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There's a backstage interview with Batista after he made his return and jesus, the guy looks like he has cheek inplants or Botox. Just looks bizarre.



Has he yet? You know who I mean.

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His return was a bit subdued I thought. It made sense wheeling him out during the Orton and Triple H, but it wasn't done with as much fanfare as I'd hope. He looked good, any 45 year old would let their wife and daughter fuck Big Dave to to trade looking as good as him for his age. I haven't seen the Del Rio bit yet, though. Such a shame he didn't come back as a surprise- even as a 'you know he's coming back but let's pretend it's a surprise anyway' like with Brock.

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I remember Jericho returning one year where he looked unusual due to botox, most likely Big Dave has had the same treatment. He looks amazing for his age though, packed on a considerable amount of mass since a couple of years ago too. I want his trainers.

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Random thoughts:


- So Triple H and Stephanie's weird tweeners act is really dreadful to watch. It seems like they can't decide from one minute to the next if they are babyfaces or heels? Stephanie just seems to go around cutting everyones nuts off and making them look bad. Orton is coming out of this looking very shit (and his performances haven't help much either).


- Another good 6 man. Langston was really laying it in and Reign's superman punch and spear were just sex. I don't like Rollin's new shirt though. Makes him look gangly.


- That Wyatt promo. So good the fans didn't even chant What?. My fave line: "I want you to go home and I want you to hug your mother. I want you tell her you love her. I want you to tell her your sorry. Because everything that happens to you from now on...is your fault."


- Xavier Woods squashed very quickly. I like this very much.


- I'm really very very sick of their being FIVE authority figures all over these shows. I get that the Kane/Punk feud is no doubt a lead in to HHH/Punk but it just seems a bit of a waste of time. A messy one at that. And Punk is almost reaching Summer of 2011 levels of smarmy unlikeable babyface these days. Especially with that shit hair/side burns combo. In Chris Hero's shoot he mentioned how CM Punk's body is holding on by a thread these days, you can almost see it when he wrestles. He must be a state.


- Road Dogg was fantastic on commentary. I think this heel turn should work out. He was a proper unlikeable prick.


- Good to have Dave back, though agreed with others. He looks a bit off. Was it just me or did his abs look uneven? He seemed genuinely happy to be back though. I just hope he won't be as annoying/shit as The Rock was in his return. I don't think he will be.


- Brock/Big Show is gonna' be fantastic I reckon. Brings a whole new dimension to a Brock match and Brock is bumping for Big Show like a nutcase.


- Loved the Uso's tag. 4 guys just throwing bombs at eachother. So many matches these days just feel like emotionless exhibitions but these guys made you feel the hate. Loved it. Harper might be my favorite guy to watch right now.

Edited by LaGoosh
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