great work from Steph and Trips, I wanted to punch his face in. Brilliant.


What the fuck did they think they were doing with Bryan though? Did no-one actually read it? His promo should only have contained "I don't care about last night, it's gone, I want in the chamber."


I did enjoy the stare down with Trips though and it made me want to see the match. Now HHH costing Bryan the Elimination Chamber will put this thing over the top.


The Orton/Batista/Lesnar stuff was very weird and a flat.

Overall I agree. But they missed a massive opportunity. The crowd would have gone mental for Lesnar killing Orton for the title. it would have had that "anything can happen" feel that Raw is missing and it would have made Lesnar vs/ Batista which is a damn sight more appealing than Orton vs. anyone.


The Outlaws were glorious.

Yep. Absolute gold. Tag division needs it's own thread. It's potentially the best they've had in nearly 20 years.


Have Kofi and Del Rio wrestled each other on TV more times than Kofi and Ziggler now?

I dunno, I FF Del Rio. What was the finish about though? Kofi beat the champ 2 weeks ago and was booked to do his annual Rumble superman act. Then he loses to fucking Del Rio. Kofi is one of those guys who if they just protected him a little bit, they could turn to him every time they need to "make" a heel. They seem to have forgotten how to do that. Yet it's so simple.


Hated the 6-man. Not the match, that was decent but the concept. There was no mystery about it whatsoever. As if the Shield were going to take 3/6 spots at EC. Nonsense. Rea earlier in the thread how weird it was that the 3 babyfaces celebrated a DQ win and agree, that was shit.


Hopefully now get Shield vs. Wyatts at EC and they still find a way to keep the Wyatt/Cena feud going. Did look like they were abandoning it on Raw though.

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I apologise if this has been posted already as I've not had the time to read every post but after the Wyatt/Shield interaction on Raw, we normally get 2 chamber matches with the 2 titles.


Could we get Shield vs Wyatt's Wargames style in the elimination chamber? That I would definitely be interested in.

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I apologise if this has been posted already as I've not had the time to read every post but after the Wyatt/Shield interaction on Raw, we normally get 2 chamber matches with the 2 titles.


Could we get Shield vs Wyatt's Wargames style in the elimination chamber? That I would definitely be interested in.


Was thinking the same, it seems like the only chance to actually have a Shield-Wyatt match which seems crazy givent he reaction to their stand off a few months ago. I think it could work and would be an interesting twist on the Chamber matches. Obviously Wyatt could go over in a fashion that causes dissension for the Shield which should furhter both sets of stories. Wyatt then going on to cost Cena the Chamber match later and Shield go on to feud in the run up to Mania.

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Taking this with a pinch of salt as always but according to some sites the actual RAW script was re-written 10 or 11 times!


How shit must the writers be that after 11 re-writes they still come up with a below standard show!? They had to plug up CM Punks segment and the best they could do was give extra time to the Kofi/Del Rio match :confused:

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Poor, poor show. I gather they sat around all week wondering how to counter the CM Punk chants. They came up with 1) ignore them, and 2) Stick Bryan in the main event and have him beat the champion even though the champion has help. The rest will just work itself out.


It all just felt rather flat. The Shield/Wyatt spat clearly feels shoe-horned in, the cage match should have felt like a bigger event, and it felt weird seeing Kane attack Bryan with no reference to their past (maybe I missed it). There could have been a decent spot of Sheamus and Ryback going face-to-face but instead Ryback just stayed on the outside like a chump.


Umm, and that's it. Oh, Emma's theme music is hypnotic. I can imagine it being a comedy robot's theme tune.

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