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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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How To Train Your Dragon 2 - It's just awful. I'm the first in line for animated movies, for the most part, but this was fucking shocking. Boring, preachy and woeful voice acting. I don't normally mind Baruchel, but when it's a whole film with his annoying, faux nervous voice carrying it, it becomes intolerable.

Don't get me started on Blanchett. Her Scottish accent was worse than Kevin Spacey's Irish accent, and that's saying something.

I should have went to GOTG for the third time, but we took my missus' niece and nephew who are only 5 and 7 respectively.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Introduced Jr to Bruce Lee over the weekend. US Netflix doesn't have Enter The Dragon so went for Way of the Dragon (confusingly called Return of the Dragon on Netflix). I haven't seen a Bruce in about 15 years.


This one (the one in Rome with Chuck Norris) takes FOREVER to do anything of interest. There's an crazy awkward "I can't understand the Chinaman say eggs" bit, a tease of a fight and weird camp rubbish before the combat kicks in. But as if you need me to tell you, his fighting still has real impact. The grace, the precision, the agility is so well executed, you just want to jump up and do it yourself. He's so darn charismatic. Jr openly gasped when Bruce warms up for the Chuckie fight by bending perfectly at the waist, so his torso is parallel to his legs. Speaking of which, that fight is so well choreographed. Great storytelling.


So yeah, Bruce still has it, over 40 years later.

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I've just watched Turtle Power The Definitive History of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Netflix Canada and it's well worth a watch but it felt like it really only scratches the surface of the story of the Turtles. Particularly in regards to the relationship between the comics creators Eastman and Laird. They seem to slightly gloss over a few things that probably would have given the doc a more compelling human aspect that it sort of half goes for. But its very engaging and a tremendous nostalgic look back at the brand as a whole. As a fan of the 1st movie it was great to see insight into its production and really did a great job of reminding me of the massive presence of the Turtles in my childhood. I'll definitely be buying it on Blu-ray.

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Went to see Guardians of the Galaxy this afternoon — wasn't interested, until it started to get great reviews and good word-of-mouth. 


The opening was v. affecting, but then it straggled through some well-done but unengaging action stuff, and some introductory stuff. If it was a TV show, I'd have turned it off, I think, but I'm glad that I was stuck in the cinema watching it, because when the major players started to come together, it turned into a fucking romp. Thought that Lee Pace's villain was presented extremely well as an unstoppable force, and absolutely loved the more esoteric characters — Big Dave was splendid, and I loved the heart and backstory they gave to his character. In all, I felt like I was watching a film that, if I was 20 years younger, I'd be obsessed with, and if I happened to see it younger than that, it would be my life like the Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies.

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That's the comparison I made as well,  Squits.  It felt like seeing a new Star Wars film, full of instantly iconic characters, places and moments.


I'm sure they'll make more of them, but in some respects I'm worked the Guardians will just get dragged into the rest of the Marvel franchise, whereas they really need to just do a couple more fabulous space adventures before going anywhere near Earth.  Sort of like the Star Trek film franchise doing 3 cool action movies before Star Trek IV.

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Going to go see The Inbetweeners 2 tonight. I'm going to regret that decision aren't I?


The amount of stuff I go see but wouldn't usually because I have this unlimited card is nuts.



Not at all. If you like the show you'll like the movie, simple as that. I loved it.



I'll hold you to that. :D


So, what did you make of it pal?


I watched it last Monday before the Jackie Chan gig and fucking loved it. I was convinced I’d hate it, I love the show and the first film, but the trailer was absolutely dire to the point I was certain it'd be a massive let down.


Turns out, it's hilarious, only the funny stuff couldn’t possibly be shown in any trailer. It is what it is, and Malbranque hits the nail on the head, it won’t sell you on the franchise if you aren’t already a fan, and it's not trying to make some bold statement or develop ideas above its station, but it does what it does brilliantly, it's crass humour at its finest and reminded me of the original American Pie movies in the way it built to some big set pieces - that scene at the water park being the absolute stand out moment.


I've read reviews complaining that it lacks any storyline of note, but for me The Inbetweeners has always been about the dialogue and interaction between the characters, and it delivers that in spades - yes there's a couple of dynamics lifted from the first film and replayed with different people, and a few unnecessary developments that don’t add much other than a nod and wink to long term followers, but it knows who it's audience is and caters to them perfectly.


It's a cliché, but I can’t remember legitimately laughing out loud at something so much in a long time.

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I really enjoyed it. The water park scene is definitely the highlight. The part at the end of the scene I thought was hilarious. The despair in Will's eyes.


I thought they dragged out the

stuck in the desert

scene a little bit too long.


My only disappointment was that it lacked the little subtle parts that I often find pretty funny.


Also, is it just me or do all the "love interests" seem to look the same? Carli, Charlotte, Katie.

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I watched the Full Monty the other day, not seen it in years.


I'm sure some one will say I'm wrong but I really enjoyed more than I remembered, the interplay and development of the characters beyond Robert Carlisle seemed more well constructed than I remember and seemed to invest me more in each character than I did when I watched some 10 years back, resulting in getting more of a laugh and more emotion from me too.


It's a bit sad on reflection that it was marred by the run of unfunny, poorly made shit which seemed to follow it and get tagged with "best British film since the Full Monty"

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I watched the Full Monty the other day, not seen it in years.


I'm sure some one will say I'm wrong but I really enjoyed more than I remembered, the interplay and development of the characters beyond Robert Carlisle seemed more well constructed than I remember and seemed to invest me more in each character than I did when I watched some 10 years back, resulting in getting more of a laugh and more emotion from me too.


It's a bit sad on reflection that it was marred by the run of unfunny, poorly made shit which seemed to follow it and get tagged with "best British film since the Full Monty"


I watched it last year for the first time since it came out on video. Have to agree, I still thought it was really, really good. Perhaps because of where it's set, it has aged really well. The characters are really well defined and easy to invest in. Mark Addy is still my favourite. The scene where he's sat in the garden shed wrapped in cling film eating a mars bar is the thing that I always think of when I think Full Monty. I also love the bit where he pulls the ginger one out of the car but he's ungrateful so he shoves him back in.

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Dead Man On Campus - A favourite of mine since I saw it in the flicks, and potentially one of the greatest, most quotable comedies ever, with wonderful infectiously funny turns by Lochlyn Munro as Cliff and a very young Jason Segel as Kyle...ruined only by that 'That Thing You Do cunt who seems intent on dragging Zack Morris and every scene they're in together down with his shit timing and bewildered eyeballs.

Cliff, though. What an absolute hero!

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