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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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Wow, that was pretty perfect. My knuckles were turning white throughout that episode. I mean, Joffrey is a delightful villain. He's probably the most detestable antagonist I've ever seen in any film or TV show, but this episode was becoming "testing my patience with the show" level of annoyance. And then it happened.


As someone who doesn't read the books, I managed to remain unspoiled so it was a great moment. I enjoyed Cersei Lannister weeping over Joffrey's corpse. There is absolutely NO reason to feel any sympathy for her at all, is there?


Can't wait for next week's episode. It had better be an immediate follow on from the events of this one. I don't think I can take one more ponderous Daenerys Targaryen scene in the never ending desert after this has just happened.

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Loved the cut from the close up of Theon, to a large sausage being served!


Jack Gleeson should get an Emmy for his role. Will be sorely missed.

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The g/f isn't going to have a chance to watch this until probably Friday. My challenge for the week is to somehow prevent her from encountering any spoilers. I have a feeling this will be difficult, if I hadn't seen it last night I'd have already had the end ruined for me about four times.

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Na, Beecher was likable.


Lord Bolton is easily my favourite character in GoT. Michael McElhatton is even more villainous looking than Charles Dance, so I hope last night's great scenes at the Dreadfort were an indication he's going to become more prominent this season. Bolton, The Bastard, Locke/The Brave Companions and weird little Stockholm Syndrome slave Theon are a pretty great heel entourage.

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The Bastard will be a great replacement for Joffery as the clear cut 'hate' figure. Hopefully there will be a lot more Bolton's in general.

There isn't a much general shock about Joffery as there was for the Red Wedding, I'm sure it's because most people were routing for Robb but I still expected a bit more furore.

I was happy at the lack of Dany this week, she is getting boring, the only thing I enjoy when watching her is the dragons.

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Shocking episode ending. I didn't see that coming!


A bit gutted, the young man was a fine actor. I really hated him in the right way, this wasn't a Sofia in Godfather III type of affair, which proved he did his job bloody well. Whenever he was on screen, he owned the scene.


Interested to see how this plays out.

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Even though I knew how he would die (spoiled by that prick on here last year), I was still shocked when it happened. Seemed perfect after watching him be such a horrible little cunt all episode. I rejoiced.


Then it dawned on me, as much as I hated him, I absolutely loved to hate him. What a performance throughout. Really is one if the best baddies I've ever seen on TV. It won't be the same without him.


Come back, Joff. You were taken too soon! :(

Edited by Silky Kisser
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I'm seriously worried about Tyrion. I love the character and tell myself that he's too prominent to just kill off but then I remember what happens every time I form this opinion. I don't think my nerves can take a couple of episodes of him being in a dungeon then a hitchless execution Ned Stark style. Hopefully the little guy gets out of it because I'm running out of people to root for and there's no way Tywin believes he did it, unless he's in on it himself!

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