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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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Am I right in thinking that all the deaths bar paedo Kings guard guy were left fairly open in so much as that they all cut away before we could see them breath their last breath? This has probably always been the way on GoT and I haven't noticed it but there was definitely a deliberate feel to it. Somebody's making a surprise comeback.


For Jon Snow to have gone through the journey he's gone through this series then discover a new way to kill white walkers he has to make a comeback. It's not like a "lol but Sean Bean always dies so you should have guessed," type death but one that had been ominously looming yet makes little sense from a story telling perspective when they need to be starting to cut to the chase with the iron throne stuff and big fuck of white walker invasion that he was key to in the story. Plus we never found out who his mum is!

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This has probably always been the way on GoT and I haven't noticed it but there was definitely a deliberate feel to it. Somebody's making a surprise comeback.

IIRC, it hasn't always been the way, the show's always gloried in gruesome deaths, major or minor characters.


Doing the whole "cut away to spare the gore" trick was a definite departure from previous form, and therefore definitely felt like a deliberate ploy.


Whilst I'm in the "Jon's gonna die but be resurrected by Melisandre" camp, I think Stannis will still be alive. And I haven't even considered the possibility that Sansa & Theon won't survive the leap.

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I'm pretty sure that Jon Snow will come back from the dead somehow. 


Everything going on at The Wall centres around Jon. There is nobody left to root for, get behind, be invested in at The Wall in the fight against The White Walkers without Jon. That storyline is too big to just be passed off. Or the show runners are somehow going to try and get us all to be #TeamWhiteWalkers from now on seen as there is barely anyone likeable left in Westeros. 


This would be arguably the biggest character death since Eddard. Rob and Obyern were shocks, but they weren't main characters like Jon and Eddard. Despite what they say about "nobody is safe", I've always felt, since about Season 2 that in fact, Daenerys, Tyrion and Jon were safe. 


Its very un-Game of Thrones of them to leave us with an actual cliffhanger at the end of a season. Normally episode 10 is a wrap up/set up for the following season with episode 9 being the big climactic one. I think it a big bait and switch on their behalf, or they are finally going to reveal a huge plot twist. 


I've post in previous Game of Thrones threads that I always had a feeling that Jon Snow wasn't really Ned's son and he actually had royal blood somehow, but I used to always flip flop on how you could fit that in. Now I feel they can fit it all together. I have only read the first book, so this is not book knowledge, its just speculation based on stuff that has already been known/discussed in the show. So, the theory goes; Jon Snow is actually the bastard son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. When Ned rescued Lyanna during Robert's Rebellion, he found that she had given birth to Rhaegar's child. We know that she made Ned promise her something, something so secret Ned never revealed it to anyone. I reckon she made Ned promise to keep the boy safe. Ned, seeing/knowing how Robert, Tywin and The Mountain were brutally killing all the Targaryens, including children, knew they only way to keep the boy safe was the claim him as his own. 


I predict that the Nights Watch will put Jon Snow on a funeral pyre to burn his body, but he won't burn because he is a Targaryen, similar to the way Daenerys didn't burn in the tent way back in Season 1. Milisandre, who has conveniently made her way back to the wall, will realise that Jon has royal blood and use religious mumbo jumbo from the Lord of Light to bring Jon back to life - the tracks for which were laid by the Brotherhood without Banners all those years ago. 

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And since his Watch has ended at the moment of death, that's his excuse to leave The Wall, telling Thorne and the rest of them to have fun when the White Walkers turn up, pack up his wolf and go take his home back.


Not sure I fancy Jon and Ghost against the entire Bolton army. but I'm sure he'll figure it out.

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  • 8 months later...

so the season 6 trailer is out and we're all very excited, yes?


actually im feeling fairly indifferent towards it at the moment which is quite frustrating (must be my inner wrestling fan naturally expecting disappointment now I dont know what's going to happen).

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I'm probably looking forward to this season more because I don't know what's going to happen. There have been some good additions to the cast, nothing g could possibly get worse by adding Ian McShane and Max Von Sydow to it.


Yeah, I'm the same. I was really apprehensive about the last series because I knew they had a lot to cram in and would leave out a lot (which was understandable, as you can get really fucking lost reading the last two books with the amount of new characters). In this respect, I think it met my reasonably low expectations in the same way as series 4 met my very high expectations.


This series though, for the first time since series 3, I'm going in blind so it's more exciting. The trailer doesn't give much away either, which is good.

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