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Loved part 2 of Foley on Austin's. The story about mistakenly texting Vince made me laugh. Hopefully there are more Foley additions on the podcast down the road. The two had great chemistry and their friendship really comes off which is great to hear when they just start havinfba laugh.

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Well hell, I'll plug my own here - our show is called Squared Circle Gazette Radio, and we typically just pick a random topic each week and do a roundtable discussion, taking people's feedback on the subject. This weeks was about whether the positives of the nWo angle outweighed the negatives in the long run, which you can listen to here:




Feedback is always appreciated, was a very fun show to do :-)

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Jesse Venturas we the people podcast has Roddy piper on this week, Its a good interview were they go into how close there tv show tag team was to being made and a cool story about how Jesse proved in court how commentary is very important to how a wrestling match is viewed. It can be found here http://podcastone.com/program?action=viewProgram&programID=662

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Quick heads up that Heyman's podcast with Austin dropped today.


When did people start saying that word in that context? It has to be around the same time that "having a blast" came into British verbiage.



I've only just started using it really. Instead of saying a YouTube video or podcast has been broadcast or whatever, it just seems to fit the context a bit better.





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i know Mick Foley's been taking a lot of flack amongst wrestling fans over the past couple of years but the 2 parter on the Austin podcast reminded me why i loved the guy so much, excellent stuff.

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Yeah, when he's not whinging he's still very easy to listen to. More of this Foley please.


Catching up with some Art of Wrestling's recently and the Buff Bagwell episode was a belter. What a lovely man he is, apart from shooting his Dad and all.

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Yeah, when he's not whinging he's still very easy to listen to. More of this Foley please.


Catching up with some Art of Wrestling's recently and the Buff Bagwell episode was a belter. What a lovely man he is, apart from shooting his Dad and all.


apart from anything Austin does, the Buff episode of AOW was one of my fav's to listen too. it was a slow week and i really wasn't expecting much from Buff's stories so it really caught me off guard how much i enjoyed it.

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The last 20 minutes or so of Heyman's latest appearance on Stone Cold's podcast are quite fascinating, when they're talking about the Cena-Lesnar storyline. Up until that point, though, it is just rehashing Heyman's backstory... And he's always a great talker, his intelligence and memory are incredible, but it's stuff that has been told loads lately with the DVD and all the interviews he's done about it.

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Yeah, I was quite bored with the majority of it, as I've heard it all before. The part where both men are talking about the potential evolution of the Cena character is probably better than anything WWE will eventually do with the angle, as it's a risk. I truly hope I'm wrong, as it would make for some excellent TV and you know Cena is going to create great content with it; potentially the best promos of his career.

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