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The Random/Weird/Quirky Photo Thread


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Was TNA Matt's last proper run then? He's going to be the Marty Jannetty of his generation. Except he was never really that good.


Disagree with that. He was great as V1. You could see why people would be fooled that he was the Shawn. Shame they didn't stick with the gimmick.


The Hardy Boyz were an odd pair, though, in terms of following singles careers - Matt was more solid in the ring and the V1 gimmick, being his first singles persona, suggested he was the more talented of the two, especially given that Jeff hadn't really gotten to grips with his craft yet, was still very botchy, hadn't learned quite how to exploit his natural charisma and tended to rely too much on high spots to get over.


It was only later, when Jeff developed, and Matt failed to do so in every way except outwards, that the illusion was shattered.

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Fully agree with what Carbomb has said there. For a while, Matt was having the most consistently solid matches on Smackdown, week in, week out (for my tastes). I was really quite a fan of his during that time, and my loyalty still hung around into the period when there was a brief little fad on here for having about 5 concurrent threads called

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Here is a list of some of the facts, on an angelfire page no less!





Some of these are brilliant. I can't help feeling like "Matt rarely uses turn signals" and "Matt has survived 5 car crashes" might be somewhat related.


Also funny to see how many of them are about food, in hindsight. That one you said isn't there though.

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