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He took the money and fucked off. Check his twitter. He hasn't been on it since 2012. There's footage that they filmed, but if you saw it you'd wonder why he needed $100,000 for it.


Didn't he do this Underground stuff aswel? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chlTOY80V4E



Just scrolled down the video and its confirmed "Directed by: Jeff Katz"

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He took the money and fucked off. Check his twitter. He hasn't been on it since 2012. There's footage that they filmed, but if you saw it you'd wonder why he needed $100,000 for it.


Didn't he do this Underground stuff aswel? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chlTOY80V4E



Just scrolled down the video and its confirmed "Directed by: Jeff Katz"



$100,000. Find a disused warehouse, rent a ring, and hire bunch of teenagers. Not a bad profit margin.

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He took the money and fucked off. Check his twitter. He hasn't been on it since 2012. There's footage that they filmed, but if you saw it you'd wonder why he needed $100,000 for it.


Didn't he do this Underground stuff aswel? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chlTOY80V4E



Just scrolled down the video and its confirmed "Directed by: Jeff Katz"



$100,000. Find a disused warehouse, rent a ring, and hire bunch of teenagers. Not a bad profit margin.



I know the Young Bucks were on it, Don't know about the rest.

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Take that idea, have it presented by Bas Rutten and starring wrestlers like Hernandez, Doc, Mike Knox and you'd be onto a winner.  As it is.... isn't the presenter the son from American Dad?

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Still enjoying Impact as un-newsworthy as it is. The "pick your own predictable tag partner" gimmick is weird but I thought Spud/EY were a really good team. Spud is such a great underdog (although yeah, anyone who's ever been to a BritWres show in the 2000's knows that already).


Show also included one of the worst promos I've seen this year from BRAM. But maybe I just think that because his big end to the promo was to tell us all his name was fucking BRAM.


Quite looing forward to Roode/Lashley next week.

Edited by Benno
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No more TNA listed after the 19th of November. They were supposed to be doing Best Of shows, but I suppose that's been kicked into touch.



The Best Of's don't start until December, its well known the Impact tapings wrap up this month, not really newsworthy.

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News worthy enough for Spike to have to explain themselves to the Observer.

The Spike website is listing the movie End of Watch for the Wednesday, November 26th time slot -- the first week that would have had "Best of Impact Wrestling" programming that was orginally talked about for the remainder of the year.

It's been reported that Spike will continue airing Impact in December and this is only a one night thing.  However, Spike also said that they have not determined whether Impact will air on either Dec. 24 or Dec. 31. A Spike official said that the change was made because 11/26 (Thanksgiving eve) is usually a weak night for television. 

The Wednesday, November 19th show is the final original episode as TNA has no events scheduled in November to do new tapings. However, there are plans not announced for future tapings.



Please tell me what is news worthy in future, as I didnt realise I had to run it by you before I posted something on here.

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Because its thanksgiving? A night well known for truly sucking ratings wise for channels like Spike, Its in TNA's own interest if it doesn't air then because it would be embarrassing. So maybe I do? I've they've taken a lot of unfair criticism these past few months where as I've found the shows to be solid and very entertaining, certainly since the NYC tapings.

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The thing is Psygnosis, the issue isn't with the shows not being solid or entertaining. In fact, a lot of people on here have said how much the shows have improved entertainment-wise compared to last year.


The problem, which everyone is clearly highlighting here, is that the company probably won't be around much longer.

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Psygnsosis, what is wrong with TNA that you could actually blame TNA for?


Because I swear the rate this is going, you are going to be in full on conspiracy theory mode when this potentially hits the fan.


Not really, because if they do go out of business, I'd be glad to see them go out on a high.


Until TNA officially say themselves whats going on, i.e going out of business/new TV deal, nobody will know because ever since it was announced TNA would no longer be on Spike the reporting has been poor. 'They'll announce something in 10 days' 'They'll be on Velocity' 'They'll be on WGN America' 'They'll stay with Spike for less money' 'They'll be out of business in 2015' nobody knows, the only things they've announced are international TV Deal renewals and certain wrestlers signing deals.

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