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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I remember when Bischoff left WCW a few months later, Awesome seemed to be getting punished for his salary with the gimmicks they gave him.

I remember the That 70s Guy gimmick, but don't recall it being much more than "here's Mike Awesome. In a Hawaiian shirt."


You'll know Ian, was that the extent of it or were there crazy vignettes where he drove around in a Cortina or something?

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I remember when Bischoff left WCW a few months later, Awesome seemed to be getting punished for his salary with the gimmicks they gave him.

I remember the That 70s Guy gimmick, but don't recall it being much more than "here's Mike Awesome. In a Hawaiian shirt."


You'll know Ian, was that the extent of it or were there crazy vignettes where he drove around in a Cortina or something?

He had his own short-lived interview segment called the Lava Lamp Lounge and had an old school bus that he'd arrive to the arena in. And Gary Coleman turned up once to get guitared by Jeff Jarrett. Other than that not a lot really.

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I remember when Bischoff left WCW a few months later, Awesome seemed to be getting punished for his salary with the gimmicks they gave him.

I remember the That 70s Guy gimmick, but don't recall it being much more than "here's Mike Awesome. In a Hawaiian shirt."


You'll know Ian, was that the extent of it or were there crazy vignettes where he drove around in a Cortina or something?


The fat Chick Thriller or something along those lines was another one. His gimmick was he liked fat women! The worst booking of anything I've ever seen, was Mike Awesome doing commentary whilst Lance Storm fought Booker T. The wrestlers were doing high spots in the ring whilst the camera cut away to Awesome feeding a woman a doughnut. Just pitiful.

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I hate the way Kane has a wig stuck to his mask these days, it was ok when you didn't know if it was his real hair or not but as it is it doesn't sit right with me. His mask looks shit at the moment as well, it's always on his face wonkily. They should've tried a new mask design for this run that looked good on a bald head, it would be a bit fresher and more intimidating.

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Here's an interesting column that was posted today about the writer's famous friend. You can probably twig who.


Natalie Slater, @bakeanddestroy


My friend can't go to Target. He can't go to Great America, the grocery store or any mall anywhere. It's been a long time since I've seen him escape a restaurant without getting Instagrammed by diners at nearby tables. People mob him in the airport and tweet angrily when he doesn't stop to sign autographs because he has a flight to catch.


My friend is famous, and it sucks.


When we first met, he told me he was going to be a pro wrestler and I couldn't wait. Pro wrestlers were ballers -- they rode in limousines, wore sequined robes and married fine ladies with big hair. Most importantly, they were famous, and to a girl who grew up in a town with gravel roads and no sidewalks, fame and fortune meant instant happiness.


Five years later, he was making enough money wrestling to quit his "real job." He was still carpooling to shows with other wrestlers to save on gas money, crashing on couches and eating fast food, but he wasn't wearing a name tag or sitting in a cubicle. And that was about as much as he'd ever hoped for -- he was ecstatic.


Now, he's the recently retired seven-time World Champion, and he's one of the most isolated people I've ever known. A few weeks ago he found a young fan and his mom cramming Easter candy into the mail slot of his front door. Just before that, he walked out of his back door to throw out the trash only to be met by fans camped out in his alley for hours just to see him.


We get mad about how much of our information Facebook is selling to advertisers, and this guy has people stalking his Dumpster. But if he complains, people roll their eyes and say if they had his money, they wouldn't complain about anything. The money? I'm sure he likes it just fine, but I often wonder how much of it he would trade to be able to go to a Cubs game without it ending up on TMZ.


The nervous ninny in me lives with the constant fear that someone's going to stab him. On the rare occasion I can get him out of the house I get to witness how overbearing and creepy people are toward him. "Bodyguard!" my husband and I nag. "That's stupid," he says. "What am I going to do, drag some guy around with me forever? Why can't people just leave me alone?"


Seeing my childhood notions of fame bastardized every time we hang out, I'm secretly glad it's him and not me. I can't imagine finally being able to do anything I wanted to, financially, but not being able to do any of it in peace. Being on a flight to some far-off land and not being excited about it because there's nowhere to hide on an airplane and everyone is staring at me. Think about my friend the next time you buy anti-diarrheal medicine at Walgreens and no one tweets about it. I do.


From here: http://www.redeyechicago.com/news/redeye-m...,5530389.column

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This is Natalie Slater for those interested.



Its the bad thing about having the fan base he has. He attracts absolute weirdos who think they're on his level. If you have this non-superstar image, you're going to get pondlife following you about asking to sign ROH DVDs.

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Adam Rose's music has a bit of that shouty Fratelli-esque hook about it. I kept singing that "de der de de HEY! der de de de der" bit on repeat yesterday, risking the few people at work who don't think I'm a bit odd finally joining the bandwagon.


Also the catchphrase bit doesn't work. It's all a bit Kinky John because the cadence is all wrong. "It's party time, all the time!" Ok, that's fine if it's in isolation. But if you're going to follow it up with something else, I think it really needs to rhyme, because whenever I hear him then say "Don't be a lemon, be a -" I want to go "LIME!" even though it doesn't make sense. "Be a rosebud" is a shite payoff.


"Get your pants off... we're humans, not insects!"

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Its the bad thing about having the fan base he has. He attracts absolute weirdos who think they're on his level. If you have this non-superstar image, you're going to get pondlife following you about asking to sign ROH DVDs.

Quoted for truth. Nail on the head assessment, that. Impossible to feel sorry for him and having his mates making embarrassing public statements like that really doesn't help his cause. She's got his fucking name in the window of her shop in that picture there, the hypocrite.


Love that moan about a young fan and his mum posting sweets through his letterbox. THE UTTER BASTARDS!


Absolutely mind-boggling that this is a man that gets upset that he's not in the main event at WrestleMania, then complains about fans wanting his autograph.

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