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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I reckon it could be Sheamus.


Sheamus and Del Rio are too big on their own for that spot. Hope they give it to someone though, Zeb, Swaggie and another man is a good combo.

I think you're massively overestimating their spots. Particularly del Rios. He's a nothing right now


I think that's because Del Rio is supposed to be leaving when his contract is up.

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They should give him another Real American to team with Swagger, can't think who'd fit the bill.


Might be a nice way to bring Bo Dallas in and instantly give him meaning.


Nah they should bring back the king of the ring just for him.


King Dallas would be epic.

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I'm watching the 1991 run of WWF Superstars for the first time in ages. It would get a lot of people off drugs, if you played these at rehab centres. The colours and the over the top goings on would be a great replacement for whatever high they were previously on. Its like taking an E seeing Mr Perfect in that yellow singlet. Anyway, Vince McMahon loses the plot somewhat. I dont know if its the coke he was (allegedly) on or what, but Vince is on commentary and when Demolition hit their finisher Vince begins to discuss the dangers of the move in the Royal Rumble "that's one way you can win the Rumble, you can be pinned, you can be submitted, you can be DQ'd and you can be throw over the top". What's he talking about? This is a bloke who competes with his own sneezes and doesn't like to look weak and he cant remember the rules of the biggest gimmick match of the era? Shame on Vince.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I think that's because Del Rio is supposed to be leaving when his contract is up.

Dunno where you heard this but if so, good. He's dull as ditchwater.


Despite Alberto always being dull as fuck out of the ring and never really actually being over in his whole WWE run I must say the guy is great in the ring. He nearly always gets the crowd into his matches when at the start they didn't give anything close to a shit.

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Del Rio has really been given a chance too, he was brought in when everyone was coming through NXT but he bypassed it totally and was pretty much put in the main event scene straight away and they've kept him hovering around there, they must have really wanted him to succeed, he's yet to get the Swagger/Ryback/Ziggler/Sandow massive de-push, they've kept him at a certain level and he's almost lived up to it at points but never quite enough. It's only now I really see him floundering. I still say it would all have been different if he'd come in in a mask like he was supposed to, the visual impact of a masked wrestler in a suit getting out of a hundred thousand dollar car is a money and it sucks it never happened.

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There was no NXT back then. He was in development in FCW for a while there under various names.


I'm sure the Nexus era NXT was in full swing when Del Rio was put on WWE TV, I remember thinking "How come this new guy isn't part of NXT, they must have big plans for him".

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Its because Del Rio is the son of Dos Caras and had leverage. The Nexus lot were on NXT because they were told to be. Del Rio had ready turned them down a few years prior, so they knew he wasn't desperate for work. Not many 2nd generation bilingual Latin wrestlers around. And pretty much nobody who has a good look and could talk. He had upside out the arsehole when those vignettes first played. They were getting it so right with him. Shame. He's never doing anything of note now. It'd be hard to get him into a position where anyone gives a toss again.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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The presentation of Del Rio was excellent when he first debuted, with the limousines and Ricardo as his personal ring announcer/man servant. It was a can't-miss heel character and it got him over. I wouldn't say I was ever mad about him, but since they stripped all that stuff away from him and stopped investing effort into his character he's become total white noise, which is a shame because he is a very good worker, solid talker and better facials than 95% of the roster.

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Someone on here mentioned "Real Estate Steve" in relation to Sting.


I was just thinking to myself how WCW really dropped the ball in '97. They could have built to that Starrcade match in much the same way except Real Estate Steve was stalking Hogan from the rafters for a year looking his rent money. And then when/if he comes into WWE they run a bunch of skits where he's chasing rent arrears and some of the tenants tell him how much they loved Sting/Flair but he just tells them fuck you you owe me money.

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You could have had Steve evict members of the nWo leading up to it. A video plays on the big screen of VK Wallstreet begging Steve not to take their home from them, due to a bad investment (the irony being that the IRS are after the former IRS and Wallstreet has been behind on his money.). The skit ends with a 10 year old Windham Rotunda rocking away in the corner with a grin on his face plotting all kinds of revenge in the future as he turns more and more bitter.


Perfectly setting up Bray vs Sting at WrestleMania 31.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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