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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Getting fed up of the bumps on the side of the ring in WWE and commentators overzealously pointing out, “That’s the hardest part of the ring!” Can’t remember which match it was at SummerSlam, but it pointed it out three times in the space of about a minute by I think JBL. And there’s the problem: I can’t even remember what match it was, so it’s just increased risk of injury for no memorable gain.

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Yeah, they kept forcing that phrase as a direct synonym for "apron," sounding every bit as awkward and contrived as saying "WWE Universe" every time they mean "crowd" or "fans."


EDIT: Also, in all of that, they never once explained why it's the hardest part of the ring. Many fans who've never seen a naked wrestling ring before just had to suppress their imaginations and take the announcers' word for it, instead of actually picturing an iron girder and what that would do to a man's spine.

Edited by Uncle Zeb
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Was it last Summerslam they began to really integrate these apron bumps more? They can be good used right but we're seeing too many. Use only in the biggest matches and in angles to write lads off telly, like when Owens came in. By this point you can imagine Balor selling the ring apron powerbomb by running about pointing at turnbuckles


But yeah, I remember noticing them loads in last year's 'Slam, then reading it was in attempt to integrate some of the "ROH style" into their own, eliminating presumably some people's need to find a WWE alternative. Now I've been a huge ROH fan at points, but I can't say a factor for tuning in was ever..apron bumps

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Scenario: WWE doesn't release anyone from their contracts for the next 3 years (apart from Mojo Rawley :thumbsup: ). Excluding anyone who gets fired for doing dodgy shit, and given the standards of some of talent in it these days, is their anyone on the current roster (not including NXT) that doesn't end up in the Hall Of Fame at some point? With the access we get to WWE superstars these days with social media, network and .com stuff surely everyone has a case that they were a big enough star?

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Jim Johnstone, Dale Oliver, Jimmy Hart, Harry Slash and even those new lads CFO$. Nobody better when it comes to making wrestling music over the past 20 years or so, right? Wrong. The guys that did the music for the WWF Attitude game should have scored anything to do with wrestling from 1999 onwards.


Been trying to find a decent playlist on YouTube for the CAW themes for ages now, and stumbled across this today whilst trying to get my Into Dawada fix:




(once you scroll past the boring real themes, you get to the proper stuff)



Obviously Into Dawada, which we all used for our Mean Street Posse CAWs was superb, but there's more greatness in this game.


For All Da Ladies- I strongly suspect that a lot of lads age lost their virginity with this playing in the background on the CAW theme selection screen. Jodeci ain't got shit on this, it's so smooth that Trevor Nelson should've been playing this on his Radio 1 show.


Let's Legislate- Brilliant! The Guv'nor is arguably a better character than most wrestlers that have appeared on our screens since '99, and he wasn't even real- just a collection of voiceover soundbites and this fantastic theme. He needs a heel run at the top, there's still time.


Crimson Grin- Obviously this was used for our Sid creations. This is so good, chilling with a screeching guitar riff. Really kicks in around the 1:00 mark.


But perhaps the best one, Agent X. Around this time, David Arnold was fucking about with Sheryl Crow and Garbage for Bond themes, yet he should've just ripped this off. It would've made that smarmy Pierce Brosnan much more interesting with 'I've had my eye on you' in the background. Greatest spy theme of all time.


The rest are just as good. Eyes of the Chicken has 'main event face run' written all over it, Pajamarana allows you to create that much-needed Eurotrash techno stable, with Judge This and Gladness you have the perfect Good VS Evil feud ready to go and then Hurt Me Please provides you with a theme fitting for that lower card Gimp gimmick.


Whoever made this music (may well have been Jim Johnstone for all I know), bring them in!

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What a corker of a post.

Some cracking themes. Repackage Mark Henry, put some white slacks on him and give him the imapalamoney as his theme.

Have him doing some body guard shit for someone like Charlotte.



Bloody hell, Sticky World.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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Sticky World was very Talking Heads/Devo from what I remember. Obviously Agent X's is the best.


The 'taunts' from the characters were great too. Pin me and pay me! Even the actual wrestler's taunts were great. "That's MR. Ass to you"

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The 'taunts' from the characters were great too. Pin me and pay me! Even the actual wrestler's taunts were great. "That's MR. Ass to you"

I loved Goldust's.


In WWF War Zone, he'd say, "Ya know, you really suck!"


Then in Attitude he'd hark back to that with, "I told you you really sucked!"

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