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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Just rewatched House of 1000 corpses for the first time in about 6-7 years. It's still garbage with little flares of goodness in it, mainly it's subtler nods to 70s horror. I really want to see Rob Zombie direct a film he had nothing to do with writing to see what he can do because left on his own his films become self indulgent shite......starring Sheri Moon.

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I'm 13 minutes in to Only God Forgives and I can already tell that Pitcos is going to absolutely love it. Gosling is playing EXACTLY the same character as in Drive.


I can't understand how someone who loves films as much as you do could be posting on the forum while watching, 80% of the films I watch are throwaway toss but I still turn the lights down, don't play with my phone or computer and try to immerse myself in the experience.

I see it on Facebook too "15 minutes into the Expendables 2 and it's wicked". Surely if it's so wicked you could stop thinking about facebook for 2 hours and wait til it's over to talk about it.

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I loved Only God Forgives, Drive and Place Beyond The Pines :(. I'm blinded by my man crush on Gosling.

And the fact he's most likely sniffed the pipe out of Eva Mendes at some stage in the bedroom, ups my respect for the man even more.


I've actually watched Drive 7 times and read the book thrice.

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I'm 13 minutes in to Only God Forgives and I can already tell that Pitcos is going to absolutely love it. Gosling is playing EXACTLY the same character as in Drive.


I can't understand how someone who loves films as much as you do could be posting on the forum while watching, 80% of the films I watch are throwaway toss but I still turn the lights down, don't play with my phone or computer and try to immerse myself in the experience.

I see it on Facebook too "15 minutes into the Expendables 2 and it's wicked". Surely if it's so wicked you could stop thinking about facebook for 2 hours and wait til it's over to talk about it.


Just so you don't look like a pig ignorant herbert next time, I posted that because I had PAUSED the film so I could make my daughter some supper and while I was waiting for it to cook, I took the opportunity to reply to some emails, check Letterboxd, check here, and see if there were any more bald Karen Gillan pictures.


You watch films the way you want, and I'll watch them the way I have to. And fuck off as well.


I loved Only God Forgives, Drive and Place Beyond The Pines :(. I'm blinded by my man crush on Gosling.

And the fact he's most likely sniffed the pipe out of Eva Mendes at some stage in the bedroom, ups my respect for the man even more.


I've actually watched Drive 7 times and read the book thrice.


I really liked Drive, Branquey. I preferred The Driver, which I'm sure was its main influence, but I still enjoyed it. I thought it had flaws but I didn't think Only God Forgives had enough interesting stuff going on to paper over those cracks. It looked and sounded awesome. It actually started really promisingly, it had a David Lynch vibe to it.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Then Gosling said "Wanna fight?" and I just couldn't take it even slightly seriously after that.



I'm glad I watched it, though, because Refn nearly made something out of nothing

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House Of 1000 Corpses is pretty much toss. I thought The Devil's Rejects was a massive step up, though.


The Devils Rejects is a film i've seen about 3 times and I'm still not sure if I like it. Totally agree that its a huge step up from Corpses but aside from looking nice and having a cool song at the end its a very unlikeable film.


I still hate Zombie for those Halloween remakes though. Terrible, terrible films. The whole back story in the first film played out like some terrible fan fiction and the sequel managed to be even worse. I turned it off out of sheer boredom which almost never happens.


I think Zombie has a similar thing to Kevin Smith going on where as he has his bubble of fans that think he can do no wrong and he manages to get films hes written made with little or no interference and therein lies the problem. Left to their own devices their output is getting shitter and shitter. Smith tried to make Cop Out to prove he could be a Director and make a studio film and we know how that went. Would be interesting to see what Zombie could do.

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I really liked Drive, Branquey. I preferred The Driver, which I'm sure was its main influence, but I still enjoyed it. I thought it had flaws but I didn't think Only God Forgives had enough interesting stuff going on to paper over those cracks. It looked and sounded awesome. It actually started really promisingly, it had a David Lynch vibe to it.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Then Gosling said "Wanna fight?" and I just couldn't take it even slightly seriously after that.



