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Someone should tell her that just because they run in front of 300 people doesn't mean her audience have a club who this pair are. Austin Aries and Low Ki had been on their TV years prior and even they got advertised in advance on the off chance people were expecting a bit more. Just fucking tell us in advance who they are. That isn't hard to do. All they had to do last week was get some footage of them and announce they were on the show. And then let them do their thing. Its just so mind numbing.


The hint should have been "it's not John Morrison, its not MVP, its not Carlito, its not Alex Shelley, its two blokes who did jobs on NXT last month and who were deemed not worthy of signing to $750 a week deals". At least we'd have lowered our standards somewhat for this secret surprise she's promising.



My brain must be numb as well because when I saw the hint I thought "DR. EE?, Who is that".


...but of course...

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If it is indeed Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards is there a chance they may get added as last minute additions to the UK tour?

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I've recorded and briefly skimmed through Hardcore Justice which aired last night on Challenge. I have to say this is exactly what TNA should have been doing for a long time now. It's got a unique feel about it and doesn't seem like a shit duplicate of the WWE. Even with the small arena they've used they still manage to make it look massive. The only problem I have is at the moment I don't have any interest in TNA in the slightest.

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