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Wrestling Pod Casts / Radio Interviews


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As always, Triple H seems like a cool dude. However, if you've watched his DVD(s) you'll have heard nearly everything he discussed with Jericho. I don't hate Jericho as much as some on here, but he isn't very good during this interview. Instead of asking some interesting follow up question, or being somewhat engaging, he spends the time fake laughing worse than Jimmy Fallon.


I'm sure I'm not the only one that listened to this and thought "I wish Triple H was on Austin's show".

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Jericho's probably a safe bet for Triple H to do a podcast with -- he's in WWE so it's more convenient to find a mutual time, and Jericho's whole interview gimmick is that sycophantic fake laugh. Austin is more likely to do ask dodgy stuff or pursue lines of questioning. That said, I just listened to it and thought it was a good, fun conversation. Seemed very brief though. Looking forward to part two.


Edit: Was just watching a bit of the Kevin Nash KC Timeline on Youtube and noticed a contradiction between him and this Triple H interview. The time when the kliq threatened to not wrestle and Vince flew out to have a secret meeting with them, Nash says they told Triple H to stay in his hotel room but wishes they'd had him in the meeting so he'd have been more bulletproof by the time the curtain call happened. Triple H's version is that he was in the meeting because Vince told him to stay.

Edited by King Pitcos
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What other Kevin Steen shows are good?just finished his one with Compton which was hilarious.


I must have looked a right idiot on the bus home trying to stifle my laughter when Compton was telling the Guns N' Roses concert story.

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The Tony Schiavone on JRs was great - was going to skip it until someone here said it was a sleeper.


Pt1 of Batista was excellent - just started Pt2.


Loving the wrestling Podcasts lately - Austin's is the best though. Also have a load of old Observers lined up from around the time WWF bought WCW.

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I wish I could find the Arnold Soundboard prank call. Little made me laugh so hard as Dave's complete inability to register it as a prank until Bryan points it out.


Arnold: Good morning. How are you?

Dave: Doin' good.

Arnold: Whats da matta?

Dave: *confused pause* Nothing's the matter?


He's got a blind spot for pranks. Like the caller who asked him about Bret Hart buying a mansion off of Monty Burns.

"I know he has that place up in Calgary?"

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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