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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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Does anyone else's Facebook seem to be full of "OMFG WATCH THIS KNOB SQUEEZE THE BIGGEST BOIL IN HISTORY" with a picture of some fucking hideous puss filled blob? Its doing my head in and there seems to be loads of them

Edited by waters44
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There's a guy who goes out with an ex colleague of mine called Jeremy Ginsburg. He professes to have become "Famous in Vietnam" basically by being on a few reality shows. Truthfully he's had about as much success outside the bars he performs crap gigs in as a forgettable mid season big brother contestant, but him and his misuses continue to promote their shit, his "book" and other bollocks across the net like they have the answers for life which seems to be live of your parents money and sell a few things online/ freelance until daddy dies and makes you rich! It just annoys me how in your face he is when it's just the same 20 people sucking his dick online, the guy has done seriously nothing worthwhile for humanity yet preaches like a fucking inspirational figure. If you want to get wound up youtube search the cunt


I had to search him up - I love angering myself. He looks like a cross between John Travolta and Eric Cantona.

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I work in a large college, and due to the crap in France/Belgium, I've heard the following twice in the last year and there's likely to be something similar in the Facebook thread.


"Because I gave a generous tip, a Muslim taxi driver told me to avoid the metro centre on Saturday because something very bad will happen".



Stop getting 30 year old lies wrong kids, we all know it was the IRA taxi driver that said this. However, I'm sure they will both feel very silly if both the IRA and ISIS turn up on Sat.



I'm now hearing this from the perspective of my dad and that realisation made me feel old.

When I heard the spin of this tale when I was a nipper, I remember being worried.

I also remember my dad saying it was a load of Rubbish and that the French Canadians threatened it when he was young, and that the White English threatened it in his dad's youth.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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This is a very snobbish thing to say, but I always feel Facebook was better before it was discovered by the masses.

That's any social media network. Twitter was great until all the 1 Direction and Bieber fans found it.

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This gem from a 32 year old lad I went to school with. I've already deleted him once but then I saw him in real life in passing and he was all hugs and introducing me to his wife and kids so I didn't have the heart to reject his second friend request.


"Sound like a right faggot saying this but just watched one of my favourite films so far t date feel so much passion and energy towards this film its unreal...."


The film was Pitch Perfect 2 btw.

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There's a guy who goes out with an ex colleague of mine called Jeremy Ginsburg. He professes to have become "Famous in Vietnam" basically by being on a few reality shows. Truthfully he's had about as much success outside the bars he performs crap gigs in as a forgettable mid season big brother contestant, but him and his misuses continue to promote their shit, his "book" and other bollocks across the net like they have the answers for life which seems to be live of your parents money and sell a few things online/ freelance until daddy dies and makes you rich! It just annoys me how in your face he is when it's just the same 20 people sucking his dick online, the guy has done seriously nothing worthwhile for humanity yet preaches like a fucking inspirational figure. If you want to get wound up youtube search the cunt


I had to search him up - I love angering myself. He looks like a cross between John Travolta and Eric Cantona.



Very apt! and that's exactly why I keep tabs on him, I like to get really angry about something trivial at least once a week!

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"Sound like a right faggot saying this but just watched one of my favourite films so far t date feel so much passion and energy towards this film its unreal...."


The film was Pitch Perfect 2 btw.

Maybe he fancies the arse off of Rebel Wilson.


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