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To be totally honest with you Gallows is always a lot more intresting in shoots and YouTube clips then his ring work or promo stuff. EC3 has been a real surprise for me though

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If Gallows and Mike Knox were as entertaining inside the ring as they were outside of it, they'd be amazing. Neither has ever really brought it out on camera, sadly. There was a periscope video with Gallows and Knox that was uploaded (and sadly disappeared) from Japan last week, and I was pissing myself laughing. They are just so funny together. And they were both around 6'6. You'd think someone would be able to do something with them outside of the multiple man stable thing they always seem to do.


The best those two have looked post-WWE were probably that run in TNA before Bully Ray turned. Its funny, when they were under masks, they were treated as if they were fucking Hall and Nash or something. When they took them off it was almost as if they were "we cant push this pair, they've got WWE midcard written all over them." Which sadly for them, was around one of the few times TNA were trying to push the likes of Aries, Roode, Daniels, Kaz and Storm ahead of the pack. TNA dropped the ball on them I reckon. They could have made a quality team. I just think they need a booker who encourages them to be themselves on camera, and not play bikers or circus leaders or whatever the fuck.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Lowest viewing figures ever for Impact on DA last night. Just 318,000 total, 267,000 first airing & 51,000 for the replay.


This was down substantially from the 451,000 total who watched the previous week's live show, with all the surprise returns & Jarrett, etc. I guess the live show didn't exactly work in spiking interest for this week did it?


Last night was also the show that featured a bunch of matches they specifically took off the ppv because they wanted TV ratings.

Edited by ClassicsGuy
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EC3 is excellent, he could stroll onto Raw right now and immediately not look out of place at the top of the card.


I'm pretty sure WWE did have big plans for him at one point with the USA Guy gimmick but then he was suddenly released.


Would love to see him back,

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Chris Masters, Drew Gallows, Drew Mcintyre, and even John Morrison were all having cracking matches on Superstars around 2011, they usually started with no one giving a shit and by the end most of the crowd were loving the matches and they didn't need any gimmicks to draw them in just good in ring storytelling.


I always preferred the Isiah Cash gimmick for Gallows in Ring Ka King, it was a clear Undertaker American Bad Ass ripoff but it worked and that gimmick was 13 years ago anyway.

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It's clearly the same physical belt, but there's not been any suggestion that it's the same title lineage renamed (as they did with Legends > Global > Television) as far as I've noticed.


The endgame, one would assume, is that Jeff will "take it to GFW" and it'll morph into their top title, with a new belt, and probably Jeff vacating it in favour of letting some of their guys compete for it.  I guess whether or not it's renamed will depend on how "King of the Mountain" has been trademarked in a wrestling sense.


Referring to the top champ as "King of the Mountain" kinda works for me, as long as it's just that and not "King of the Mountain Champion". If they can't go with that, I'd like to see them use "Global [Heavyweight] Champion" instead of the same old "World".

Edited by Statto
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GHC is already in use ~ NOAH's Title, albeit that it stands for something different. King of the Mountain just brings back horrible memories of late-WCW, with Jarrett repeating that & "stroke", ad nauseam. God I hated him and not in a don't like him, but give him his due sort of way, but in a please fuck off and die sort of way.

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