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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Wasn't Neil Blomkamp meant to be rebooting it from Aliens as if the shitty sequels never happened but Scott pulled the plug to make more shitty Prometheus films?


Anyway, Blair Witch was fucking intense! I didn't realise it was more of a Evil Dead 2 sequel/remake but yeah I've never been so immersed in a horror ever. They have some great scares and some scenes have you gasping for air. Just a great horror experience.

Blomkamp was asked by Ridley Scott to stop working on Alien 5 and promoting it until he's finished Alien: Covenent. Supposedly he also asked for some of the script so it wouldn't conflict with the Prometheus timeline.


At the moment its indefinatly suspended, more than likely to gauge what the numbers are like for Covenent. But if they just went ahead with it regardless I'm sure it would pull the numbers in. The concept art looks great, Newt and Hicks are supposedly back and even Bill Paxton has expressed and interest in playing Hudson again supposedly.


To retcon Alien 3 and Resurrection would be personally a dream come true but I don't think it'll get done. No matter how much Sigourney Weaver says she wants to do it.

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Wasn't Neil Blomkamp meant to be rebooting it from Aliens as if the shitty sequels never happened but Scott pulled the plug to make more shitty Prometheus films?


Anyway, Blair Witch was fucking intense! I didn't realise it was more of a Evil Dead 2 sequel/remake but yeah I've never been so immersed in a horror ever. They have some great scares and some scenes have you gasping for air. Just a great horror experience.

Blomkamp was asked by Ridley Scott to stop working on Alien 5 and promoting it until he's finished Alien: Covenent. Supposedly he also asked for some of the script so it wouldn't conflict with the Prometheus timeline.


At the moment its indefinatly suspended, more than likely to gauge what the numbers are like for Covenent. But if they just went ahead with it regardless I'm sure it would pull the numbers in. The concept art looks great, Newt and Hicks are supposedly back and even Bill Paxton has expressed and interest in playing Hudson again supposedly.


To retcon Alien 3 and Resurrection would be personally a dream come true but I don't think it'll get done. No matter how much Sigourney Weaver says she wants to do it.



It was all a bit cloak and dagger it getting stopped. it wouldn't affect the the Prometheus timeline as it would be set hundreds of years after that storyline. I'm pretty sure it was mainly pulled due to the majority of the feedback of the concept art being 'I hope its better than that shitty Prometheus movie' 


So jealous you went to see it live Branquey. What bits did they balls up on. How does the live music work with the audio from the film?

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I love Paxton. One of my favourite actors of all time, and with Hudson being one of favourite characters of all time (as is Paxtons Chet),I still say there's no way they could bring him back without retconning the entire final third of Aliens.


I really hope Blomkamp gets his vision out of his head and onto the screen, as I'd sooner a sequel to Aliens than a sequel to Prometheus, which was only hurried into production to put the brakes on Blomkamps' flick, because Ridley Scott is a tad brattish.


It was great live Chokey. I can't stress the fucking joy of hearing Bishops Countdown live...twice.

Sometimes the sound from the movie was inaudible when the score was pumping, but for the most part it was a nice mix.

The fuck ups from memory were:

1) When the Aliens title comes on the screen at the start and the 'I' encompasses the sceen, the cymbal and cello are supposed to go in time with it. Fuck it, this bit here:


But instead, the cymbal/wipe bit started here, which didn't make any fucking sense:



2) When the facehugger in the tank jumps at the glass/Burke, they missed their cue and banged their cello strings with the sticks immediately after the jump scare.


3) When the fucking glorious 'Futile Escape' kicks in at full pelt for the first time, right after Hicks goes "Drake! We are leaving", the rhythm section fucked up and just started banging what sounded like an out of tune floor tom at random, putting everyone off and a lot of the violinists and brass fucked up and lost time and you could see the conductor stewing, so they two lads at the back on rhythm were replaced after the interval and the orchestra redeemed themselves at the second attempt (at Futile Escape).

But it fucked me off because I adore that whole sequence when the marines get decimated, the panic, Ripley driving the tank, all because the score is fucking pulsating and heightens the whole scene 100 fold, but the cunts fucked it up.


I know I sound a miserly cunt, but I paid 120 bob for two tickets and it was a bit shit for the first half.

But again, can't speak highly enough of the whole experience after the interval (Interval hit after Newt's famous 'Mostly come out at night...mostly' line)


Oh, and it was the theatrical cut too, which is nowhere near as good as the Directors Cut.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Have to echo the Paxton love and love his turn in True Lies as Simon and also recently loved him in Marvel's Agents of Shield as John Garrett.


Hudson staying alive is a long shot as he's only shown being dragged down by yhe aliens but never expressly killed off but fuck it even a Hudson flashback would make me smile. My biggest concern would be how CGI Bishop would be considering Lance Henriksen is now 75. Obviously he'd be a voiceover if Bishop is brought back and there is no reason why not.


Did you ever find the Director's Cut just a bit off with the voices. Kinda like every charecter is speaking at 90 percent speed. Happens on the VHS, DVD and BluRay.


I am actually concerned with Alien: Covenant. Noomi Rapace having a limited part and Danny McBride being in it and as much as I love Prometheus after a few viewings now its going to have to be bloody good to get some of that Prometheus stink off it.

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Watched 3 more films off my horror list today


1st was the 1980 film The Monster Club, starring Vincent Price and John Carradine, while I liked the music and style of the film, the first two segments bored me with only the third keeping my interest due to the presence of Donald Pleasence and Britt Ekland


2nd was a B movie from 1959 called The Killer Shrews, this was utter dross, the plot was ridiculous (like most B movies) and the acting was completely wooden. Even the titular shrews looked like obvious puppets rather than have some realism about them like in most killer animal/bird/insect films of the time


Lastly I watched the 1933 film The Ghoul starring one of my horror icons, Boris Karloff in the titular role. This was a fantastic watch, the 77 minute run time flys over and the restoration work on the print (the original copy) was simply stunning. Highly recommended

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Yeah, they were supposed to be rats that were supposed to be biting the Jewish prisoners. Director used bloody hamsters. Obviously in bad taste, but some of those Naziploitation films are quite fun. "Gestapos Last Orgy" being probably the best one, IMO. I remember the soundtrack being oddly brilliant in it too.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Yeah, they were supposed to be rats that were supposed to be biting the Jewish prisoners. Director used bloody hamsters. Obviously in bad taste, but some of those Naziploitation films are quite fun. "Gestapos Last Orgy" being probably the best one, IMO. I remember the soundtrack being oddly brilliant in it too.


Gestapo's Last Orgy is the best one, but The Beast in Heat is the BEST one — they're all pretty terrible, but the stupidity of Beast makes it the best.

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Like many of you I'm doing the 31 days of horror challenge except in my own daft little mind I've dubbed it Slashtober and will exclusively watch slasher movies from my collection.


Last night I kicked it off with the Bluray of Sorority House Massacre. I'd only seen this one once before a year or so ago. Essentially it's your standard US college slasher. Group of girls at a sorority get bumped off by a madman type deal. I must of had a bad day because its way more fun than I gave it credit for initially. Its got nearly everything I need in a slasher. Garish neon 80's clothes and running in the wrong direction instead of the front door. There's a fair amount of dodgy acting and delightfully cack music.





Anyone fancy picking my next choice? The family are out and I fancy it


Check out my collection here and make a pick. I'll watch whatever is suggested first.



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The Collector and the Collection went under the radar which was a shame as they were quite good films, I'd do them next.

Oohh yeah great pick. The Collectors very underated IMO. One of the few movies that actually creeps me out a bit. The Collection sucks big time but I'll give it another go tomorow.

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