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That's why it's up to Angle to show he's a changed man. I'd say he's more on the list with Scott Hall rather than that Savage list of alleged pedoness; WWE didn't even let Hall go to the HOF to watch his mate get inducted, because he's also a liability - but you can see him getting back into the fold if he can prove he's finally clean and can stay out of bother for an extended period of time.


It's a complete leap of faith, but they've given another chance to former messes like Road Dogg, Goldust, Billy Gunn and William Regal etc, once they proved they can stay clean.

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He phoned them in 2011, and they never even returned his calls. They want nothing to do with him. This isn't even a case of writing him out of history. They just dont want to do business with someone who most consider a complete psychopath. Hall, Regal and Road Dogg weren't released because they actually thought they was going to die at any moment. Angle was still one of their biggest stars and most popular acts when he got let go. When they released Regal they did everything they could to help him. Angle is unlike anyone. Angle doesn't bury himself in the drink and pills and go missing for days. He's a machine, who's performances dont suffer whatever pain he's in or whatever he's taking. He's frighteningly intense. He's a big can of worms, because in a lot of ways WWE are accountable for the state he's in and I'm sure they dont want to bring him back to face that music. They allowed him so much rope when he should have been healing in the early 2000s. He wrestled so many times when he couldn't feel one of his arms or they'd wheel him through an airport in a wheelchair because he couldn't move his legs. Most fans and people in wrestling dont expect him to be in his 60s visiting conventions. Most are shocked he's still alive now. His life over the last decade has been filled with agony and drugs to mask his pain. Angle was released in 2006 because they didn't want him to die. They told him "come back in 6 months and we'll help you". But he went and signed with TNA. And look at how TNA has treated him. He gets away with murder. He should have been released after his second DUI (arguably the first, but I can understand you give big stars more slack). But FOUR DUIs? Maybe if he'd have been in a different environment, things could have worked out for him, but he's been rewarded for his poor choices time and time again in TNA. They never wanted to lose him, and he always got away with murder.


In 2013, the way WWE is run, I just can't fathom them bringing Kurt Angle back. He's just got out of rehab 7 years after they told him to sort himself out. And he's back on the road the first chance he can get. His problems aren't behind him. And everyone in the world knows Kurt Angle. His DUI's make news. He's an Olympic Gold Medalist and a world famous pro wrestler. If he dies on their watch, they really dont need it. After all the hard work they've put into rehabbing their image, for Angle to turn up drive home pissed as a newt and get arrested or even worse have a heart attack in an airport, it would be disastrous for the company.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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While some of your points are valid, I'm still not having that it's completely improbable he might turn up in WWE, Angle has shown in the past with his wrestling that he can be insanely disciplined (granted, as well as being destructive) and this is the first time he's supposedly went to rehab (on WWE's dime) and properly got off his nightly cocktail of booze and pills. Maybe I'm being blinded by my fandom, but you hope Angle can get to a position where he's not a mess.


The trouble is, can he stay off the gear while he's floating about TNA, I think we both agree that TNA isn't good for Angle, I agree that they don't really seem to care about what he gets up to.

Edited by Blackson Jackson
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You also have to ask what would happen if Angle went through WWE's pre-screening tests. Last year Mick Foley was to feud with Dean Ambrose and they determined after testing that he should never wrestle again. Just imagine what it would be like with Angle.

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Apparently TNA are in negotiations for a new contract with Hulk. I can't envisage he'll be offered anywhere near the deal he was on before, if he does, Dixie Carter is officially off her rocker. The only situation I can envisage is if Spike pick up the tab as he's a household name to sell the show on I suppose.

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Its never been any secret TNA want Hogan to stay. They dont give a fuck about AJ Styles or Bobby Roode (people who actually wrestle for them). They'll fuck them about on contracts for months on end, but they'll walk through glass to keep Hogan. Another reason they want to re-sign Hogan is because the company is more valuable to people wanting to buy it. If they sign Hogan, its an investment to sell this thing off in the next few months, because a money mark is more likely to get involved if there's a famous wrestler at the head of it. From what I'm reading, TNA are the ones waving the money saying "please stay" and its all down to whether Hogan can make more money in WWE or if WWE is willing to pay him that money. Which they may or may not do. TNA is guaranteed money for little work for a bunch of people Hogan knows he can walk all over. Where as Vince and Hogan will have another falling out. They always do. So WWE will always be a risk, because that relationship always goes tits up.


I said earlier in the thread, its 60/40 on the side of TNA whether he'll stay or go to WWE. I think there wouldn't be a chance Hogan would leave if it was any other year, but from an ego point of view I imagine he'd find the idea of returning to WWE for WrestleMania 30 hard to pass up.


