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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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His WWE TV age is about 25 though, isn't it. A ready made star just about to hit his prime. Plus unlike a lot of daft lads from the indies, he was mostly smart with his bumps in TNA and hopefully isn't carrying too many hidden injuries.


I wonder that about AJ actually. I fucking love him and want him to have 5 or 6 good years at the top but he's nearly 40 isn't he?! His style can't have garaunteed him the longest shelf life can it. And Joe, for that matter.

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AJ was hammering the DDP yoga around the time of the debut to try and sort his back out.


I'm so pleased that WWE have ran with AJ as I thought his age would work against him and lead him ultimately just being a solid hand in the upper mid card. He's making no bones about the fact that he's looking to finish his career in WWE and has recently mentioned working on the performance centre. Maybe he's got one eye on that already.


Wasn't his contract for two years? It'll be telling how long his contract renewal is for in January 2018.

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In a year full of remarkable stories on and off WWE screens, the arrival and ascent of AJ Styles probably has to be #1. I hope he's a lifer now, he put a fucking mad shift in paying his dues at TNA for all of this. That sort of run would have killed lesser talents, or at least killed their mojo. It required some luck with the John Lauranitis era of talent development being phased out for HHH's internet gratification generation, but AJ was truly one who deserved it either way.

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Are the Insane Clown Posse up to much these days?  WWE might have a couple of weeks work for them until the craze dies down after Halloween.

But WWE do not really seem to take advantage of current crazes or have their finger on the pulse, so they will probably have Doink return or a clown debut around January next year for the Rumble.

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But WWE do not really seem to take advantage of current crazes or have their finger on the pulse

Oh I don't know. TJ Perkins doing "the dab" every five minutes makes me appreciate his cutting edge coolness all the more each time.

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HHH vs Cactus Jack from Royal Rumble 2000 is driving me bonkers. More specifically, about 7 minutes into the match (Network timing 1:16:45) - the crowd seem like they're chanting 'boooooring, boooooring' and the commentators cover for it by saying how they're chanting 'Foley'. Are they really chanting 'boring'? Or is it actually Foley? Someone please help :(

Edited by Otto Dem Wanz
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