I'm glad I watched it, though, because Refn nearly made something out of nothing

The Driver is awesome D-Mal.

I'll be honest, I only found out about that flick after I saw Drive, and when I saw Hill - coming into his pomp - directed it, I got even more giddy about the prospect of sitting down in front of it. Plays like a Peckinpah flick too, loved it, but I ultimately preferred Drive because, no character hooked me and left an impact on me like Gosling's in Drive. Not since Brad Pitt's Tyler Durden, anyway. (Hudson in Aliens and Chet in Weird Science will always, forever be my two favourite characters in anything, ever.)

Plus, I really have a fierce crush on Christina Hendricks, who I think every woman on earth should look like.


Have to agree on the SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Wanna fight comment.

I think they were going for the tagline/t-shirt there and failed miserably.

I also loved Cliff Martinez's score, which is his best since Narc in my opinion. It was the score and visuals that did it for me, and played like Refn paying homage to Gaspar Noe and bringing it mainstream.

I can understand why people would hate it though, completely. I went to a screening of it ages ago and people were fucked off, and my missus tried to watch it recently with me and gave up about 45 minutes into it, asking what the fuck is wrong with me in the head.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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The Driver is absolutely awesome. I'm always talking it up round here and on Letterboxd. I think it's Walter Hill's best film. He's a great man. It's perhaps one of the reasons I enjoyed Drive so much, in fairness, but I also found Drive to just have a really good and watchable cast - it was great to see Albert Brooks in something good again and Ron Perlman in something I was interested in. Plus Carey Mulligan's some kind of amazing actress.


If anything, even though I didn't like it, Only God Forgives has made me more interested in Refn's early work. I've only seen these two films to date of his. I need to see Gosling in something where he has more than one facial expression as well.

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I'm 13 minutes in to Only God Forgives and I can already tell that Pitcos is going to absolutely love it. Gosling is playing EXACTLY the same character as in Drive.


I can't understand how someone who loves films as much as you do could be posting on the forum while watching, 80% of the films I watch are throwaway toss but I still turn the lights down, don't play with my phone or computer and try to immerse myself in the experience.

I see it on Facebook too "15 minutes into the Expendables 2 and it's wicked". Surely if it's so wicked you could stop thinking about facebook for 2 hours and wait til it's over to talk about it.

fully with you on that, it's just how shit is these days though :(

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I need to see Gosling in something where he has more than one facial expression as well.


I know you may balk at this, but give Crazy Stupid Love a shot. Seriously, it's a lot of fun and Gosling plays his part brilliantly.

Murder by Numbers, Lars and the Real Girl and The Believer are also three belters from Gosser.


I'm going to snap a pic of my best pensive, sullen Gosling impression and post it later when I get credit for me phone!


Have you seen Refn's Bronson yet? A touch arthouse, but a fucking incredible performance by Tom Hardy. Valhalla Rising is shit though...absolute shit. Fucking nearly as bad as Open poxy Water, but again, I stress the importance of Blanchard Ryan's nipples in elevating that film beyond sewage.

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Watched Dredd , that many people have salivated about as being epic. Aside from the gorgeous cinematography at points, super slo-mo and the 3d which works really really well. It's not brilliant and certainly not as good as The Raid.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Anderson was underwritten, (never pushed the underlying thing she found in Dredd in her first scene) as was Ma-Ma who came off as 'baddie of the week' in the end despite the explanation from the 'expendable' medic. The set pieces including 'Tramp crush', the Gattling Gun and the shot across the balcony were well done, but the whole film left me empty, lots of loose strands and things that went nowhere really.


Garland is better than that and I want to see how Never Let Me Go pans out, before writing him off completely. The Beach (novel) The Tesseract (novel) and 28 Days Later (film) were good. Not so keen on Sunshine and havent' read The Coma, yet


Why did Dredd use the Slo-Mo on Ma-Ma when that meant he was breaking the law that was so paramount to him. He committed a criminal act in passing judgement, so surely that means he himself should be judged? Sure, the fall would have been forever, and was emphasised for effect but she was already dying from the shot to the abdomen, so was needless and was a bit odd for the character?


