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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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Yes, but Bran didn't exist then, but couldn't have gone on to exist if Hodor had never become Hodor. Hence paradox.

The thought here though is; Bran did exist then.


If he is becoming an incarnation of The Three Eyed Raven and is to learn everything, then the very concept of time may cease to be for Bran.


I think it was a different case for Hodor to anyone else, he was being observed and Warged in two moments that became blurred, what's sad about Hodor is whether or not he knew his fate from a boy, and if he did he's potentially the most valiant and brave character on the show.


The other thing of note is, that had to happen to Hodor, HAD to, as the Three Eyed Raven said 'The past is already written, the ink is dry' and HE took Bran there knowing.

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Anyone else thinking that The High Sparrow will do a Jesus and be resurrected after being killed?


I hope not - he's a smug cunt - would love to see his face smashed in with a rock or something - maybe by Jaime or Bron.

Would rather see Jamie swing at this point. Fuck me he's boring me this season, can't stand him when he's sniffing around Cersai.


As for Sparrow I'm mostly just thinking how a public resurrection would be one hell of a PR stunt.


Smug cunt or not he has the Lannisters and other nobles rattled and I'm loving it while it lasts.

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Generally I prefer the political plotlines to the supernatural ones. Thus, last night's episode felt like shitty Lord of the Rings territory. 


Surely the first scene of the first episode should turn off anyone not into supernatural, where blokes get killed by the undead? We're balls deep into the dead coming back to life, witches and dragons by the end of S1, S6 is far too late to complain about all that jazz! :p



The thing is though, it was almost an entire series until we saw something else supernatural. I accept it's part of the show but I personally don't give a fuck about the white walkers or Bran's mystical powers. There was too much of that shit for my tastes last night. The battle for throne is where it's at for me, I really hope it doesn't become an afterthought and the show goes all Warhammer.


Anyway two predictions - 


Benjen Stark will show up and help Bran.


Mountainstein will face The Hound (saved from death by one of the sparrows) in trial by combat. 


I will probably bust a nut if that second one happens. 

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I think you're going to loathe the end game, which I think will be Bran warging into Drogon to burn all the wights.

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It isn't a battle for the throne though is it Biffers. It is a battle for Westeros as a whole. Unless the Night King is defeated, he will be the ultimate winner. You may not care about Bran and the supernatural nature if the show but it must be a key plot line going forward.

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Hasn't that been the theme all along? That the fight for the throne is futile as the main threat is the supernatural? Hence why Stannis sacked off going for the throne and rode North.

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Hasn't that been the theme all along? That the fight for the throne is futile as the main threat is the supernatural?

Pretty much.


The World is falling apart while a bunch of entitled cunts plot against and kill each other.


I bet there won't even be a throne/kingdom left to fight over by the end of the series.




Punk is spot on about Stannis.

Edited by The King Of Swing
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It isn't a battle for the throne though is it Biffers. It is a battle for Westeros as a whole. Unless the Night King is defeated, he will be the ultimate winner. You may not care about Bran and the supernatural nature if the show but it must be a key plot line going forward.


Clearly it is and is probably the reason I'm not really enjoying this series (and the last one) as much as many of you. I won't even start on the Iron Island scenes. Worst Kingsmoot Ever. 

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It isn't a battle for the throne though is it Biffers. It is a battle for Westeros as a whole. Unless the Night King is defeated, he will be the ultimate winner. You may not care about Bran and the supernatural nature if the show but it must be a key plot line going forward.


Clearly it is and is probably the reason I'm not really enjoying this series (and the last one) as much as many of you. I won't even start on the Iron Island scenes. Worst Kingsmoot Ever. 



I bet HBO are mad keen on the idea of spinoffs, you should start a letter writing campaign for a show that's just unedited small council meetings.

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It isn't a battle for the throne though is it Biffers. It is a battle for Westeros as a whole. Unless the Night King is defeated, he will be the ultimate winner. You may not care about Bran and the supernatural nature if the show but it must be a key plot line going forward.


Clearly it is and is probably the reason I'm not really enjoying this series (and the last one) as much as many of you. I won't even start on the Iron Island scenes. Worst Kingsmoot Ever. 


Yeah that whole Iron Islands new-king selection thing was complete shite. Reminded me of Life of Brian or something. It's was almost like a sketch. "I'll be king! No, I will. I'll be king & so will my wife! But what have the romans ever done for us?"

Edited by herbie747
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I'd definitely be down for a series of Tywin Lannister's greatest letters. 


Anyway I've probably been spoilt by The Hollow Crown over on the BBC over the past couple of weeks, which was much, much better.


The Hollow Crown was great, wasn't it? Made what could have been some pretty dense material really watchable and thrilling in a lot of places, some really good performances and battle staging. (Also I was an extra in the first episode - you can see me behind Adrian Dunbar and Anton Lesser when they're burning Joan of Arc!)

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I'd definitely be down for a series of Tywin Lannister's greatest letters. 


Anyway I've probably been spoilt by The Hollow Crown over on the BBC over the past couple of weeks, which was much, much better.


The Hollow Crown was great, wasn't it? Made what could have been some pretty dense material really watchable and thrilling in a lot of places, some really good performances and battle staging. (Also I was an extra in the first episode - you can see me behind Adrian Dunbar and Anton Lesser when they're burning Joan of Arc!)



It was magnificent start to finish. Couldn't get my head around Joan of Arc sounding like someone out of Coronation Street though. 

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He only sacked off going for the throne because he was smashed at the Blackwater and he realised he didn't have an army big enough to try and have another crack at it.

Fair point, but didn't he borrow money from the Iron Bank of Braavos after Blackwater and took that army North?

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