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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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I wish there was an option on Facebook where you could just block one element of someone's posts. A friend of mine usually posts good stuff, but by Christ I could do without the thirty links about Jeremy Corbyn every fucking day.


You can get extensions for Chrome and firefox that remove posts that contain certain words. So you could replace every post about Mr Corbyn with a lovely puppy.

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In a similar vein, is there an extension for the iPhone app that stops posts my friends have liked from appearing on my timeline?  My feed is constantly full of total strangers' holidays, graduations, wedding proposals, kids etc. because a friend has liked the post.

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Posted a pic of a reading list that my girlfriend got from a taxi driver. Got a comment of "Ur girlfriend? I'm confused as she lives with my brother"


Well, this is awkward. Either he hasn't told her they split or she hasn't told me they haven't split. I'm 42 for fucks sake.

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That's fucked Keith but I'm super interested how it turns out.

At my girlfriends request I deleted her comment, which led to her posting on her own wall "deleting my comment that shows a guilty concience (sic) lol pathetic"


Well this is a world of fun.

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