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i really dont understand how anyone with an ounce of sense can believe that a photo of a man and his kids who have disabilities can bring bad or even good luck, it makes absolutely no sense, are they saying people with disabilities cause people bad luck!!


can we please find the following photos as i believe the world is in danger if we dont warn people


A wheelchair user running over a black cat


A child with Downs Syndrome sporting egg on his vest


A man with tourettes attending attending church


and most importantly:


A Cheerleader with MS sat in a Salon Chair


Save the Disabled Cheerleader, Save the Disabled World

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My mother in law shares that shit all the time and she had the cheek to report a picture of a lovespoon I posted that some 10 year old kid had made my daughter that had a certain phallic resemblance. Blocked thr fuck out of her and two of her daughters who also found it beyond the pale. I will not be censored!

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A story doing the rounds on facebook all day has just been confirmed to be true by North Wales Police's (often comical) facebook account..


North Wales Police

2 hrs · 

The below is a full
statement from Chief Inspector Darren Wareing regarding an incident involving a dog which was running loosely on the A55 during the early hours of Monday, February 22nd:

Shortly after 3am on Monday 22nd February, several calls were received in the North Wales Police Control Room concerning a dog which was running loose on the A55 at varying locations between the Llanfairfechan roundabout and the Conwy tunnel.

Officers from the Roads Policing Unit attended and attempts were made to try and catch the dog.

Despite several attempts to catch the dog, it continued to run in and out of traffic. At one point an officer tried to take hold of the dog but was then bitten. Further attempts were made to catch the dog, which was by now running in the middle of an unlit carriageway with approaching traffic having to take avoiding action at speeds in excess of 70mph. One car and a HGV had to swerve to avoid the dog whilst the officers remained on foot in the carriageway.

The potential for a serious collision was present throughout, and in the circumstances there was no alternative way that officers could contain the dog and minimise risks to motorists. The only safe option was to run the dog over at sufficient speed to ensure that it was destroyed and would not suffer. Other methods of destruction were considered, but were ruled out on the grounds of public safety.

Fast roads such as the A55 present inherent risks, and to have vehicles including a HGV having to swerve in the dark was deemed unacceptable as the officers witnessed a number of near misses, and were highly concerned about the potential aftermath of a high speed collision.

Both officers have their own dogs and did not take this decision lightly. Due to the seriousness of the incident it needed bringing to a conclusion quickly for the safety of all concerned.


My dog usually comes for a bit of cold cut meat, should have tried that.

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I cannot get my head around this...




So fairly innocuous, standard proud parent stuff in itself until you consider this - if we assume working towards year 6, means currently in year 5, that'd make Reece what, 10 at the most? and he's fucking tagged in the post!  Are 10 year old kids really being allowed Facebook profiles?  


That is mental.  I find that far more disturbing that any Britain First nonsense.  

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