On the TNA front, I'm hoping Hogan doesnt go back to TNA, because I'd like to see TNA have their ducks in a row in 2014. If they get new owners, its more than likely nobody would be daft enough to keep the name "TNA". I'd like to see a fresh start with no Hogan, no Dixie (and in turn all those shite self serving bellends that work for them, like Bob Ryder who have been there since the first day in Nashville), no shite name, in a different location and try and build a company up from the ashes. I dont want to see Hulk Hogan's Midget Championship Wrestling, only using actual wrestlers on Challenge every week.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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It's a real shame that in 2013, Hulk Hogan is the most valuable asset that TNA has, AJ Styles and or Bobby Roode should be the most valuable to TNA and until they stop relying on guys WWE made and start making guys of their own, they'll never get out of the mess they are currently in. I mean seriously, why is it so difficult for them to promote their own guys to the point where they can promote themselves successfully?

Edited by GPW Kristian Zane
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To be fair, Hogan's probably a more valuable asset, even nowadays, than practically anyone else in the wrestling business. His name recognition is superior to all others.


Years ago, we had a "make TNA bigger" fantasy booking thread, and my main thought was "get Hogan and make him commissioner". Having a big name like Hogan on tv, setting up matches and making heels look heelish, is a good thing for an upcoming company




that's all he is. But since TNA signed Hogan, he's been the absolute centre of the booking as well, with most storylines eventually revolving into him. But he can't wrestle, so you get a face-off, and then nothing.


And it should have been in Hogan's contract that he has to pimp TNA on every interview he does, he has so wear an Impact Wrestling t-shirt all the time, he spends x number of days a month doing promo work for the company.


The way it's been (of course, because he's a smart man), he's got what he wanted out of the deal a lot more than they did.




As it stands, I'm with Ian. TNA needs a reset, they need a fresh start. No Hogan/Sting/Angle. Drop TNA from the headed paper, and just go with Impact Wrestling for everything. Hire in a few more decent wrestlers, refocus on your go-to guys, no more beat-the-boss storylines for at least 12 months.


They can STILL put on decent telly, and decent matches, but at this stage that's mainly down to the quality of their roster. But they've stood still in the last 3 years where WWE have improved and invested. There was a point where TNA had arguably a better roster and a better product. That's not nearly true any more. Making Bully champ was their last trump, it seems. Since then, they've been creatively bankrupt, and management of the business has gone very wrong.

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They were probably scared to push too much with Hogan for fear of not getting him.


It's depressing to read about Angle. To be honest, I'd assumed he was better than he was as he doesn't look so skinny and is still wrestling 100mph. It amazes me he can go like he does at his age. I would love to see him on a relaxed contract with WWE where he only does so many dates. As much as I think he could tear it up with all the new wrestlers, for his sake it would be good to have him on certain PPVs.


I'm surprised they never did fully change from TNA to Impact Wrestling. It sounds like two different promotion names they're using. That's what I thought was happening when it first came about.

Edited by Sphinx
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Does anyone remember the episode(s) of WCW Nitro and Thunder where a commentator essentially explained from a TV studio that things have got shite and they're going to be back with an improved show, in the meantime here's some highlight matches to watch?

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Drop TNA from the headed paper, and just go with Impact Wrestling for everything.


I thought that's where they were going when they changed the colours of the TV show. It baffles me that they drifted back to using the 'TNA' name from there.

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Nobody seemed to know what was going on at the time. You had Hogan and Bischoff saying in interviews that the company was now called Impact Wrestling, then you had Jeff Jarrett saying it was called TNA. They could have slowly phased the TNA name out if that's the direction they wanted to take, but not when ambassadors are constantly contradicting themselves over it.

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Bischoff and Hogan are smart enough to know that wrestling groups are always walking up a steep hill when trying to get a wrestling promotion enough clout to attract decent sponsors, a name like TNA is up there with Suicide in numpty branding. It's very Dixie Carter to ignore the advice of Hogoff and decide to listen to the "but TNA has 10 years of our hard work behind it" talk she no doubt got from the folk that should have been fired years ago.


I always remember that time Velvet Sky and Angelina Love went on Soccer AM to promote the show. Not only did both look a bit rough, but once they said they worked for "TNA" there was a mixture of "Oi! Oi!" and laughter. Hogan has even said in the past that when he's told folk he works for a company called TNA they've given him strange looks (true or false, you get his point).


Anyway, 10+ years in and the TNA brand has meant nothing, in fact if anything it's a brand that has the stigma of being the symbol of nonsense in sports entertainment. I know for a fact there are a healthy chunk of wrestling fans out there that won't touch TNA because it's been disparaged for years.


If I was Viacom or some other random, I'd be burning everything but the tape library and Sting's jackets.

Edited by Blackson Jackson
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How valuable is Hogan really? I mean, people know who he is, but he's made no difference to the ratings, and if I tell my friends he's on TNA they go "hulk hogan? Isn't he like 70? He's still doing wrestling? What a joke", rather than any enthusiasm towards him at all

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