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Goddammit. I hate that Jeff Hardy "Willow" get-up two fold- one, it looks crap, and two, so long as TNA are willing to let him do shit like that, he won't ever want to leave and return to the greener pastures of WWE.


Say what you want about Jeff Hardy, he's one of the few main event level guys that could return to WWE and every feud would be fresh. His main event feuds were Triple H (semi-retired), Edge (fully retired) and CM Punk (gone). The only slight revisit would be Randy Orton, but even that feud was only a month long, and that match at the Rumble was one of the best non-gimmick bouts he's had IMO.


But sure, let's have him fuck around in a forest wearing a silly mask and let him wrestle Abyss for the 500th time.

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Hardy coming back would be good, but WWE really needs to sort out two of their biggest problems: Writing actual stories so they can fill TV time without burning out every match; and establishing some other top heels. There's Randy Orton, then there's Del Rio who nobody cares about, then there's Bray Wyatt. That's about it. The Shield cover a gap with six mans, but when they split and Reigns goes singles, that won't be happening anymore. Will Ambrose get shoved up the card? Will Sheamus turn heel? They need to do something.

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Reminds me a lot of the Bo Selecta send up of Marilyn Manson. If it means we get him asking Eric Bischoff if he has a quim then i'm all for it.


"It's Jeff Har-wwwwicked."




:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Ohhhh thank you that gave me a gut laugh but also chillingly reminded of Mr.Noseybonk :(


Instead of a sheep mask they should have have given Rowan a noseybonk, still has the ability to frighten to this day.


likewise mime artists, hateful bastards..

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If Willow Hardy teams with or faces The Great Muta, in a cage, i think we're on to one of the best Lockdowns yet.


And yes, as soon as Rhodes is available again, bring back Black Reign, and Rellik!! RUSSO!!!!~~~


The ratings are up, anyway. Weird.

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Also add Vampiro just for the sake of it ;)


Yeah I noticed the ratings have been some of the best in a long while, now I don't mean people are wrong about not enjoying TNA (if they don't) but if they can keep Impacts ratings in the region they I think they will have a much easier time getting that much needed Spike contract. I can't see Jarrets idea taking it's spot at least.

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The ratings are up because the Cops lead in means more people are watching at the start and therefor the rating is a better average than it would be without a popular lead in. Their ratings patterns recently have shown a shocking consistency of people tuning out before each segment ends (like it always does). So what you get is a big opening and the rest of the show is people turning off every segment. TNT did this when they debuted Robin Hood and let the Giant and Hogan match on WCW Nitro overrun so Robin Hood would look like it got a mega rating. The worst thing for TNA is, their demos have been shocking for months now. There's a lot of weeks they aren't even making the top 100 in the 18-49 demos. Getting hammered by reruns of Dora The Explorer and shit.


I wonder how they'll do opposite NXT? I wonder if that would harm them in any way.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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When you start the shows off with a 1.40 and go as low as a 1.1, you tend to believe the lead in has something to do with it. Either that or the shows are so unappealing people feel they need to turn off. TNA's shows up and down all the time anyway. They'll always do what they do. The shows recently have had no Hogan, Styles, Hardy, Sting and have been built the same old stories they always do (authority figures, couples breaking up etc) and people less popular that those mentioned. And the ratings haven't suffered from it. TNA have the audience they will always have for better or worse. It'll never got past a certain level and as long as there's no wrestling on the opposite side, it'll never go down past a certain level. Surely nobody there gets excited about ratings going up anymore. If Spike resigns them they know what they are getting. A good rating on a Thursdays. Its whether they feel they are worth giving more or less money to. TV rights fees are TNA's goal for extra revenue in 2014.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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That's different I don't get excited about ratings as they do not have a bearing on wether I enjoy something or not. The reason why I am pleased that TNA have recently gained viewers is that it enhances the chances that they will remian on television. Currently Impact is okay, not great but I look forward to it and I would miss it if it were to vanish from television. Obviously it remains to be seen if Impact can retain or even improve on their current viewership but I hope they can.

Edited by FireBrand
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Are those tights Anderson had on for the casket match with Bully not the most hideous piece of ring attire ever conceived? Good Lord.


I liked the skull mike design, but the colour was awful. By the way, what does D.T.O.M. stand for? It's not "Don't Tread On Me", is it?


Didn't mind this week's show so much, although there were parts of it that were really quite poor, production-wise. Sound switching into mono a couple of times for a period before switching back, chunks being cut out so it looks like the footage skipped - not very professional, and surprising that they seemed to have lost their grip on something they seemed to have down before.


Not particularly impressed with The Wolves, but The Bromans did pretty well. Still love the whole stable, it's a great gimmick and I hope they hold on to the belts for a long time, or at least keep being given a specific direction with interesting things to do.


Love that Curryman is back, and I find myself enjoying the Sabin/Velvet storyline too. That said, was not impressed by Alpha Female's debut. Nothing particularly stood out, and even seemed a bit sloppy. I find it odd, because the few occasions I've seen her before, she was a lot more impressive.


The EY/Abyss storyline isn't too bad, either. I'm interested in seeing where Abyss/Joseph Park goes and how things change up. He's still a pretty good promo, is ol' Abyss.


Having had where Bobby Roode's going spoiled for me, I've no real interest until they get to when he next shows up.


Loved MVP's debut match; always enjoy seeing Spud on TV, especially when he jobs like that.


Anderson still only generates apathy from me at the moment, although I do see Ian's point that he's actually turned out to be a relatively solid hand - just a shame it's come far too late to make much of a difference. I don't know what Bully Ray's character is, but I don't like this attempt to be Raven that he's been. Between his gear, his history, his name and so on, he just doesn't fit the whole religious-gibberish-spouting deal. He's much better being a crass boor who tries to intimidate people.


Willow - the promo is mind-boggling, although part of me thinks that, in a weird, twisted way, there is a small, however unlikely, chance that this could work. I'd say it's 95% certain to fail, but there's a small germ of potential in there, possibly.

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