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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Slightly left field but Heyman recently said that the one match he wished he'd booked in ECW was Misawa vs Kobashi. That would have been special in front of that crowd pre-internet. The Cena or Sting vs Undertaker streak matches. Was there ever a chance of seeing Hogan vs Cena? Kurt Angle vs CM Punk would have been good too.

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I'd like to say Savage versus almost anyone remaining from the Attitude era, such as The Rock, Stone Cold, Edge, Triple H, not to mention against a more experienced HBK, but I'm guessing we'd have to take into account the injury he suffered in wCw that ruined him.

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I was and still and a big fan of Taz from his ecw days, he had a great badass look with thick stocky build,tattoo's and Mohawk (a look I have now oddly enough), his work was believable and solid and was a decent promo.


Shame he didnt get a better run in wwe, his debut was great but after that he had a pointless feud with the bossman and albert that didnt go anywhere and then got stuck in the hardcore division (even though he wasnt really a 'hardcore' wrestler), I know he was a short arse but at the time there was no reason to put him against Taker, Show etc when he could've had good midcard stuff with Jericho, Benoit etc 


Not a huge waste but still.

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Watching the WCW Nitros/PPVs from the birth of the NWO onwards and I'm only in December 1996 and I'm already sick to fucking death of them. Why did this bullshit win ratings wars? Was WWF incredibly shit or something?
It already takes up half the shows and includes Virgil, IRS, Scott Norton and a load of other wank, and it's due to carry on for another fucking 4 years! WHAT? HOW?

Eric Bischoff is garbage too.

Edited by FelatioLips
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Because the nWo was unlike anything seen previously, Hulk Hogan was still the biggest star in the industry. The nWo were cool, they had a load of ex-WWF names that you could see every week for free and the actually wrestling was great. Nitro had the perfect blend at the time. That was 18 years ago remember. I'm sure people were saying the same thing in 1996 about wrestling 18 years previous.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I completely agree and have said so many times. The nWo run was about 80% repetitive shite or no marks. People loved it though. And WCW did have a variety of acts that made the shows decent outside of the nWo although time has ruined some of it. Benoit too.

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The Four Horsemen, even the Benoit/Mongo/Flair/Arn one that they have currently is 1000x cooler than the NWO. Actually, just Arn and Flair because Mongo is shit, and the first words I heard out of Benoit's mouth were "Talk to the hand...because the man just don't understand".

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I think at the moment it's Sami Zayn but will eventually turn out to be Darren Young.


I've read rumours that it could be Zayn, but I'm sure I saw the Bunny's wrists the other week and he had black skin. I'd love to knar what the pay off of the whole gimmick is supposed to be anyways. Shelton Benjamin's tweet from the other day got it spot on. 

Edited by GavinSAFC
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Because I had no idea what you're talking about, I just went to his Twitter.


I assume this is the tweet you're referencing... What's spot on about it?



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