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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I'm starting to think Foley is on the windup. He's obviously aware that the internet thinks he's a pervert so he's just playing it out.

He has a reputation for being notoriously thin skinned doesn't he? Doesn't take criticism well so I've been led to believe.

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I think Foley's fairly odd but what's creepier in reality? Driving long distance to watch women's wrestling and posting about it on facebook or some lad on here saying he'd let Alexa Bliss shit in his mouth? If Foley said that about Lynch straight-up like one of the boyz, would that make him more or less creepy?

Also in reality terms, the new generation of women coming through are probably extremely grateful for his persistent promotion of them. It's not like he's just spaffing over Melina.

Edited by sj5522
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The Melina stuff was weird. Him driving to see the women's match not so much as he was on a road trip with his autistic son,and ditching car and flying not so great an option

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I'm starting to think Foley is on the windup. He's obviously aware that the internet thinks he's a pervert so he's just playing it out.

He has a reputation for being notoriously thin skinned doesn't he? Doesn't take criticism well so I've been led to believe.


His anti hardcore run in ECW was born out a fan sign of all things. A shitty sign granted but 9/10 wrestlers probably don't even read fan signs let alone create a stroppy charcater/story because of one.


He's always been thin skinned. It's just more noticeable now thanks to social media and the Internet in general.


That ECW run was great though.




Didn't he also have a massive strop because Meltzer critisised a promo?

Edited by The King Of Swing
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Was sitting having a quick pint with a mate earlier outside and some guy was sitting there with his 6 or 7 year old daughter and she was watching WWE on her iPad and I heard her dad say to some couple opposite him that she's obsessed with WWE.


Now we know that WWE is a lot more family friendly these days but it still kinda annoys me when you hear parents claim that their kids are really into wrestling as if they follow the storylines and stuff.  Or maybe it's just a case of us older fans that's watched it for 20 + years find it awkward that we're still watching something that the kids do. 

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Was sitting having a quick pint with a mate earlier outside and some guy was sitting there with his 6 or 7 year old daughter and she was watching WWE on her iPad and I heard her dad say to some couple opposite him that she's obsessed with WWE.


Now we know that WWE is a lot more family friendly these days but it still kinda annoys me when you hear parents claim that their kids are really into wrestling as if they follow the storylines and stuff. Or maybe it's just a case of us older fans that's watched it for 20 + years find it awkward that we're still watching something that the kids do.

Not sure what your issue is.

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