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They were working forward through all the console wrestling games in history, and ran out of time while on the ps1.


Really good listen, especially as they cover some obscure and not UK stuff too

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Fucking HELL the guy doing the Clash review on Review A Wai with Pollock this week is absolutely infuriating. A motormouthed 2003 internet guy just fast-talking over everything without a breath and hardly any funny lines. Wai's tremendous anyway, but Christ was he missed in this one.

Agreed, I absolutely love Review-A-Wai (and Review-A-Raw, to a lesser extent) but this guy was horrendous. He wouldn't shut up for more than 10 seconds without interrupting with "DUDE!!" followed by some failed attempt at humour or pointless observation. Pollock and Ting are such a great duo, the shows always suffer when one of them (particularly Wai) is missing. That singer they have on every now and again is pretty bad too, but not on the level of this guy.
I didn't mind him so much. In comparison to Alex Greenfield (who has the most annoying voice in podcasts and perhaps the world) he certainly wasn't so bad. Was a bit weird to hear Pollock quiet. He must have cut John off a good few times too. Sort of threw the rhythm of the show out of whack. Normally you have Pollock recap, then give opinion then throw to Wai for his opinion. This was just the other guy itching to jump in. It didn't seem like they talked it through beforehand.


But Greenfield, fuck. He's on Review an Impact and his voice is just grating. "UM " "I KNOW" "I was live tweeting this on twitter"



Edited by Cobra1000
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Just to drop this here rather than create a thread for it, the latest Squared Circle Gazette Radio is up, as we talk from April to June of 1997 in our Monday Night War Timeline. Accompanied as always by inside notes from the Wrestling Observer Newsletters of the time, the panel discusses all the key talking points such as on-air shoot promos, the overwhelming tensions leading to backstage fights with Bret Vs. Shawn and Nash Vs. Piper, the rise of babyface Steve Austin against the Hart Foundation, the shocking original plan for The Undertaker's "secret", Sting continues to hunt Hulk Hogan, epic stories of Sid, constantly changing plans, and WCW makes a little-known historic mistake for the ages. With all the facts and figures of the quarter, we have a fascinating look back this week, check it out and let me know what you think!



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Looking forward to this one as the fallout from Uncensored and build to Spring Stampede was the period I started watching Nitro regularly which built towards my priorities shifting heavily to WCW for a couple of years. Will return and post thoughts later.

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Just started listening to the Ric Flair podcast, and am really enjoying it. Just a thought for other Howard Stern fans, think of Flair saying "It Is" at the end of every sentence. It just sounds right.

Edited by Thunderplex
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What was the original plan for Takers secret?

That he was actually the Underfaker and he had permanently taken over the real Undertakers identity after defeating him at Summerslam 94



It is mentioned in the Observer that "Brian Lee was briefly considered for the role, but will instead be teaming with Crush as the Nielsen Death Squad. That's a joke", but according to Meltzer that wasn't the idea, and isn't what we talk about on the podcast.

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I wish the AE Podcast would put out episodes more regularly but apparently all three guys now live in different towns/cities now so it's harder for them to all get together to record. They are pretty much on-par with Review-A-Wai and the New Gen guys are up there aswell.


I've totally stopped listening to WhatsNXT and ReviewAnImpact. Both shows got really grating really fast.

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Nah, AEPodcast has ran of steam for me. NewGen is the best one going purely for it's subject being covered (and Paul Scrivens) being a tremendously funny quirky Partridge like man). Review a Wai is the constant, it's always really strong. But yeah, I've gone way off the AEPodcast.

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