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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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I suppose I should ask this in the questions thread but it's film related so...


I was wondering if one of you lovely chaps could let me know the name of a film I'm thinking of. It was a film that was on one Sunday afternoon over a decade ago that I have a vague recollection of. I seem to remember it being British and black and white and a family comedy resolving a hunt for a dinosaur egg. It's possible I suppose that I'm simply not remembering it right and it was actually One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing, but I'm sure the film I'm thinking of was actually quite a bit older. Anyone have an inkling as to what it might be or am I just off my rocker?

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Calvary : I didn't like The Guard, and I didn't like this. Decent performances by Dylan Moran and Gleeson - and it was nice to see Killian Scott pop up on the big screen - but this was even more boring than The Guard and it's attempt at dark Oirish humour was just fucking mortifying.


I went to see this today. Unlike you, I loved The Guard, but Calvary is a hell of a lot bleaker. I thought it was pretty powerful, and I think there's a lot I could say about it with my film studies hat on, but it wasn't an especially pleasant or easy watch. Low points include the dog (a warning to Butch or Astro from the other film thread, in case either of them fancied it), and Aidan Gillen doing the Littlefinger voice again. On the plus side, Brendan Gleeson is fast becoming one of my favourite actors. I could watch him in just about anything.

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Blackfish:This 2013 documentary which I watched last night on Netflix as a curiosity ended up having more of an impact on me than I'd anticipated, it focuses on the Orca's that are kept in captivity at the SeaWorld park in Orlando, Florida. Most of the attention is given to a Killer Whale called Tilikum who is the "Headline Attraction" at SeaWorld, he's also got a track record of killing people, the most recent being the 2010 death of trainer Dawn Brancheau which got International media attention at the time.


From interviews with former SeaWorld trainers who worked with him directly we see Tilikum's entire life documented, from footage of his heartbreaking capture right up to his current day living conditions which I found equally as disturbing.


The documentary reveals the conditions the Orca's have been kept in as well as the practices used to train them, the accusations of lies told and misconceptions that SeaWorld have allowed to continue (One of these being that SeaWorld trainers and staff are trained to tell guests that Orca's have an estimated life span of 30 years, true for those who are captive, but in the wild they often live the same life span as humans do)


I think SeaWorld has existed for so long in it's current form largely due to a great number of the people being unaware of those how intelligent and social these Animals are and the depression and psychosis the conditions they are living in while in captivity are causing them.


I've only given a brief overview but SeaWorld does not come across good at all in this documentary, not in regards to the welfare of the Orca's or it's business practices and public relations. It's not a place I'll be going to if I ever visit Florida.


My words don't really do this documentary justice, it's only 83 minutes. I highly recommend people give it a watch and see what they walk away from it thinking.

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Blackfish had a massive effect on me. I remember being shocked, angry, upset (the separating of mothers from calves was devastating just to hear about) and eager to do something, anything to change things. I've read a lot into the issue since watching the film, and obviously it's not a completely objective documentary - the whale researcher with the moustache was stretching a few of his facts, most notably the ages (orcas can live to a maximum age not unlike humans, but that is a maximum rather than typical age for wild orcas to reach) - but the more you look into it, the worse SeaWorld keep looking. I can't fathom anybody watching Blackfish and then still being able to visit there. No matter how many people are encouraged to watch the film - and i've encouraged a few - the only way things will change is if people stop visiting, and sadly I can't see that happening. Even if something does happen, there's no way most of the SeaWorld orcas could be fully reintroduced to the ocean due to the damage the tanks, chlorine and diet have done to their teeth, eyes and their psyches. The best that could be hoped for is probably large sea pens.


It's been fascinating following 'the Blackfish effect' since watching. Sites like Cracked and Buzzfeed have done pieces on captive orcas and SeaWorld (which is an awful place even without the orca captivity), but I'd also recommend liking Blackfish and the WDC on Facebook. Again, you won't get much objectivity from Whale and Dolphin Conservation, but they regularly post links to the latest events and research - from the musicians who cancelled appearances at SeaWorld after seeing the film, to SeaWorld's official response and the page on their site where they try to put their spin on things, updates on their visitor numbers (down this quarter), the latest on the OSHA rulings - they re-ruled this week that trainers are not allowed to perform in the water with the whales - and the 'Blackfish bill' they're trying to pass in California which will ban orca performances entirely.


And this stuff is still having the same effect on me. Just this week I was reading an article about Corky, the oldest orca SeaWorld has - they captured her in the late 60s. The thing that has stuck in my mind is that her pod is still out there, still active, and in the 90s someone played a recording of the pod to Corky in her tank. She not only recognised the unique sounds of her family 25 years after being separated from them, but was trying to communicate back. That's heartbreaking. I know there are so many other tragic issues in the world, and I don't know why this one has resonated and stuck with me so much, but it really has.


And unfortunately, there are places other than SeaWorld that are arguably worse. Loro Parque's got a whale who was taken in 2010. Russia is still capturing orcas - at one point they were going to display two at Sochi - and are keeping some in holding pens while others have been sent to China. Nobody knows what's happened to those orcas.


Anyway, I thought Blackfish was excellent, and I'm sure there'll be many who disagree with my view, but any doc to have had such a lasting effect is impressive to me. I wasn't planning on ever going to SeaWorld anyway, it's never appealed, but I would never willingly set foot in one of those parks now. That film's turned me into a bloody activist!

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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others have been sent to China. Nobody knows what's happened to those orcas.


