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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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I watched Bonnie and Clyde last night. I deliberately lowered my standards going in. I know how groundbreaking it was at the time of its release but was worried its impact would've worn off. Thankfully, it hadn't and I really enjoyed it. A great story with acting and dialogue to back it up - exactly what I want out of a film. Call me stupid but how do you describe how a movie's shot? As in the lighting, colours and type of film used? However you do, I'd give B&C 10/10 on that basis, some lovey nostalgic hues in a lot of the scenes.


For some reason, I watched Mean Girls and Bad Neighbours the other night. Alone. I need to get out more/a girlfriend. Actually, Mean Girls is ace and pre-crack Lohan was my biggest crush so you can let me off for that. But I don't have an excuse for Bad Neighbours. Rogen and Efron. It was shite but I quite enjoyed it. Sorry.


About to watch The Outlaw Josey Wales. 

Mise En Scene

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My daughter insisted I watched Tangled with her tonight.


Bloody fantastic, and infinitely better than Frozen. I was surprised to see Richard Kiel's name in the credits, but it's nice to know he was still getting work so recently.

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Yeah Tangled is way better than Frozen. Frozen is pretty cack bar the catchy tunes. Both are inferior to The Princess and the Frog though which manages to blend together a more savvy humour and traditional Disney style.


Just out of curiosity, does anyone know why The Goonies wasn't much bigger than it was? It was everyone's favourite film on my estate and I know it had a game but where were the sequels and Saturday morning cartoons? Did it have shit on the market? I don't Rember much merch but I was born in '84 so probably missed it. If it was released today it'd be a huge franchise with sequels galore.

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Been catching up on some films since I moved as no telly

Edge of Tomorrow was a good watch and would make a fantastic double header with Children of Men. Dystopian Britain is ace.. really enjoyed it from start to finish,despite the cop out ending. Well worth a watch ad more than Groundhog Day with Guns.


Escape Plan has been on my hitlist since, ooh forever. Stallone, Schwarznegger, Prison. Mix up Break Out, Fortress, Face Off, The Shawshank Redemption and Tango and Cash and that about covers it. Loved it


World War Z. Zombie film with no blood splattter etc.. Zombie infested Wales, played out more like Contagion than anything, which is no bad thing, enjoyed that too.

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World War Z. Zombie film with no blood splattter etc.. Zombie infested Wales, played out more like Contagion than anything, which is no bad thing, enjoyed that too.

I really enjoyed World War Z, but I'd absolutely love them to make a mini-series of the book. There's no way it could be compressed into a single film, but a 4-6 parter should suit.



Is the book worth reading and what are the inevitable, significant differences?

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World War Z. Zombie film with no blood splattter etc.. Zombie infested Wales, played out more like Contagion than anything, which is no bad thing, enjoyed that too.

I really enjoyed World War Z, but I'd absolutely love them to make a mini-series of the book. There's no way it could be compressed into a single film, but a 4-6 parter should suit.



Is the book worth reading and what are the inevitable, significant differences?



The book is absolutely superb, and the changes are massive. It's not a conventional novel as such - it takes the perspective of the 'author' having gathered together interviews from various people all around the world to track the story of how the zombie outbreak came about, what happened during it, and how it was defeated. Each chapter is a different voice, from the Chinese doctor who treated patient zero, to an Israeli soldier describing their quarantine, to a Russian explaining what the military there did to combat the first wave of zombies, to how Britain coped with the zombies, to the relocation of US citizens to safe places, to someone who was on a submarine at the time, to an astronaut who was on the ISS while it was all happening, to how the US military launched an operation to purge the country of the zombies, to people dealing with the aftermath in Canada… I haven't done it justice at all there, but trust me, it's absolutely excellent, one of my favourite books.


If you try to think of the film as an adaptation of the book, the best way to imagine it is that the story of the film is the equivalent of one chapter in the book - what you watched was Gerry Lane's experience of the zombie outbreak. But what about that bloke in the car behind him at the start? Or one of the kids in the background in Israel? Or Peter Capaldi's character before Brad Pitt turned up? The book creates a snapshot of what was going on all over the world, to various people, not just one character, and it's great for it.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Has anyone seen this film...It's a fairly recent horror. The basic premise is that the monster/beastie/demon/zombie whatever comes at you, but it only walks at you. It doesn't come charging in, however, you have to always keep an eye out.Any ideas?

It follows?

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The Babadook.


A rare horror that makes you feel for the main characters. Brilliantly acted and genuinely creepy. I really enjoyed it, I know some haven't but yeah, quite an emotional film as well as a scary one.

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