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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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Fucking hell, that episode has absolutely SAVED this series. This series was always watchable, but definitely flat (although this series was never going to follow the last).


But bloody hell, they've come up with the goods here. I read that they'd spent a shitload of money on this episode but I presumed it was just going to be Jon taking on Lord O' Bones and a bunch of wildlings. I never expected anything like this.


The next two episodes should give this series a strong finish. What a potentially great run-in.

Edited by PunkStep
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That was breathless. Just fucking insane.


And we've still got the Battle for Winterfell yet to come, and I presume Cyburn raising The Mountain to fuck the Faith up. Amazing.


That little shitty squire is definitely killing Jon, but I think (I hope) that they'll bring him back and use the fact that 'death is the only way one leaves his watch' to rid him of his vows and mix him up with the Iron Throne.


Shit the bed, that episode was insane.

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My heart was racing over that episode. So so good. The ice and wind creeping down the mountain, gave me chills! And then the sight of the 4 horsemen atop the mountain, great imagery. Love Darth Maul White Walker King. I thought he was gonna freeze and path in the sea too. 

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I reckon that saucypants Mellisandre (sp.?)is going to raise a murdered Snow from the grave, and Stannis is going to use the kingly prerogative he claims to make him a Stark.


Can't believe they killed the new Wilding woman, she seemed like someone. Also, Tormund is ace, but it takes me out of it that he's also in a advert right now as a wizard who tells people about deals they can get.

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Can't believe they killed the new Wilding woman


That's my one real criticism of the episode, they felt they needed to kill off someone you care about so hastily built up a female character and had her die for the "emotions".

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Can't believe they killed the new Wilding woman

That's my one real criticism of the episode, they felt they needed to kill off someone you care about so hastily built up a female character and had her die for the "emotions".
And she's played by Birgitte Hjort Sorensen too, who is wonderful, so add me to the list of people disappointed she's dead. We might see her again in Walker form, though, especially since she got her own kids on a boat. Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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And we've still got the Battle for Winterfell yet to come, and I presume Cyburn raising The Mountain to fuck the Faith up. Amazing.


I doubt we're getting a Battle for Winterfell. I wouldn't have thought they'll have two big snow battles in the same season. I'm sure other shenanigans are afoot with Ramsay's planned ambush/assasination on Stannis.

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Can't believe they killed the new Wilding woman

That's my one real criticism of the episode, they felt they needed to kill off someone you care about so hastily built up a female character and had her die for the "emotions".
And she's played by Birgitte Hjort Sorensen too, who is wonderful, so add me to the list of people disappointed she's dead. We might see her again in Walker form, though, especially since she got her own kids on a boat.
Did she though? I know she packed them onto a boat, but didn't her kids kill her? It looked like them. That was a fantastic guest appearance though, perhaps the best single-episode character they've ever had in GoT. She was probably on screen for 15 mins in total but in that amount of time they built her up well and made you care about her. Edited by PunkStep
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I'll probably watch it again tonight but my initial thought was that Blackwater (season 2) was better. It looked incredible but, I dont know, something felt a bit off with it and left me a bit disappointed. Cant put my finger on why so hard to explain.  Annoying because I've actually quite enjoyed most of the season so far


I did love the 4 horsemen imagery and the raising of the dead at the end, but are white walkers scared of water!? One row boat and they didn't chase it down.  I didnt like the white walker king's (?) Bart Simpson haircut!


Some non-Hardhome battle thoughts:


Jon's sword (Longclaw) is made of Valyrian steel and was the previous Lord Commander's sword (Jeor Mormont, Jorah's dad).  Now we know that Valyrian steel can kill the walkers it's probably worth noting who else we know has some - Brienne and Joffrey has swords forged from Ned Stark's Ice, and I presume Tommen now has Joffrey's one? Also I think the dagger Little Finger has from Season 1 (the one used to attack Bran) is Valyrian steel, but it hasn't been mentioned since.  I@d imagine some of the other big house's have one that we just don't know about yet (I'm thinking particularly the Martell's in Dorne)


I doubt very much we'll see the Battle of Winterfell this season, particularly if Ramsey and his 20 good men do something next week.


I think Tyrion is going to play Dany like a fiddle (politically, not euphemystically). He's a grown up in a political environment and effectively ruled in the political sense when Joffrey was king, and showed himself a more than capable battle commander at Blackwater.  Dany's essentially a child playing a grown ups' game, but with 3 massive dragons.


Seeing Cersei broken was incredible, I've really enjoyed her 'journey'. Also the comment from Qyburn about Pycelle bringing Kevan back was great, Kevan is one of my favourite minor (so far at least) characters.


I've been waiting for creepy Olly to turn on Jon with all his evil stares but I wonder whether his 'Sam chat' might hve been a turning point and the start of a face turn.  Either way hopefully he'll be dead soon, still dont like him.


Really looking forward to episodes 9 and 10, the trailer for next week looks cracking


Edit: sorry, that ended up being much longer than I intended.

Edited by Ian 86
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Can't believe they killed the new Wilding woman

That's my one real criticism of the episode, they felt they needed to kill off someone you care about so hastily built up a female character and had her die for the "emotions".
And she's played by Birgitte Hjort Sorensen too, who is wonderful, so add me to the list of people disappointed she's dead. We might see her again in Walker form, though, especially since she got her own kids on a boat.

Having watched her in Bergen it felt a little strange watching her fighting zombies. She's a really compelling actor though.

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I think they focused too long on the King Walker at the end for them not to slowly introduce him as character and flesh out motives, even if those motives are just 'KILL THE HUMANS'.


I initially thought the Walker who walked through the flames was Benjen. Suuuuurely, he has to pop up eventually?

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Expansion? Every human they kill turns to one of them and what King in the realm doesn't want their army to be bigger.  Seems plausible enough and I'd be more happy with that as an explanation than some convoluted magic shite.

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