Really? Nobody knows what's happened to those animals sent to China? Nobody? :bored:

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  • Awards Moderator
others have been sent to China. Nobody knows what's happened to those orcas.


Really? Nobody knows what's happened to those animals sent to China? Nobody? :bored:


Well, obviously the people who've bought and sold them do, but it hasn't exactly been a 'track the progress of your order online with InterLink' sort of situation. They've presumably gone to some kind of aquarium park but as far as the wider world goes nobody seems to be aware of anything more detailed than 'China somewhere'.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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others have been sent to China. Nobody knows what's happened to those orcas.


Really? Nobody knows what's happened to those animals sent to China? Nobody? :bored:


Well, obviously the people who've bought and sold them do, but it hasn't exactly been a 'track the progress of your order online with InterLink' sort of situation. They've presumably gone to some kind of aquarium park but as far as the wider world goes nobody seems to be aware of anything more detailed than 'China somewhere'.

I think it's far more likely they've gone into some kind of soup.

Edited by Jaffa
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others have been sent to China. Nobody knows what's happened to those orcas.


Really? Nobody knows what's happened to those animals sent to China? Nobody? :bored:


Well, obviously the people who've bought and sold them do, but it hasn't exactly been a 'track the progress of your order online with InterLink' sort of situation. They've presumably gone to some kind of aquarium park but as far as the wider world goes nobody seems to be aware of anything more detailed than 'China somewhere'.

I think it's far more likely they've gone into some kind of soup.


That is what I was hinting at, yes.

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The Raid 2 is glorious, it has it's faults (mainly the pacing and entire story being daft) but viewed as a brainless kill 'em up it's the best thing ever, now i just hope that we'll someday get a Dredd sequel that's even better.


At one point some woman in the cinema sounded like she lost her lunch due to a particularly grotesque scene, i gasped and cringed a few times myself.

Edited by Merzbow
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Blackfish had a massive effect on me. I remember being shocked, angry, upset (the separating of mothers from calves was devastating just to hear about) and eager to do something, anything to change things. I've read a lot into the issue since watching the film, and obviously it's not a completely objective documentary - the whale researcher with the moustache was stretching a few of his facts, most notably the ages (orcas can live to a maximum age not unlike humans, but that is a maximum rather than typical age for wild orcas to reach) - but the more you look into it, the worse SeaWorld keep looking. I can't fathom anybody watching Blackfish and then still being able to visit there. No matter how many people are encouraged to watch the film - and i've encouraged a few - the only way things will change is if people stop visiting, and sadly I can't see that happening. Even if something does happen, there's no way most of the SeaWorld orcas could be fully reintroduced to the ocean due to the damage the tanks, chlorine and diet have done to their teeth, eyes and their psyches. The best that could be hoped for is probably large sea pens.


It's been fascinating following 'the Blackfish effect' since watching. Sites like Cracked and Buzzfeed have done pieces on captive orcas and SeaWorld (which is an awful place even without the orca captivity), but I'd also recommend liking Blackfish and the WDC on Facebook. Again, you won't get much objectivity from Whale and Dolphin Conservation, but they regularly post links to the latest events and research - from the musicians who cancelled appearances at SeaWorld after seeing the film, to SeaWorld's official response and the page on their site where they try to put their spin on things, updates on their visitor numbers (down this quarter), the latest on the OSHA rulings - they re-ruled this week that trainers are not allowed to perform in the water with the whales - and the 'Blackfish bill' they're trying to pass in California which will ban orca performances entirely.


And this stuff is still having the same effect on me. Just this week I was reading an article about Corky, the oldest orca SeaWorld has - they captured her in the late 60s. The thing that has stuck in my mind is that her pod is still out there, still active, and in the 90s someone played a recording of the pod to Corky in her tank. She not only recognised the unique sounds of her family 25 years after being separated from them, but was trying to communicate back. That's heartbreaking. I know there are so many other tragic issues in the world, and I don't know why this one has resonated and stuck with me so much, but it really has.


And unfortunately, there are places other than SeaWorld that are arguably worse. Loro Parque's got a whale who was taken in 2010. Russia is still capturing orcas - at one point they were going to display two at Sochi - and are keeping some in holding pens while others have been sent to China. Nobody knows what's happened to those orcas.


Anyway, I thought Blackfish was excellent, and I'm sure there'll be many who disagree with my view, but any doc to have had such a lasting effect is impressive to me. I wasn't planning on ever going to SeaWorld anyway, it's never appealed, but I would never willingly set foot in one of those parks now. That film's turned me into a bloody activist!


There are some articles here with interviews with "stars" of the documentry who reveal quite a few mis directions used in the documentry. Here is one of those interviews http://micechat.com/54370-blackfish-backlash/


also, you can hear an interview with the author of the article on my podcast. His episode is here http://micechat.com/55406-disafterdark-not-a-zoo/

Edited by Nick Soapdish
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Yeah, it's not as completely clear cut as either side want it to seem - but it makes for fascinating reading on both sides when you start following it. I think it was just a couple of days ago that SeaWorld posted a 'response' of 70-odd things they claim Blackfish is wrong about, and the film makers responded to that with a rebuttal from their point of view to show that SeaWorld's wrong about what they say Blackfish is wrong about. It's a story that I think will just keep rumbling on for ages.


As my other post will show, I'm definitely siding with Blackfish but at least I'm basing that on having done further research and reading after watching it - so at least I feel reasonably informed about it!


(Thanks for the links by the way)

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