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MetsFan4Ever, the bloke on Reddit who gives away results beforehand, had this to say:


I can confirm that there is at least a good amount of interest from Triple H in giving Samoa Joe a look. I've been told that Triple H is interested in giving Joe a run in NXT. Vince McMahon is however not so interested, but there might be a push within the next few weeks at giving Joe at least a tryout run. I haven't received word if Joe is even interested in coming to WWE / NXT.

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MetsFan4Ever, the bloke on Reddit who occasionally successfully guesses results beforehand, had this to say:



I can confirm that there is at least a good amount of interest from Triple H in giving Samoa Joe a look. I've been told that Triple H is interested in giving Joe a run in NXT. Vince McMahon is however not so interested, but there might be a push within the next few weeks at giving Joe at least a tryout run. I haven't received word if Joe is even interested in coming to WWE / NXT.

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Isn't Russo a NY Mets fan? (Iseem to recall him wearing jerseys in WCW, but that could have just been "look at me, I'm from New York") and is just posting bullshit under an alias to work the net marks

In all fairness, a lot of his bullshit has been fairly spot on.

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