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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Just a thought about the "it's a bit shit now" / "failing to make new stars" conversations that have been going on in several threads. I'm re-watching NXT Arrival for the first time in ages, and Cesaro is in the opener. Now, Cesaro's a bloke that for a while I thought could have been a big deal, but they didn't bother going all the way or just gave up on him for a while and he got stuck in the "everyone stays midcard" quagmire. They've just made a comment about him that "he recently pinned the World Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton." I'd completely forgotten about this, which sums everything up perfectly for me. For a guy where Cesaro was to defeat an established main event star like Orton - WHILE HE WAS CHAMPION - should have gone somewhere for Cesaro and at the very least, should not be so easily forgettable. World Champions losing non-title matches that end up meaning nothing simply shouldn't happen.

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I'm no fan of his whatsoever, like, at all, but if they could think of a really good topline programme he could sink his teeth into, Chris Jericho would probably be a great get for them for Mania.


His diminishing returns have been VERY diminishing, but it's an indictment of how smalltime everybody feels on the show that in the right story with the right opponent, he'd could be in a match resembling a proper main event.


EDIT: What about going long in the Rumble and actually winning it. That's credibility for your World Title match at least. And as much as Jericho gets on my tits, he's really good at long Rumble appearances, even if the announcers are shite at properly putting stuff like that over these days. His surprise one in 2013 (or 14? You know the one) was mint.

Edited by NEWM
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Haha, yeah you're right. The fuck was I thinking?


I guess the bigger point was that if you have someone who once upon a time had pedigree, in theory they understand how to get themselves, the programme and most importantly, their opponent over. I'm pulling names out of my arse here, but let's just say a Bubba Ray Dudley or Jeff Jarrett was in a position to put one of the current half decent babyfaces over nice and strong at Mania, maybe if booked well it would at least look like a marquee match for their giant show. Jericho was just the first person who seemed available or possible who slotted into that idea really. That's a challenge in itself, who's even out there to perform such a task?

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Things are probably weak enough now that Jericho could come back and be presented as a big deal. Definitely not in one of the top three WrestleMania matches though, fucksake NEWM. 



For a guy where Cesaro was to defeat an established main event star like Orton - WHILE HE WAS CHAMPION - should have gone somewhere for Cesaro and at the very least, should not be so easily forgettable. World Champions losing non-title matches that end up meaning nothing simply shouldn't happen.


Something did happen from there though. He split from his tag team partner, won the big battle royal and got on the top manager's books. But his shortcomings mean they'll always lose interest after a bit. Really, while it is true that the likes of Cesaro should never be beating world champions, 2014 Randy Orton meant very little as a champion, anyway. For all the upset at the time that Daniel Bryan was being buried by the Authority storyline for the first six months, Orton was the real loser there. At least Seth Rollins as the Authority's paper champion was annoying, and new at the top, and had his two little mates for a bit. When Orton was in that spot, he was just a bland proxy apart from The Rick Rude Day. Him losing to a tag team wrestler on Smackdown and it not being a big deal, nor a fluke, does sum Randy's run up quite well.

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Yeah sorry Pity, won't happen again. In my last post I briefly thought about how great it would be if money and ego were cast aside and CM Punk was brought back in. I think I must be coming down with something.

Edited by NEWM
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WWE's best-case scenario now would be for Punk to decide the real fight training isn't going the way he wanted it to, and agree to come back to the fake stuff on a part-time, big-money deal. He could waltz into a WrestleMania 32 main event against Triple H or Roman Reigns. Or even against Cena.


As for someone who could come in and put a babyface like Dean Ambrose over at WrestleMania, Jericho might be the best shout. They've already laid the groundwork for that one, too. The trick would be in presenting it in a way that it doesn't have that rote "Jericho comes back to put someone over" feel. Although at Ambrose's level, does a win over Chris Jericho do a great deal for him? He's at/above that level already. They'd have to overegg Jericho's return as though it's on par with The Rock or Austin (or at least Batista) coming back, and not have him taking twenty minutes to beat Neville in a middle of Smackdown match.

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The problem with Jericho in recent years is that WWE have had him put over people who ultimately have achieved nothing. Putting over Wyatt did nothing for him in the long run. Fandango beat him clean at Wrestlemania and now he's lucky to make an appearance on Superstars never mind Raw. Pretty sure he also put over Curtis Axel a couple of times. Jericho is someone now who can be used effectively in a mid card role to build up talent but in order to do this he has to go over lesser stars like Axel, Fandango etc in order for him to be effective when he does put over an actual star. A strong mid card match with someone like Rusev, Ambrose or Sheamus would be a decent fit for Wrestlemania.

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They should be throwing money at Jeff Hardy when his TNA contract comes up, not a full time deal just TV taping and PPVs.


If Bobby Lashley can get the Bellator World Title then a feud with Lesner could be money, their current champ hasn't defended his belt since April 2014 and has been taking fights in Russia lately, I could see Scott Coker stripping him and looking at their heavyweight division, Bobby Lashley is one of their better guys. Him and Brock are huge and if Lashley has a MMA world title, then the match would seem much bigger, given both guys backgrounds.

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WWE's best-case scenario now would be for Punk to decide the real fight training isn't going the way he wanted it to, and agree to come back to the fake stuff on a part-time, big-money deal. He could waltz into a WrestleMania 32 main event against Triple H or Roman Reigns. Or even against Cena.



As much as I'd obviously love it, he can't come back till he's had a few real fights or he'd look a twat. Also the other obvious drawback would be he'd have to wrestle HHH, anything else just wouldn't make sense. We've already seen that and it wasn't the best. Only difference now would be Punk shouting "you fired me on my wedding day!"

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They should be throwing money at Jeff Hardy when his TNA contract comes up, not a full time deal just TV taping and PPVs.


If Bobby Lashley can get the Bellator World Title then a feud with Lesner could be money, their current champ hasn't defended his belt since April 2014 and has been taking fights in Russia lately, I could see Scott Coker stripping him and looking at their heavyweight division, Bobby Lashley is one of their better guys. Him and Brock are huge and if Lashley has a MMA world title, then the match would seem much bigger, given both guys backgrounds.

Why did Lashley leave WWE in the first place?

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