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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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I didn't have a terrible time at school by any means (especially from 2nd year onwards), but I have crossed the road, put on headphones, and got onto an escalator going up in Marks and Spencer just to avoid talking to people from school. I'm not the person I was then, they're probably not the people they were then, and I don't want anything to do with any of them.

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I left in 09 and I've just spent a while trying to remember half the people in the form which was all my year and pretty much everyone that was in my form when our school decided to put 6 from each year in one form. And there was only like 100 or so people in my year. Some people I guess just repress that period of their life in exchange for better times (I love University compared to school, college was alright)

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I didn't have a terrible time at school by any means (especially from 2nd year onwards), but I have crossed the road, put on headphones, and got onto an escalator going up in Marks and Spencer just to avoid talking to people from school. I'm not the person I was then, they're probably not the people they were then, and I don't want anything to do with any of them.


I've done similar things. The most far-out thing I've done though, one time someone from school recognised me and asked if I was at the same school as them. I said yes, and they asked if I remembered them and I flat out told them I had no idea who they were, despite the fact that I'd sat next to this person in multiple classes for 5 years. They couldn't get their head around it, they kept saying "but it's me, you must remember." Eventually they gave up. I have no desire to talk to pretty much anyone I went to school with.

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I left school in '99 and i can't remember a single name of anyone in my class (form).

Have you suffered a major head trauma? That's some bad memory you got there buddy.


I haven't seen any of them since exams. Funny thing is i remember who i worked with for 2 years in 2000-02.

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We had a 15 year reunion last September. It was the first one as far as I know. About 40 people showed up, out of a potential 250, although I think less than 100 were invited through facebook. Several people showed up who aren't on facebook though, and there were a few people there I couldn't remember. One guy who was in the year below showed up, which pissed a few people off. It was specifically said only people from our year, no matter how many friends he might have had in our year.


I suggested we do it every ten years to the organiser as I was leaving but she has already organised another one for this September. Probably give that one a miss.

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Someone I know posted a bunch of posed photos at his Dad's burial site today which I thought was odd. I lost my Mum early this year, I know people react differently, but the idea of me posing by her tombstone to put the photos on Facebook is just odd. 

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On the school reunion thing, someone tried to organise a 10 year on leaving Year 11 one 4 years ago and it was cancelled in the end as no-one was too enthused by the whole thing. On a personal level, everyone from school who I wanted to still chat with and hang about with, I still do. If I've not made the effort for the others in the past 14 years, why am I likely to now?

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According to Facebook the most efficient way to steal a dog is to go to a house when the owners are out and leave a chalk mark ( like a 19th century vagrant) then come back at a later date and steal the unsuspecting mutt. Not to take it there and then. That would be far too easy.

Despite this being the most retarded way to steal anything ( and being well documented as a pretty obvious urban myth) it's now taken on a life of it's own on my feed and is being supported by all sorts of 'my friend found a chalk mark this morning) anecdotal evidence.

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