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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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Just seen a post from Dark Justice on my feed about catching a guy who thought he was meeting a 13 year old. Went on to say he turned up with a teddy bear and a bottle of wine, and to ā€œplease shareā€.

ā€œPlease shareā€. Why? The man wasnā€™t identified in the post. What would I be sharing? That Dark Justice honey-trapped another wrong ā€˜un? I donā€™t get it.

I feel as thought Iā€™m getting old by saying this, but getting sick of this society where everyone is clamouring for ā€œsharesā€ and ā€œlikesā€ or to ā€œplease subscribeā€. So many other things to worry about in this world[/hippy]

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Even though they're out trying to catch horrible paedophiles, there's something about these online vigilantes I don't like. I'm not sure which one it is specifically, maybe it's Dark Justice, but you just know the guy hates brown people and voted Brexit to "take back control."

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  • Awards Moderator

Most of my time on Facebook these days seems to be takenĀ up hiding everything from shit pages that friends have liked posts from. I still like a scroll down the news feed but I've never been closer to just sacking it off.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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A work colleague just posted this;


Started of a wonderful day mel and Andrew came with there new motorbike it's fab mum n dad called then our steven n Kim called only thing was when he left he put lock on cat pen so. We been locked in there all afternoon no phone no drink no fags only toilet was cat litter thank god danny just come home to let us out x


This is the woman I posted about who's cat came second in theĀ show.

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Someone who has posted a few anti muslim posts in the past posted the "People don't think the KKK represent Christians" thing about ISIS, which was nice to see. Ā A right racist actually linked a story from Pamela Geller and told me to "WAKE UP!!!!" and to go and live with the cunts if I wanted to after I pointed out to him the Manchester bomber was born in Manchester.

He then posted some bizarre picture of a map of Europe highlighting Islamic attacks and the caption said something about Poland doesn't have any because it has a "No migrants" policy. Ā So I pointed out that one of the Eastern Europeans he got pregnant lives in Poland with their son and linked him to a page showing how Poland doesn't have a "No Migrants" policy and how he could apply to live there (he is one of those who threatens to leave the UK because of all the immigrants)


I'm now blocked.

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  • Paid Members

I don't really get what instergram is, so can't form any strong opinion one way or another, but to be fair everyone is different in these situations and social media is at the forefront of many peoples lives these days.Ā 

I wouldn't do it myself, but then I'm uncomfortable with the online social media wave that has changed modern life for ever.Ā 

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