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Maybe Piper is getting mixed up with another time he blacked up. I imagine he's done it a few times in his personal life. Probably did the inside out lips thing as well.


Piper did disown his kid for marrying a Mexican for what its worth.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Piper has been dropped from Podcast One. He thinks Austin grassed him up, because Piper advertised Steve Austin and had Will Sasso doing an impression instead.


The popular theory that nobody listens to Piper's podcast and its never in the top 10 in its catagory is more believable.


Good news. I tried Piper's podcast when he started it and actually persisted with it through a couple of episodes despite the fact that it was absolute unlistenable rubbish. Just garbled bullshit and growly noises spewing out of his head non-stop. It was unbearable. Because he's such a lunatic with so little credibility these days, you can't even take any enjoyment out of any of the old-time stories he tells, because you know he's forgotten the real story and is making something up instead. 



I'm still annoyed that he got away with the Pat Patterson bullshit a year ago. He strongly implies in his KC interview that Pat Patterson did something to him, comes across as very sad and heavy in the interview. You immediately hate Pat Patterson after watching it.


It was weird enough for many people to question about it later, Piper angrily replies to it on his podcast and reveals that Pat did absolutely nothing to him and anyone that thought he did from that interview is a "sick, twisted, subhuman" person. Despite the fact that he clearly implied something happened. Plus lots of...  


absolute unlistenable rubbish. Just garbled bullshit and growly noises spewing out of his head non-stop. 


Someone could easily watch the KC interview, not have heard Piper's podcast, see Pat Patterson in the street and kick the absolute fuck out of him for something he didn't do. Piper is a dangerous fucking idiot. I hope he is mentally ill, because that's a good excuse for his reckless ramblings.


Here's a video featuring both parts. But its long and rambling, your brain will melt.



I've even taken the awesome and iconic Hot Rod ringer off my amazon wish list. He's such an idiot.


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Piper is one of the only Kayfabe Commentaries I physically couldn't sit through for more than 30 minutes. Just appalling stuff.


Shame because I did like him once upon a time. I just can't handle the rambling and nonsense that comes out of his gob.

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I actually have never liked Piper as I didn't start watching till about 93 so he was out his prime by that point. But that Kayfabe stuff is scary, I can only imagine he was off his nut during that interview and he thought that would garner intrest. He seems absolutely frazzled at this point in his life.

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There're 3 people that I don't believe a word that comes out of their mouths: Hogan, Piper, and Sonnen. Honourable mention: Kurt Angle.

Surely Brutus Beefcake is on that list too. I'll never forget him telling the story of DDP hitting him with a chair (in the back) which then caused his head to gush blood "20 feet into the crowd"

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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He never said the back. He said the back of the head. He told DDP to his him in the back, which he chose not to. Its a true story (the 20 feet is obviously an exaggeration). DDP lashed him in the head with a chair on Nitro and split him open. Beefcake of course, has a metal plate in his head after his accident in 1990 and everyone was always careful with him after that. A guy in his condition should never be taking shots to the head.

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I have to do a complete 180 on the Flair pod. I gave up too soon. I listened to the rest of the Bret one and it was really good. Flair can take an absolute age to ask a question but he's fun with it and once Bret loosened up it was an interesting chat. Agree with the comments on Conrad. He just helped it along nicely without trying to be a star. Pro.

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FYI, Austins latest, first 30 minutes is him talking about taking a ring off his finger... I mean, it's great but still...


I can totally see why some people would soon tire of Austin's show, but I still love it. Nobody else could get away with some of the shit he does to try to fill two shows a week, but he's just so funny in the way that he talks that I could listen to him ramble about just about anything.


Also, thanks to all the Good Brothers in this thread for recommending Flair's show. I've added that into my subscription list now and am very much enjoying them.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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Great stuff from all involved on that one. I never knew that Sting/Savage/DDP/A.N. Other could have been the extra team at Uncensored (YAY!) instead of Piper, Jarrett and Mongo (ugh). At first I thought that would have been outstanding as I really thought there was legs in that "Sting and Savage - we don't know whose side they are on, but they're mates" thing they briefly ran before SuperBrawl, but realistically a 12-man eliminator doesn't really lend itself to the SUDDEN reveal to answer the question of "whose side is he/are they on" the way that Sting dropping in at the end of the match actually did. It's another superb bookend along with Fall Brawl 96 - the beginning and end of that part of Sting's story were both awesome. The story behind the original plans for the Final Four was also really interesting, I had always assumed the concept was thrown together in the fallout from deciding not to have Hitman win the Rumble so was surprised to hear Shawn was originally meant to be in it.


Get a good kick out of some of the reactions to what was great and even more so for what was terrible. I think Chase is probably the one whose tastes might be closest to my own but I could listen to Karl kick off about what he hates all day long. Going to have to revisit the editions that pre-date my starting to listen, round about the best/worst Rumbles episode. As a man who watched every Raw of the 90s and has seen every Nitro from the start to the point analogue TNT went down, I bet there's loads in there that I don't actually know about and there's plenty of shit that I want to hear what you guys thought of it. (cough) Yeti (cough)

Agree on the Sting/Savage point completely - I loved the idea of Sting leading his own group of disenfranchised guys (Savage seemed refreshed after his break, and I was a big DDP fan), and thought there could have been legs to it.


But thanks for the feedback, the timeline shows take a while to prepare but I think they're totally worth it for the added perspective they give. I do vaguely remember an ad for Final Four in the WWF Magazine that pictured those four guys too, come to think about it.


Ahhhh analogue TNT. Couldn't wait for Cartoon Network to end and for those streets to set on fire...

Edited by Liam O'Rourke
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I do vaguely remember an ad for Final Four in the WWF Magazine that pictured those four guys too, come to think about it.


Fuck me, you're not wrong. I regularly leaf through my old Raws and the ad for that PPV has a shot of Austin and Bret swinging punches blended back to back with Shawn and Sid duking it out. I just thought it was the generic "wrestlers that will be wrestling on the PPV" shot and never put two and two together that originally that was going to be the four-corners.

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