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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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I've just tried sending you the whole story to your inbox, Chest! Said it's full. Not sure whether to post it in here or not. Fuck it, I will..


This was my message:


Here's the thread that outed him, it's hilarious. It might take you a while to get used to the dialogue on there but it's worth it. It really was a thread that just kept on giving.
NB: David Masters/TheMast/Scrooge McMast/Any other Mast variation was the guy in question.
His catfish profile was Kara De Costa, a supposedly Korean chick.
Still leagues above anything else I've ever seen unfold on the old net. 

Edit: There's days worth of reading entertainment there.
Edited by Undefeated Steak
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Re: the guy on the train. If you have done a decent thing- good for you, bravo. Certainly commendable. But telling the world about it? Nah, fuck off. Be humble. What are you trying to accomplish by telling everyone? Quite clearly nothing other than how great you are, which completely removes the humility of the incident.

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I'm losing the ability to figure out which of these Inspirational Stories are real and which ones have been made up. This one, at least, isn't written as a 'white man saves the day' story:


After learning my flight was detained 4 hours, I heard the announcement: If anyone in the vicinity of gate 4-A understands any Arabic, please come to the gate immediately.

Well—one pauses these days. Gate 4-A was my own gate. I went there.

An older woman in full traditional Palestinian dress, just like my grandma wore, was crumpled to the floor, wailing loudly.

Help, said the flight service person. Talk to her. What is her problem? We told her the flight was going to be four hours late and she did this.

I put my arm around her and spoke to her haltingly.

Shu dow-a, shu- biduck habibti, stani stani schway, min fadlick, sho bit se-wee?

The minute she heard any words she knew—however poorly used - she stopped crying.

She thought our flight had been canceled entirely.

She needed to be in El Paso for some major medical treatment the

following day. I said no, no, we’re fine, you’ll get there, just late,

Who is picking you up? Let’s call him and tell him.

We called her son and I spoke with him in English.

I told him I would stay with his mother till we got on the plane and would ride next to her—Southwest.

She talked to him. Then we called her other sons just for the fun of it.

Then we called my dad and he and she spoke for a while in Arabic and found out of course they had ten shared friends.

Then I thought just for the heck of it why not call some Palestinian

poets I know and let them chat with her. This all took up about 2 hours.

She was laughing a lot by then. Telling about her life. Answering


She had pulled a sack of homemade mamool cookies—little powdered sugar crumbly mounds stuffed with dates and nuts—out of her bag—and was offering them to all the women at the gate.

To my amazement, not a single woman declined one. It was like a

sacrament. The traveler from Argentina, the traveler from California,

the lovely woman from Laredo—we were all covered with the same

powdered sugar. And smiling. There are no better cookies.

And then the airline broke out the free beverages from huge coolers—non-alcoholic—and the two little girls for our flight, one African

American, one Mexican American—ran around serving us all apple juice and lemonade and they were covered with powdered sugar too.

And I noticed my new best friend—by now we were holding hands— had a potted plant poking out of her bag, some medicinal thing,

With green furry leaves. Such an old country traveling tradition. Always carry a plant. Always stay rooted to somewhere.

And I looked around that gate of late and weary ones and thought,

this is the world I want to live in. The shared world.

Not a single person in this gate—once the crying of confusion stopped—has seemed apprehensive about any other person.

They took the cookies. I wanted to hug all those other women too.

This can still happen anywhere.

Not everything is lost.

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Was thinking about that cunt. When I Googled his name the first result was the Daily Mail article. I clicked through (I know, I know, I’m sorry) and one of the bullet points is: “Do you know Yara?”


That sums every thing up wrong with the story. Why is that cunt getting the headlines? It should be her telling the story and then an appeal to find the good samaritan to thank him or whatever. Not him lapping up praise and then an attempt to find the victim, for what end I don’t know.

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These white knight stories must be the new thing on there. This was liked by a colleague:




I was on my usual running path when I heard an older man yelling loudly enough for me to hear through my headphones. "Sexy lady, hey hey hey sexy lady!" He kept screaming it and I decided to just ignore him and keep running.

This ignoring seemed to piss him off so he lashed out and said "eff you, dumb B****!" Now let's keep in mind he was well-dressed and appeared to be on his lunch break from an office job.

That was my trigger point. The B word. I ripped off my headphones prepared to stand up for myself when this little boy who was walking alongside his mother and little sister in a stroller looked at the guy and said, "Hey. That is not nice to say to her and she didn't like you yelling at her. You shouldn't do that because she is a nice girl and I don't let anyone say mean things to people. She's a girl like my sister and I will protect her."

The man was immediately embarrassed and started gathering his lunch to leave. I asked the mother if I could hug the little boy (his name is James) and I told him how grateful I was for him. He just shrugged and said "Well I just wanted to make sure your heart was okay."

According to his mother, this is a typical day in the life of James. Thank you so much to the mothers and fathers who are raising the next generation to be brave and courageous, and to be little earth angels for all. I am so touched.

The woman who posted it is proper fit mind. 

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A tramp once called me a cunt for 'taking a grand out of your account and not giving me any' when I probably had about a tenner to my name.  I didn't punch his nose through the back of his skull.  Do you reckon I should put that up on FB?  I mean, I must be the goodest of samaritans. 

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