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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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It's the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life. Ever. I actually wept...and I still have goosebumps.
I couldn't sleep last night and my mate was texting me at 2am saying the same thing. Got a text from her that said "Was that real??" and she wasn't even the biggest Deadpool fan in the world. But she is now.

It's so loyal, so clever and so ridiculously incredible that I don't think I'll ever, ever feel this way about a movie again, and that saddens me.

I can't even begin to explain how good this is. The opening credits are fantastic and probably the greatest credit sequence I have ever seen in my life and it just does not let up. It has heart, it's hilarious, it smashes that fourth wall in a way that I didn't think possible, it's tense, it's full of action and...okay, picture Crank, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Fight Club, Dredd, Airplane!, Zombieland and to even say Kick Ass or Kingsman is doing it a disservice, but put them all in a blender and you've got something akin to this.


I will probably see this movie 8 times in the flicks and a further 200 when it's available for home viewing.


Ryan Reynolds is back in a big way after this. Mark my words! This is the role he was born to play...and I firmly believe in faith and a higher power after seeing this movie. It's that good.


Anyone wants to ask any oul questions fire away. And yes, there is probably the funniest, most apt post credits scene you'll ever, ever see in your life.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Zoolander 2 is one of the least necessary sequels I've ever seen. It's amazing that there were 4 credited writers and apparently none of them realised that a cameo =/= a joke. It had a few decent moments but I wouldn't recommend it.

Can't be as bad as Dirty Grandpa.

That was utterly fucking septic.

I know it's not my being aged as I found 21 and Over, and still find Project X, to be bollick wobblingly funny.

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Is it not Half-Term down in England there? .. It is up here in Scotland.


Try and find a cinema that's out of the way and definately not in some sort of shopping area. If I really must see something in Glasgow, I try and go to the afternoon showings at the Odeon at the Quay. Mostly quiet on the school days.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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I watched The Green Hornet last night. I'd avoided it because I like the Bruce Lee series, and I don't like Seth Rogan. It was on though, so I figured I'd give it a chance.




Shit shit shit.


Rogen just does the same shtick he does in everything. The racial stereotyping is cringeworthy, and it's just a horrible, lazy, scraping the barrel effort.



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It's shockingly bad. And I like Seth Rogen. Christoph Waltz was really good though..

As someone who didn't care for the show, I remember liking it when I first saw it. Not revisited, though thought Diaz was miscast and thought Waltz was just being Waltz. I am a Gondry fan mind

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Triple 9:
Right, it’s not quite as good as I was expecting it to be. Casey Affleck, Aaron Paul, Clifton Collins Jr and Omar are very good in it and at parts it’s very tense, but it seems all over the place and so disjointed. Kate Winslet, that 12 Years A Slave gent and Anthony Mackie are fucking terrible in it.

Devastated as I was looking forward to this 2nd behind only Deadpool, this year.

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