What was the point of the rogue Judges, when they were pretty much nameless and faceless cannon fodder, nothing was really explored as to why they turned. Indeed one million credits was scoffed at as being a price to have been paid on Dredd's head, so made no sense. The woman rogue judge was next to useless as well.


Overall, it was an enjoyable film to a point but it wasnt as great as some people over various fora etc have made out




[close spoiler]

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I need to see Gosling in something where he has more than one facial expression as well.


I know you may balk at this, but give Crazy Stupid Love a shot. Seriously, it's a lot of fun and Gosling plays his part brilliantly.

Murder by Numbers, Lars and the Real Girl and The Believer are also three belters from Gosser.


I'm going to snap a pic of my best pensive, sullen Gosling impression and post it later when I get credit for me phone!


Have you seen Refn's Bronson yet? A touch arthouse, but a fucking incredible performance by Tom Hardy. Valhalla Rising is shit though...absolute shit. Fucking nearly as bad as Open poxy Water, but again, I stress the importance of Blanchard Ryan's nipples in elevating that film beyond sewage.


I've nearly watched Bronson loads of times but never got round to it. It's jumped up my queue since last night, though.


I wouldn't baulk at any suggestions you make, Branquey! Certainly Lars And The Real Girl is one I've had bookmarked for ages, I know there are a fair few around here that really like it as well.

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I agree with some of your points there Pat, but I thought The Raid, to me personally, suffered from 'I'm watching somebody have a very long go on XBox' after 45 minutes.

I thought Dredd was paced to perfection, kept me more involved, had better characters and was a better overall film than The Raid, but may disagree with me.

I believe Gareth Evans borrowed heavily from Garlands leaked script, also, but I could be wrong there.


I've nearly watched Bronson loads of times but never got round to it. It's jumped up my queue since last night, though.


I wouldn't baulk at any suggestions you make, Branquey! Certainly Lars And The Real Girl is one I've had bookmarked for ages, I know there are a fair few around here that really like it as well.


Bronson is one I've watched numerous times, and so quotable, D-Mal. Hardy is a hoot in it, as is Matt King.

Have a watch of Crazy Stupid Love and Lars and the Real Girl. Gosling plays comedy very, very well. I'd love to see The Coen Brothers in their dark comedy prime give Gosling a meaty role.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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I enjoyed The Raid. I hated the ending....


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Two babyfaces on one heel! Fuck off, that's not how these things are supposed to end!



....but it was a good laugh. It reminded me of District 13, which I thought was slightly better.


I think I'll probably watch Dredd. I know it's a comic book film and that and I usually don't watch those but I've been informed by people I trust that I will like it. So we'll see.

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I need to see Gosling in something where he has more than one facial expression as well.


I know you may balk at this, but give Crazy Stupid Love a shot. Seriously, it's a lot of fun and Gosling plays his part brilliantly.

Murder by Numbers, Lars and the Real Girl and The Believer are also three belters from Gosser.


I'm going to snap a pic of my best pensive, sullen Gosling impression and post it later when I get credit for me phone!


Have you seen Refn's Bronson yet? A touch arthouse, but a fucking incredible performance by Tom Hardy. Valhalla Rising is shit though...absolute shit. Fucking nearly as bad as Open poxy Water, but again, I stress the importance of Blanchard Ryan's nipples in elevating that film beyond sewage.


I've nearly watched Bronson loads of times but never got round to it. It's jumped up my queue since last night, though.


I wouldn't baulk at any suggestions you make, Branquey! Certainly Lars And The Real Girl is one I've had bookmarked for ages, I know there are a fair few around here that really like it as well.


Totally agree with Branquey on Bronson. It jumps around all over the place and some of the more arty scenes seem out of place and can make it feel a bit disjointed but Tom Hardy is incredible in it

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