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This is a depersonalised, non-signed in search. This is what Google thinks the entity "tory" is. Google doesn't really seem to understand "tory" in the modern use in the UK. It seems to think it's a historic reference.


If I try "tory party is" it wants to convert it to "conservative".


This means the landscape is open for someone to write a heinous blog article about the "tories", connote it with "conservatives", fire a bunch of links at it and get it ranking pretty sharpish.

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After all, why would those Basildon folk want African food when they've got jellied eels?

You know Essex and London aren't the same place right?
Yes but Basildon, Romford, Southend etc has a high population of folk that have moved from the East End over generations. There's definitely a passed-down cockney culture in these parts of Essex.


Edit: hence why everyone supports West Ham in these parts. I mean, why else would you reduce yourself to that?!?!

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Colchester and Harwich are more like East Anglia, aren't they?


Odd that the second search result for 'Tories' highlights the part of the article's text that refers to a Canadian context. If you sign out, does it assume you're looking mainly for North American sites?

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After all, why would those Basildon folk want African food when they've got jellied eels?

You know Essex and London aren't the same place right?
Yes but Basildon, Romford, Southend etc has a high population of folk that have moved from the East End over generations. There's definitely a passed-down cockney culture in these parts of Essex.


Edit: hence why everyone supports West Ham in these parts. I mean, why else would you reduce yourself to that?!?!


Whilst I was mocking the original Africasisation post, I have been to Basildon and had to deal with some of the most cockney people I've ever met there.

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Colchester and Harwich are more like East Anglia, aren't they?


They're sort of both. Essex is the county they're officially in, East Anglia's the region.


Is Essex not London???


Nope, not in itself. Most of it's still outside London, but as London's expanding, more and more of Essex is being subsumed into what's referred to as Greater London. Places like Ilford and Romford are still considered Essex, but they've been considered technically part of London for some time now.

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Is the city boundary of London actually changed, or is it a case of people are from near London and like to pretend they're Londoners?

That's not having a pop at anyone, I just always remember when I started Uni and a guy was trying to crack on to a girl who I lived with and he liked to claim he was from London. I asked him once, just making conversation more than anything else, whereabouts in London he was from, only to be told "Winchester"

"Oh , so, you're not from London at all then are you?"

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Well Romford is officially in a London borough, and it is in the London transports zones. There's no real defined criteria for what counts as London as far as I know though.


I don't consider it London! And that's not snobbery, as I'm back in the London borough of Croydon these days but don't consider myself to be living in London anymore.


Winchester though? By any available metric they can get to fuck.

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Facebook has been , for a while now, the best way to find answer the question: "Who , of the people I went to school with, is a racist?".


Just seen a post that was shared from our local paper, which involved a student (who currently attends my former high school) who is an immigrant. Nothing strange about that, although a giant brawl apparently erupted and some teachers were involved etc. Considering the school was just as bad when I was there, this doesn't surprise me, and the only reason this is getting any sort of coverage is because the lad involved is originally from eastern Europe, and our town has a high level of immigrants from that area.


anyway, i saw the post and was like "Ah, same old school" when an old school friend comments "yeah, what do you expect from these bloody immigrants....blah blah". Which just made me groan out loud. And he's in the army now......jesus.


Starting to really dislike Facebook, I only use it to keep up with people I don't normally see (extended family mainly.)

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WyattSheepMask - the boundary of the Greater London connurbation frequently moves, as it really is getting bigger; with all the properties in the centre getting more and more expensive, people are having to move outwards to be able to rent or purchase flats/houses. I don't think it'll be long before Watford becomes unquestionably London.


Croydon's an odd one. Like the Essex towns, it's officially both London and Surrey, and with all the development and gentrification going on, I think it's pretty inevitable that it's going to go the way of Ilford and Romford. 


And you're right - Winchester can fuck off. Nowhere near London.

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Is Essex not London???

How very dare you. There's parts of West Essex (Romford, Ilford, Barking) that definitely feel more London than Essex. But here bang in the centre of Essex as I am (Rayleigh, on the doorstep of Bas Vegas) it's very much it's own non-London identity.


Essex is bloody huge and varied. Some people say "oh you're from Essex, you must know this place in Colchester" when Colchester is an hour's drive from me. And up there the accent completely drifts to the Suffolk mock-West Country lilt, compared to my mostly-tamed Estuary accent.


Odd that the second search result for 'Tories' highlights the part of the article's text that refers to a Canadian context. If you sign out, does it assume you're looking mainly for North American sites?


It should default to your location to inform your results. However proxies and ISP partnering can make you appear somewhere else.

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Essex is bloody huge and varied.

This. I should know, for a while I worked in Southend whilst living in Harlow. That's a bloody long journey from farthest West (bordering Herts) to the East coast. Route 66 shit.


Is the city boundary of London actually changed

Carbomb has covered Greater London, but as for the CITY of London, that hasn't changed much geographically over time. It's tiny- practically a square mile in size. From Liverpool Street, down to Tower Hill, across to Temple and up to Farringdon (roughly). Only 7,000 people actually live in the city, but more than 300,000 work there. It's dead at the weekend around there.

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