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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I still have no idea why King Tomann is getting pushed around by that homeless looking Sparrow dude in his own town! Why doesn't he just crush them with his army?? They were holding his mother & wife prisoner just around the corner. It makes no sense to me - it's still happening!

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I feel the Same as Herbie. Ok so he's a kid, fair do's, but surely one of his many hundred aids would have a word in his ear.


I fancy his armies chances against some vagabonds from the street all day.

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You need to remember also that they're the faith. It's not like present day where religion holds little power in western civilisation, but in an age that Game of Thrones is loosely based you on didn't turn on the faith establishment. When you did, it was a pretty historical moment- such as Henry VIII against the Catholic church.

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Cheers for the context. Makes sense I guess.


Won't stop me from shouting at the TV for Mr Sparrows head in a fit of rage next time he's on screen though... They just all seem so helpless about it.


Hopefully Cersei's foot soldier rips him a new one.

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I have been having the same thoughts on this religious lot. Last week there was a line about how dangerous a well organised a Lanister army are and now this week they are scared to charge in and take over  a group using guerrilla tatics?


I get the idea of the politics of not turning on a religion but he's a little kid, hes not going to have that kind of savy surely?


Aside from that TOP episode this week, kind of feels like this should have been the season opener and the season opener should have been the ho-hum second episode


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The people are with the Faith Militant, though. That's why raising an army on them, and the people, would be a ridiculous move to make.


You'd end up ruling yourselves and empty houses. And, who, then, is going to make your clothes, or food, or pander to your ridiculous needs?


King's Landing always existed because of a balance of power between the monarch and the faith. The beheading of Ned Stark factionalised the seven kingdoms and allowed rumours of the debauched/immoral behaviour of those in power to be exposed. This led to the rise of the High Sparrow who sought to purge these 'sinners' from the capital, leading to the banishment of the High Sept and thus the partnership between Church and State became stretched and tense. Neither is prepared to move, though, as the High Sparrow is waiting on a peasants revolution, as the militant lack the power to dismantle the strength of the Crown and the Lannisters aren't yet prepared to make the first move and start a war with their own subjects.

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They're building The Mountain up so well. I cheered and pumped my fist when he put that guy's head through the wall and was on the edge of my seat where there was a chance of him getting into his first big ruck; like ten guys and they were still shitting it at the prospect of having to fight him.


Also the knocking down of the door was done brilliantly... brought a big grin to my face. The imp is still fun, but he's straying a bit too far into the comic relief at times.

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Last week's episode was needed to set up the key moment of this week's episode, which was the killing of Roose Bolton and his heir by Ramsey. The look on Ramsey's face last week when Roose says he is hoping for a son was priceless. Ramsey knew at that moment his power would be on the wain if that happened. It set up his killing of Roose, and the subsequent feeding of Walda and baby Bolton to the dogs.


It also echoed last week's coup by Ellaria Sand. In both instances you have a bastard seizing Power by killing the rightful rules and his heir.


The killing off of Balon Greyjoy was also well done. The interplay between him and Euron and the little touch of Balon clinging to the rope bridge as Euron stood in the middle of the bridge surefooted. It was never in doubt as to the outcome of that conversation but it was nicely done.


The return of John Snow should be interesting. The Night Watch oath presumably no longer applies to him as you serve until death, so we shall see where this leads.

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