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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I think he ended up working a few shows though, tagging with Bret against Owen and the Bulldog until Davey Boy signed with the WWF around Summerslam of that year.


Bruce seconded Bret to the ring in singles matches against Owen on house shows in the weeks preceding SummerSlam, but he didn't get in the ring himself.


With Jack Lanza addressing him as "the school teacher" when going over the match. Bruce had negative respect in the locker room. Guarantee if Bret didnt replace him, someone else would have. The idea of Bruce vs Bret Hart in a year long program just doesn't compute in my brain. Cant even get a good vision of it in my brain.


Well, I don't care what anyone says. Bruce, and his shades, are my favourite Hart and I'd have loved to have seen him on TV hilariously putting himself over more.

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Well, I don't care what anyone says. Bruce, and his shades, are my favourite Hart and I'd have loved to have seen him on TV hilariously putting himself over more.


Bret would've had his stroke years sooner. Bruce is the perfect foil for him. Bret there craving respect from everyone, desperate to be taken as seriously as he takes himself, and having to stave off competition from Lex Luger for the top babyface spot... And getting saddled with this clown for 1994. For anyone who enjoys Bret Hart's misery, Bruce would have been the best option ever. He'd have been in business for himself every single night and absolutely ruined Bret's plans. As Hart family glorious dickheads go, Bruce is miles better than his successor Teddy.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Isn't it a "you'll be throwing this towel in" type of thing. Like how Bob Backlund used to carry his towel everywhere with him. Maybe it'll play into a storyline eventually. Nikki Bella will throw in the towel when they want to beat Cena, but not have him do a clean job.


Saying that, its just a shitty little tea towel isnt it? Like it should have a picture in tribute to the royal wedding on it. They should have had Flair bring a tea towel out. And a plate of stottie cakes.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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If this was 1995 there would've been some guy standing near the ring telling you how easy it is to purchase your very own Cena tea towel. The way they used to plug Shawn's merch while he was walking down to the ring on a couple of PPV's was pathetic.  The HBK sunglasses and posters etc.

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The way they used to plug Shawn's merch while he was walking down to the ring on a couple of PPV's was pathetic.  The HBK sunglasses and posters etc.


In honour of the Rumble, I've trebled up on the merch photo. Quadrupled if you count the t-shirt, although I was wearing that already.



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